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Scan Or Not?


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A question to all the breeders out there, do you get your bitches scanned to confirm pregnancy or do you just wait and see?

My bitch was AI'd 3 weeks ago and the vet suggested having a scan at 28 days to see if anything is in there but while talking to a work colleague today (who breeds and shows Pharoh Hounds) she said don't bother and just wait and see.

This is my first litter and this bitch means the world to me and I want to know if she is pregnant and also how many pups to expect but I don't want to do anything or stress her out if not necessary.

Opinions please :)

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Scan - I want to know sooner rather then later to plan things.

Just remember counts etc are not always right - ultrasounds should be used to confirm pregnancy and not numbers.

If you want to know numbers xray at 8 weeks - mind you they have also been known to be wrong.

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Thanks, I was all set to do it until this lady suggested not to (and she made it sound like I'd be doing something silly if I did) and just thought I'd see what others think.

I would also like to be prepared well in advance and have everything as ready as possible for puppy arrival.

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Ultrasounds can show numbers in litters of up to about 6 or 7. I have never had the count more than one out. In large breeds with big litters numbers are hard to count. Most importantly though you will know if there is just one or a full litter which is really important because with just one they often do not go into labour.

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I'm hoping for 4-6 puppies but it has been known in my breed for bitches to have 10! (Although that's not the usual)

I don't want too many, especially our first. I have had to hand raise 8 puppies previously (ex husband bred his BT and then asked me to look after her in last week of pregnancy). A c-section at 1am on a Sunday morning and a bitch with no milk and not much in the way of maternal instincts was a real eye opener. just in case there are any problems a smaller litter will be easier to care for, for both Simi and I!

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I had an ultrasound at the recommended time and it showed no pups. One week later it showed 1, maybe 2. She went on to have 4. I'm not sure I would ultrasound in future but would definitely x-ray.

I don't ultrasound until 5 weeks and by then you can see them moving around clearly and do a decent count if you want to. A lot depends on the quality of the ultrasound machine and the skill of the operator. I have never even considered an x-ray, the ultrasound told me all I needed to know.

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I had a pregnant rescue, scan said 1 pup, well she had 5. I almost died and it almost cost me a pup as i left the room to check my dogs as they were going nuts and came back and there was one still in the sack.

Dont count on how many they say

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There's not much point in doing either ultrasound or Xray, unless you think a bitch might be pregnant and you are worried there might only be one. You should know by your mating dates, when you might expect pups from.

I can understand if you need to plan time off work and do an ultrasound just to see if there's anything in there.

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I just wait and see. Where I live there's no scan option so that's an easy choice lol. We have 2 vets. One has an ultrasound machine which I'm convinced was on the ark with Noah. You cannot see shit with it. The vet nurse has told me the only thing it's good for is shoving inside a sheep???

The other vet has a super duper state if the art Ultrasound machine .. However they don't know how to use it to scan for puppies. I kid you not. They actually said to me "we only know how to use to scan organs like kidneys or livers"

Having a toy breed its pretty obvious when they are in whelp by about 4-5 weeks anyway. Soon as I've done a mating I apply for a week off work around the bitch's due date. If she doesn't end up being g in whelp I just cancel my leave.

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I don't want too many, especially our first.

Good luck. I had the same wish. I kept telling Jazz 6 was a nice number and she presented me with 9. I didn't realise until she had just 2 this time just how much extra work 9 had been. LOL

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At this stage I suspect she might be pregnant but I would like to know for sure so I can arrange time off work etc. Simi is not a Dobe, so it would be an almighty shock if she had more than 8-10 puppies! I'd be surprised if she even had that many although as I said it is not unheard of.

I've not mentioned breed as I don't want to break forum rules and get kicked off as I enjoy reading and learning from others on here. Simi is an Australian Bulldog (aka Australasian Bosdog).

She is registered with the ABA and has been hip and elbow scored prior to breeding. I believe that the breed will be recognised in the future and I have completely fallen in love with them and want to do the right thing by the breed.

If this is in breach of forum rules then I'm happy to have this thread deleted and I'll not mention her breed again (until they are recognised).

Thanks for all the responses :)

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