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Crufts To Feature Crossbreeds For First Time


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Saw this story on The Project tonight that crossbreeds will be shown at Crufts. Interesting. It appears the dogs will be judged based on health and temperament rather than looks.

Every dog has its day: Crufts lets in mutts

EVERY year, the great hall of a king-sized arena in Birmingham is turned into a temple for the worship of pedigree dogs. Thousands of canines are paraded in front of the judges, hoping to win the coveted Best in Show prize.

But for the first time this year Crufts, the Kennel Club's headline event, will feature a competition for crossbreeds and mongrels.

Alongside animals that have been bred to succeed will be Becky, rescued from the River Lagan near Belfast seven years ago, and Alfie, who was once so skinny that his ribs protruded from his flanks.

After years of criticism that the main event has promoted characteristics that do not always make for a healthy dog, campaigners said it was a step in the right direction.

Crossbreeds are more likely to escape the exaggerated physical features or inherited diseases plaguing some pedigree animals.

The Kennel Club has been trying to improve dog health since a documentary claimed in 2008 that some owners were breeding dogs for looks rather than health, leading to animals with skulls too small for their brains, or with breathing problems.

The Dogs Trust and the RSPCA pulled out of the show, the latter saying that "morally unjustifiable" breeding practices had led to inherited diseases and sometimes painful exaggerated physical features in show dogs.

The Kennel Club rewrote its breed standards after the outcry, changing the wish-list characteristics that could lead to health problems in some dogs and introducing in-show vet checks. Last year, six dogs failed the tests.

The BBC, which first broadcast Crufts in 1950, dropped the show from its programming in 2008 after its request for certain breeds to be excluded was rejected.

Crossbreed dogs have featured at Crufts before - in the agility competition, for example - but this year will be feature the first purely crossbreed competition.

Clarissa Baldwin, the head of the Dogs Trust, said: "The Kennel Club has done a lot to improve things. It's not enough yet - and not enough for us to return, but we welcome crossbreeds going to Crufts.

"I think it's a brave move, it has to be good showing people that you don't have to be a pedigree to be at Crufts, and crossbreeds have a huge place in our lives."

The Kennel Club said it was the right time to bring the "Scruffts" competition into the main event.

The Times

Source : http://www.theaustra...6-1226582200299

From Crufts website:

Scruffts Heat Classes

Each entrant will have a few minutes in the spotlight to dazzle the judges in the following four classes:

  • Most Handsome Crossbreed Dog 6 months - 7 years
  • Prettiest Crossbreed Bitch 6 months - 7 years
  • Child's Best Friend* 6 months - 12 years
  • Golden Oldie Crossbreed 8 years or over **
  • Best Crossbreed Rescue - NEW class for 2013
  • GCDS Crossbreed Class (for entrants that have a GCDS certificate at any level) - NEW class for 2013

*(handled by a young person between 6 and 16 years of age)

** at the organiser's discretion

Judging Guidelines

Whilst Scruffts is a fun competition, judges will also be checking that the dogs have the following qualities:

  • Good character
  • Good health
  • Good temperament with people and other dogs
Edited by silentchild
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Moggy and crossbred cats have been shown at cat shows for years. They are judged on health, coat condition, temperament, etc. But of course the 'pretty' ones always win. They must be desexed too. Its great for moggy owners, however certain breeders have also been deliberately crossbreeding their purebred cats to create Group 4 winners... I guess that would be my concern with the dogs too.

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Moggy and crossbred cats have been shown at cat shows for years. They are judged on health, coat condition, temperament, etc. But of course the 'pretty' ones always win. They must be desexed too. Its great for moggy owners, however certain breeders have also been deliberately crossbreeding their purebred cats to create Group 4 winners... I guess that would be my concern with the dogs too.

So it's not going to discourage 'selective breeding' at all.

If the 'pretty' ones win, this will become the focus, above and beyond health and temperament.

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Well they have to be healthy and friendly too, but yes at the end of the day the pretty ones get picked. People can also show unreg purebreds in that group. Will BYBs use the Crufts show to show off their dogs too?

I would imagine so... especially those 'breeders' of "Designer Dogs" who think they are producing something special.

It gives these unscrupulous people their place in the limelight for their fifteen minutes of fame.

I think it will lead to greater numbers being bred with greater numbers ending-up in Pet Stores/Rescue etc with only the select few being exhibited in one of these ridiculous classes.

To me, it defeats the whole purpose of Dog Shows.

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I don't see anything wrong with the Crossbreed Rescue - one of the entrance requirements should be that the dog was desexed and if it's come from a good rescue then that should be done without question.

I would strongly be against the showing of undesexed crossbreeds because it is basically encouraging and promoting puppy farms and back yard breeding ...

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Moggy and crossbred cats have been shown at cat shows for years. They are judged on health, coat condition, temperament, etc. But of course the 'pretty' ones always win. They must be desexed too. Its great for moggy owners, however certain breeders have also been deliberately crossbreeding their purebred cats to create Group 4 winners... I guess that would be my concern with the dogs too.

Cats cant participate in much else though and crufts has always been hallowed for the show casing of PUREBRED dogs. There are numerous things people with mutts can do with their dogs- agility, herding,obedience, dancing with dogs, etc etc etc or they can show their dogs at a show they organise but to incorporate this at crufts is in my opinion disgusting and I cant imagine what the hell they are thinking.

Dogmad I agree that there is a place for rescue to be showcased and their health and temperament judged and one day soon you will see this as its one f the things the MDBA has coming up for our members to participate in and if almost anyone else on earth wanted to do that everything you say would be on the ball. But there isnt a chance in hell in my opinion that they should be at crufts and I think this is a major stuff up which will have unintended consequences for the purebred dog world .

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Mutt classes have been around for yonks at ag shows, they are classes for kids to show off their pet. As Rebanne says how on earth can health be judged at a show?

Sounds to me like Crufts is using the strategy of appeasement in response to the criticisms it has apparently failed to address effectively in the past. Appeasement didn't work with Hilter and it aint gonna work with PETA.

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Not the best however if it has to be my biggest objection would be to them calling the class Crossbreed.

Its Mongrel & should be named Mongrel Class Or just Pet Class.

This at least should take out the element of people boasting that their pugoodle, mastilier, shitjug or some other ridiculous invented/guessed breed has won a prize as a breed at Crufts. 1st prize for Best Mongrel In Show doesn't sound as good somehow for sales

I wonder how many pedigree entries they will lose when this happens ?

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