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So how do we get them to do that? Registered pure breeds are declining, if its not promotion then what is it?

You can lead a horse to water as the saying goes...

If people want to research they will, if they don't they won't - nothing you can do about it.

I think registered pure breed breeders need to advertise in places that the average person looks at for a puppy

Trading Post


Local Paper

These places are full of BYB and very few pure bred puppies - go to the buyers !

I think pets are on a big decline everywhere -

Many people don't have time, or expenses for pets these days.

I agree mainstream advertising is key, I don't think pets are declining overall there are still huge numbers of pets in this country but responsibility for them isn't high up on the list of priorities, hence why we seem to see dogs bought and dumped on a whim.

I didn't do much (read any) research before I bought my dogs, in the past we just picked up a dog from the trading post or a giveaway and that was all there was to it. Now that lifestyles are so time poor breed choice is becoming more critical as people don't have as much outside time as they used to and are under more pressure from work etc so are less able to deal with challenging behaviours.

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public awareness!!!

when it comes to the general population, most people are clueless about general health and inherited conditions and there is a false sense of security when their idea of 'healthy' is buying a purebred dog...but unless the breeder has tested/screen/ or eliminated certain traits from their program then the consumer is not going to be getting what they're expecting, because they didn't realize that not all purebred dogs will be created equal and unless they're health tested/screened by their breeders before breeding then it is like comparing apples to oranges.

So until people realize there's more to it than just price and 'papers' people will continually think that they're getting quality healthy dogs when it is really just a genetic (unlucky or lucky) lottery no different to having a mutt.

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