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Salivary Gland Problem/cyst?


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Has anyone experienced this before?

Yesterday afternoon I noticed a huge lump the size of a grapefruit on the side of the neck of my stafford. It wasn't there a few hours prior.

I thought perhaps beesting so I took her to the vet where they thought it was puss filled and I had to take her back today to get it drained.

Turns out it was filled with fluid but no infection seen under microscope. A drain has been put in for the next few days and she's on antibiotics.

I've been told to keep an eye on her and that they think the salivary gland is either not functioning correctly or it's a cyst :(

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Sorry to hear about your girl, hope shes feeling better since they have put her on a drain and being on AB's. Sounds like its quite big!

I have had no personal experience of it with any of my dogs, altho i did have a tiny Salivary Gland cyst under my tongue years ago, but it popped and drained itself before I was due to go get it drained by the Specialist .

If you do a search using the search box you might find a couple of other posts about Salivary Gland problems, as I have read them in here before..

All the best 3Woofs with your girl !

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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I also don't have experience with my dogs but similar to Jules I had a blocked salivary gland that would swell up to the size of a lemon when I ate. It wasn't painful as such but I would feel this tingling and it would instantly swell. Apparantly I had somehow cut the duct and scar tissue had grown over it blocking it. I ended up having day surgery and never had a problem since and that was close to 30 years ago.

All the best for your girl 3woofs.

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