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Safe Pain Meds For Pregnant Bitches?


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I'm hoping there might be a bit of insight as to a safe pain medication for a pregnant bitch that won't harm the pups. Bitch is not quite a month into gestation and had a bad fetch up with a car door. (long story, but suffice to say, it's a bit chilly around here at the moment as a result of this accident)

13 staples later, antibiotics but vet is reluctant to give any pain management. She's pretty sore, although resting nicely as she's a mature girl that's not prone to silliness.

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Hi Angelsun

I had a bitch that the vet prescribed I think Heron Paracetamol (I think it was this one, you may have to check with your vet), which takes the edge off the pain a little, she had her leg amputated while in whelp, had no pain killers except for this.

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