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Prague Ratters


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I wasn;t sure if there would be anyone out there!! I recently purchased one he is the most intelligent, fun-loving, special dog I love him to bits. I am waiting on a bitch with the hopes to breed in the future!? Was just curious to see if there was anyone out there!! :)

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I'd never heard of them before so I just looked them up. They look very cute and lively, if I didn't know it was an actual breed I'd probably think it might be a mix of Miniature Pinscher and/or Italian Greyhound and/or Manchester terrier, and maybe even a bit of Chihuahua.

Edited by Kirislin
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I started a thread on this a few years ago when I ran into a girl on the beach here on the Central Coast that had two. They are just gorgeous little dogs, I stopped and chatted with her for a while, if I remember rightly she got them from a breeder in Sydney.

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Yes thats right I also got mine from breeder in Sydney however she has scaled her breeding right back as her husband passed away. They are a breed from the czech republic and are not often seen outside of there very rare and hard to come by!! They are the most intelligent little dogs very similar to a miniature Pinscher they are actually smaller they class them as one of the smallest breeds in the world, very fine boned.

We could not live without our little dog now and they are so cute and intelligent it has urged me to get a bitch also to maybe breed from?Willsee how we progress??

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Cute little dogs. I hadnt heard of them until you posted so had a look on the net. Is there a registry in Australia or do you have to use an OS registry if you start to breed them?

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You would need to use an overseas registry and perhaps also contact the MDBA ?

I would suggest doing quite a bit of research before you consider breeding.

Is your dog of a quality suitable for breeding? (remember that not every dog in a litter is suitable no matter how cute they are - a good breeder can tell the difference).

Are you going to be able to import suitable stock given the small genepool? (you may not be able to get a bitch from here, depending on how close the lines in this country are)

What genetic/health issues are in the breed that you will need to be aware of and test for?

Being such a small dog, are there any reproductive issues?

Talking to the overseas breed clubs would be a good start if you haven't already.

They should be able to give you good help and advice if you are interested in supporting the future of the breed.

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I'm Not sure Raz havn't got that far yet? Lots to look into and sort out I am a fair way off breeding as yet anyway!!! :) Will try to get a pic of my little man up asap!!

Oh yeah, photos are a must. Goodluck with your little fellow.

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Yes you are right it isnt something I would just jump into without my research of course!! :) I have the best dog from the litter which has amazing breeding lines. The bitch is coming from the czech republic also from great lines.

There is a lot to consider and I am not sure if it is something I will do yet?? Thank you heaps for your advice though there is a lot of research to be done!!! Even with a great dog and bitch i'm not sure if it is something I want to do??!! The most important thing is the health of my dogs whom I love dearly :)

Will see what happens a few years off this anyhow which gives plenty of time to soak up information and make a decision!!!

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If you do go down the breeding route, there is a DOLer called Wazzat Xolo who imported and starting breeding the Xoloitzcuintli (yep had to look it up to get it correct :laugh: ). I imagine her experience would be invaluable for a first time importer and breeder.

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I ran into a mother and son who owned one at a dog day out in Sydney about a year and a half ago... Owning two Miniature Pinschers myself, I thought that's what it was, and a pup at that, but only to find out it was a full-grown Prague Ratter! I had no idea there were dogs smaller than Min Pins :laugh: Mischa wasn't amused!

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If you do go down the breeding route, there is a DOLer called Wazzat Xolo who imported and starting breeding the Xoloitzcuintli (yep had to look it up to get it correct :laugh: ). I imagine her experience would be invaluable for a first time importer and breeder.

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Omg I just had a look at that dog with the funny name!! They are really cute and hairless!! It is so amazing the different types of dogs nowadays!!! Thank you for letting me know that I will look her up and have a chat with her!! :)

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