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Augustine’s Superfood


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I use 440g of SuperBoost when I make a batch of veggie mix patties. The amount of veggie mix and SuperBoost lasts my boy 5 days.

So how long does 440g of SuperBoost last? I thought for one moment it only lasted 5 days :eek:

In my situation - I use the full 440g container of SuperBoost and add it to the 5.5 days' worth of veggie mix that I prepare. Yep - it lasts me only 5.5 days :eek: . To each veggie mix patty I've made (which includes 1/11th of the 440g SuperBoost - Mandela gets 2 x veggie patties per day, along with 2 x serves of 500g of roo mince, if not a bit more here and there). But if this gets me to help his system back on track and steady, then for the time being I'm prepared to keep this up for as long as I am able. Heaven knows, I've spent a fortune on him with loads of other things I've been trying in the past. What's a little more fortune? :D.

Mind you, Phivo, the guy behind Augustine Approved+, has been immensely and sincerely helpful towards my efforts to see Mandela right.

Which is good, because on DOL he was a right twat.

Ah, yes. I remember some of the threads and to say I have a low opinion of him is something of an understatement.

I think it's also worth pointing out that any advice given by this person is entirely unqualified advice- and a lot of that advice and information actually relates to the health benefits of ingredients for humans, not dogs (and even then, claims are made that are dubious at best).

Maybe I'm a dog food snob but I like some actual ethics with my food, rather than holisitc, organic, fake ethics >.>

Just to give a better example here.. the following claims have been made-

Organic food tastes better

Entirely subjective and not borne out by testing anyway.

Organic food has higher levels of nutrients

Again, incorrect and with many studies done on the subject.

Organic food production helps protect future generations

Protect them from what, existing? Organic food needs more cleared land to grow, requires more water to maintain and if we switched all crops to organic, two thirds of the world would very literally have NO food. Organic helps the wealthy people feel superior, it does not help the poor or the hungry and in my opinion, it's disgusting elitism.

I could continue with the examples but I think the above is really all you need. There is nothing ethical about organic food (unless you're growing it in your own backyard).

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If a product doesn't align with your own ethics then don't use it.

But for the people who choose to use it and are getting results, and it sounds like there are some good results here, then good luck to them. It's obviously helping their dogs, and sharing their experiences may help others too.

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If a product doesn't align with your own ethics then don't use it.

But for the people who choose to use it and are getting results, and it sounds like there are some good results here, then good luck to them. It's obviously helping their dogs, and sharing their experiences may help others too.

Well said, totally agree.

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Phivo has given me his time on the phone to chat about his experiences and products and has offered help. I've never encountered him online but I'd like to think I'm mature enough to appreciate a product for what it is rather than if I like the person behind it or not. I think it's a good product that I see improvements in both of my dogs.

If you don't like the person and are uninterested in the product apart from bitching about your personal dislikes/ethics of the person behind it then your contribution here is completely unncessary....I don't even understand why you would come into a thread you have nothing to contribute about personal experience with a product or would like to learn more from others about their experiences with the product to perhaps try it.. Let's be adults huh.

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In regards to amount to use, it's 5grams per 100grams of meat. We're using up our previous BARF order so I'm adding Superboost to their meals i.e. Leila gets 200 grams of Meat so gets 10 grams of powder. The container is 440grams so that's 44 days worth.

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He has consulted a canine nutritionist and has some certification of his food. The food seems to have helped many dogs. I wouldn't deny my dog something that helped them just because I didn't like the "ethics" behind the maker ("ethics" in inverted commas because I believe most people are referring to his views on breeders, rather than the ethics behind the actual food)

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In regards to amount to use, it's 5grams per 100grams of meat. We're using up our previous BARF order so I'm adding Superboost to their meals i.e. Leila gets 200 grams of Meat so gets 10 grams of powder. The container is 440grams so that's 44 days worth.

Are you doing the veges thing too? Do they get bones at all? I was thinking of maybe doing raw meaty bones one meal with this mix the next, as I'm not comfortable with them never getting bones.

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I was thinking of maybe doing raw meaty bones one meal with this mix the next, as I'm not comfortable with them never getting bones.

This is what I'll be doing. I can get a never-ending supply of good bones and they do love it so much as well.

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In regards to amount to use, it's 5grams per 100grams of meat. We're using up our previous BARF order so I'm adding Superboost to their meals i.e. Leila gets 200 grams of Meat so gets 10 grams of powder. The container is 440grams so that's 44 days worth.

Are you doing the veges thing too? Do they get bones at all? I was thinking of maybe doing raw meaty bones one meal with this mix the next, as I'm not comfortable with them never getting bones.

My dogs are currently on a commercial barf diet, once we run out I'll be using the Augustine Receipe. My dogs get the occassional bone but it's more enrichment that diet related.

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In regards to amount to use, it's 5grams per 100grams of meat. We're using up our previous BARF order so I'm adding Superboost to their meals i.e. Leila gets 200 grams of Meat so gets 10 grams of powder. The container is 440grams so that's 44 days worth.

Are you doing the veges thing too? Do they get bones at all? I was thinking of maybe doing raw meaty bones one meal with this mix the next, as I'm not comfortable with them never getting bones.

Megan, it's about doing what works for your dog. For example, I'd love Mandela to have bones but unfortunately atm he can't eat the more readily available fresh bones and for some reason or other has stopped wanting to eat roo tails (perhaps because it hurts his gums). My boy is on the FULL AA+ diet, but then my boy's problems are complex. Others may have dogs with problems not quite so complex, or just want to add a bit of extra good to their existing diet and so using a bit of mix'n'match is ok.

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