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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Guest hankodie

Hankodie, how is the teething going? Nova finally lost his last remaining baby tooth yesterday, after almost a week of excessive drooling and stinky breath it's finally gone and all the other teeth have cracked through. Just waiting for them to come completely out now!

Aww big boy Nova is growing up fast! We have stinky breath here too at the moment, he's lost almost all teeth in the front & bottom row, just waiting for the rest to fall out. He has an insatiable urge to chew everything and the only thing that seems to give him some relief are frozen turkey necks. He's not too interested in the deer antlers :( Can't wait for all of them to come out!

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Hankodie, how is the teething going? Nova finally lost his last remaining baby tooth yesterday, after almost a week of excessive drooling and stinky breath it's finally gone and all the other teeth have cracked through. Just waiting for them to come completely out now!

Aww big boy Nova is growing up fast! We have stinky breath here too at the moment, he's lost almost all teeth in the front & bottom row, just waiting for the rest to fall out. He has an insatiable urge to chew everything and the only thing that seems to give him some relief are frozen turkey necks. He's not too interested in the deer antlers :( Can't wait for all of them to come out!

All that stinky breath smell is still ahead of me ;) Only just starting to loosen now.

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Guest hankodie

Hankodie, how is the teething going? Nova finally lost his last remaining baby tooth yesterday, after almost a week of excessive drooling and stinky breath it's finally gone and all the other teeth have cracked through. Just waiting for them to come completely out now!

Aww big boy Nova is growing up fast! We have stinky breath here too at the moment, he's lost almost all teeth in the front & bottom row, just waiting for the rest to fall out. He has an insatiable urge to chew everything and the only thing that seems to give him some relief are frozen turkey necks. He's not too interested in the deer antlers :( Can't wait for all of them to come out!

All that stinky breath smell is still ahead of me ;) Only just starting to loosen now.

Enjoy the puppy breath while you can :laugh:

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Hey Hankodie - how is Hank going now? Hope he's all better! I love the pic of the two of them playing!!

Must be a relief to have decent fences - I'm sure it will make life a lot easier for you. And I'm sure the dogs will enjoy being outside more too.

We had to go away for a gathering of my husband's family, but it was nice to catch up with people. Not a super relaxing weekend though. And I've managed to end up sick, which is great...

I picked Nixon up this morning, and he looked beautiful!! We'd missed him a lot. We're lucky they put up some pics of him playing on saturday on fb, so we got a little fix, and knew he was having fun. Apparently there was another lab pup, and a vizsla pup, and the 3 of them had a wonderful time playing together. He seemed very happy in general, and I actually think he was bummed to come home with me. :(

Luckily they hadn't given him breakfast yet, so I got to win him over with food. Hopefully he's so worn out he'll sleep all day, and remember that he loves me by the time I get home again :)

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Guest hankodie

Glad to hear Nixon had a fun time while you were away aliwake! haha Odie is always super bummed out when I pick her up from the kennel, don't worry it's a sign that you left him at a really good boarding place! :D

Hank's poos firmed up after I called the vet and he's been having normal poos for a couple of days but this morning he had another sloppy one :( I did feed him a turkey neck yesterday which might be the culprit, but then again he had one the day prior and it didn't seem to affect his poo. He is acting normal and appetite is fine. I think I'll wait until his next poo, if it's still sloppy then I might give the vet a ring again.

I know it's silly but I'm convinced the people at my vet think I'm crazy. I feel like I'm constantly there! Because of Odie's liver issues I tend to bring her in every time anything seems a little off. Of course 99% of the time she's fine and then I just feel a bit silly, like I'm jumping the gun all the time. The people there are lovely though. I just hope they don't think "oh.... here comes the crazy dog lady again" every time I come in :laugh: :o

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I wanted to let you all know first, as the members who frequent this thread have really been a huge help to me over the last 7 months since Tippy lost his fight with a brown snake. It has been tough, but watching the happy puppy stories here has given me hope that our "perfect puppy" will choose us.

Well he has, and he is "perfect" (for a puppy).

We had planned a registered puppy, but that was not to be this time. A chance meeting, a brief look, and well.....We are taking a chance.

He was raised and socialised with big farm dogs- Big tick because we have a border Collie.

Heaps of socialisation with chooks, cows, sheep, rabbits, roo's, motorbikes, etc- tick

Mum very well mannered, friendly, not contained (a Jack Russell not fenced in -I was impressed)

The vet who cares for them them bought Jingo's brother.

loves his crate, and was already being toilet trained (closed into crate at night, realeased to toilet outside in morning).

BUT nothing in life is easy, or perfect..... Kira hated him, so much so we turned our house into fort Knox to keep Puppy safe, and I thought for sure we would need to return him or rehome him ourselves. It was a dreadful two weeks, but we used every training option we knew, and were ready to bring in our trusted dog trainer, but things kept getting better, until Kira remembered how to play with a puppy, and now they play every opportunity they get, and our problem now is Kira does not like it at all when he is in his puppy pen..... I know there will still be grumbles, and arguments, but that is why we have his "Fort Knox" set up- a pen and crate instead of a dining room table, his own doggy door to his own deck and grassed area. (It is nice owning a house that you can renovate when needed)

So far, so good, wish us luck as we keep moving forward.



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Congrats Tikira!!!!! It's always a big adjustment but Kira sounds like she's coping better and better. More photos too!

I just spent a small fortune in Tasman Meats. :laugh:

We got a few kg's of chicken drumsticks ($2 p/kg!!!!) and some lamb flaps, necks and hearts. Chicken livers, Turkey necks, marked down chuck steak and some pig trotters for good measure.

I also got some lamb leg bones, I know they're weight bearing and not ideal but these two make short work of the ends and suck the marrow and leave the rest. Charmers!

Also for us I got two little bits of steak for dinner. Priorities!

It just works out so fabulously cheap this way! I might get on a soapbox and start preaching. Haha.

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Thanks Steph. Did you go to the one at Werribee? Or is there another one thats easier to get to? The one in Geelong I would have to go right into Geelong and not around.

I work in Mt Waverly at the moment, so I went there on lunch. The work fridge looks slightly like a slaughterhouse...haha.

Werribee is good, there's also Melton and Deer park if either of those are easier. The stock varies from store to store the checkout woman was telling me. Perhaps if you're after something specific you'd be best to call ahead and check!

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You gotta do what you gotta do to keep the canines expensive tastes up! Haha. It's a fab job so I don't resent it too much.

Oh and speaking of which, I put in a Jumbopets order today, flea stuff and kongs and a Sporn harness each for the kids. Sure there was some other stuff in there but I can't remember. So far so good!

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Guest hankodie

Just dropped a poo sample off at the vet's, Hank had the runs again and this time there were flecks of blood :( so off to the vet we went. Still waiting to hear back. He's acting bright and sparky though, chasing Odie in the yard so if he is ill at least it doesn't seem to be affecting his spirit too much.

Edit: Just heard back! Nothing sinister going on with his poo :D probably just his tummy being sensitive. Phew!

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