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Bad Breath Great Teeth?


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Sarge is 7 years old and in terrific condition. He saw the vet earlier this month and she couldn't believe he was 7, which is very nice to hear! He got the all-clear for his heart, lungs, teeth, ears etc.

For a couple of months now though, he has had AWFUL breath. His teeth are really good, he eats bones and I also brush and scale them regularly. He has the teeth of a 1 year old!

Google tells me that bad breath can be gum disease or infected teeth, his teeth and gums are fine though.

Another possibility was tonsillitis? Or a gut bug? He gets yoghurt regularly with live good bacteria in it so I'm inclined to think it isn't a gut thing?

Mouth tumor was also a result but he let's me open his mouth up wide and I had a good look while somebody held a torch for me and there's nothing out of the ordinary. I don't know if dogs are the same, but when I had tonsillitis there was noticeable redness and I couldn't see any redness in his throat so I'm thinking it's not tonsillitis.

What else could cause it? I plan to take him to the vet because it is so bad that nobody wants to have his head near them (and for a dog that loves cuddles this isn't fair).

What should I ask the vet for? Would a bloodtest give answers? Could he need his thyroid levels checked? Precautionary antibiotics? Urine test?

His ears and everything else on his body don't smell, and my other dogs don't have bad breath.

Edited by Mim
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Could be an infection in the nose or sinuses, smell is usually the result of an infection somewhere so hopefully a course of antibiotics will clear it up but it will be useful if the vet can pinpoint where it's coming from just in case there is something that might be causing an ongoing infection.

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I practically could have written your post myself. My girl Tully (5) has exactly the same problem and been to the vets and teeth and all other health perfect.

One question is his breath like it all the time. My girl is only really bad in the evening and I am putting it down to something she is eating in the yard, possibly stray cat poo so far is my only guess, she grabbed it out of the kitty litter once as I was cleaning it and gulped it down like there was no tomorrow so I know she loves it!

So my guess would be possibly something he might be eating thats foul when you can't see him??

Tully breath has only just started like this in the last couple of months also. Can you describe the smell with Tully it is just a foul smell that smells like it is coming from her tummy, not from her mouth. I know that doesn't really make sense, hope you know what I mean.

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I sat him down tonight and had a good look. Between two teeth there could possibly be a tiny brown thing stuck, or some weird discolouration. Too awkward for me to get a photo.

Tlc, his smelly breath is constant, no different during the night or day.

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He gets meaty bones (chicken, lamb, kangaroo), offal, fish, eggs, yoghurt, veg and fruit. Obviously not all of that every day though. If I'm lazy or pressed for time then he gets Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream.

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He is not in pain, I have felt him over thoroughly (and he is a wuss and would squeal over the smallest bit of discomfort). He saw the vet on the 2nd of this month and no pain was picked up either. He has an appointment next week as it is the soonest he can see the vet who we prefer.

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He is not in pain, I have felt him over thoroughly (and he is a wuss and would squeal over the smallest bit of discomfort). He saw the vet on the 2nd of this month and no pain was picked up either. He has an appointment next week as it is the soonest he can see the vet who we prefer.

Sorry - meant not pain specifically but if he has an infection several days could make a big difference to how sick he gets. Hope he improves soon anyway.

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