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Woke Up This Mornin' Feelin' Fine...


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I've seen this clip before and I LOVE IT!! Iggy Mum has a rescue who looks very much like this little girl and when I sent it to her she couldn't believe how alike they are. Here' Peanut for comparison.


Peanut by kirislin, on Flickr


Zoey & Peanut by kirislin, on Flickr


Peanut by kirislin, on Flickr

and lots of her here, being her Peanutty self :laugh:

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It's such a beautifully made little film too, it cant help but make you feel happy. :D I've got that song in my head now, and that's not a bad thing.

It's brilliantly made I agree and it's stuck in my head too. I've been singing it to Stan and Maddie all morning, they already know they're onto something good :laugh:

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Thank you so much for posting this clip up! I hadn't seen it before and as the new owner of a rescue dog, it just makes me grin from ear to ear (and get something in my eye). Mine is on her snoring at the moment as I work in the study. :)

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