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Great Home Available - Adelaide


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Had a friend contact me today saying she would like a companion for her 2 1/2 year old female Malt/SHitzu cross as she works full-time.. Said four legged girl is 'first lady' 'queen of the castle' and ' princess' of the house - so I think a cruisey laid back boy would be great. But a suitable girl is not out of the question, She's not fussed on age but would like a small - medium dog. Must of course get on with the princess. smile.gif And shes definite she wants to give a rescue dog a second chance in a new home.thumbsup1.gif

This is a seriously good home but she's probably not in a position to pay for an interstate flight as well as adoption fees - but interstate is a possibility if transport could somehow be arranged.

She said a 'black fluffball' but knowing her I suspect any fluffball would be fine. So I think she'd simply consider the right dog. :)

Any suggestions?? Particularly SA rescues???

Oh and yes Ive checked petrescue - serious lack of SA fluffballs at the moment.

TIA :)

Edited by westiemum
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NSWAR have Elliot and Casey - both black fluffballs, and both cruisy laid back boys who play nice with others. Best we can tell about breed mix would be Lhasa cross (?)

Elliot only has one working eye, and the other has a micro orbit, but vet advice is that doesn't need to be removed, just some fake tear drops every now and then keep his deformed eye in good nick. Elliot was the dog whose groomer won the recent Groomer's Shootout fun day at Morrisset.

You can see Elliot getting his groom towards the end of the following video...

- he was such a great little man standing there happily for Yumiko while she made him gorgeous.

Casey looks almost identical to Elliot, but he has 2 working eyes... *grin*

We are located in Sydney, but can get great prices for transport to pretty much anywhere in Australia. Contact details here... http://www.nswar.org.au/index/contact_us.htm


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