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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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That's so freaky that he escaped Lisa! If he does it again you should set up a camera to solve the mystery... :)

We've had a couple of milestones lately. On sunday, Nixon finally destroyed his first shoe... It's taken so long due to extreme vigilance and keeping shoes put away at all times. However, I'd left these thongs in the bathroom as a sort of temptation, so see how he went. When I was in the bathroom with him he ignored them, and was great. Then later, I went for a lie down cos I wasn't feeling well, and I heard him go racing in to steal one and race outside. I figured I didn't have to worry straight away because he's usually more of a hoarder than a destroyer, but I think the hard plastic was too tempting for him. I finally got up to check about 5 mins later and he'd chewed through the strap in 2 places :( sad. bye bye thongs.

And the other milestone, is that we finally had him sleep outside our bedroom all night last night! The last few weeks he's become a midnight roamer, which is not good for anyone's sleep... He gets up, so we get up to let him out, then he doesn't actually go outside - just lies on the doormat for a while. Then he'll often wander around periodically over the next few hours. Has been disturbing for everyone.

So, we put his bed immediately outside our bedroom door last night, and shut it. I felt so bad! But, he lay down outside the door. I didn't hear him move even once, and when my husband opened the door this morning he was happily curled up in his bed! yay! No wandering, everyone slept better, all good!

I think we will gradually move the bed down the hallway towards the loungeroom, and hopefully that will be a long term solution for everyone. My husband was originally talking about him sleeping outside, but I'm not keen on that. I think he'd spend the night chasing possums which wouldn't be ideal...

Banjo has destroyed his share of shoes too .... luckily only cheapies and I left them within his reach, so my fault! It's amazing how much damage a little mouth and those teeth can do!

We have hit a milestone with Banjo's sleeping arrangements too! He has always slept in a closed soft sided crate in our bedroom since he came home and generally sleeps right through the night ... but we had been thinking that as summer is approaching and it will be warmer at night, he won't get the full benefit of the ceiling fan or air conditioning at night if he is closed in there, and it has always been our intention to allow him to "free range" at night. We did it a couple of times about a month or so ago, but woke to a puddle in the morning but these last 4 nights he has been free ranging I have heard him take himself out through his doggy door to pee during the night. Exactly what we wanted, so happy days :thumbsup:

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We've taken the plunge and adopted the yin to Gus's yang. She's the same age as Gus (a supposed recipe for disaster but she's so perfect) and her name is Rosie.

I'll put some photos up later for some Breed ID fun, so far we have definately whippet x, the rest is a mystery!

Our house is all go at the moment, the two of them are either playing or napping together or doing zoomies. It's certainly a happy house! We're thrilled!

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We've taken the plunge and adopted the yin to Gus's yang. She's the same age as Gus (a supposed recipe for disaster but she's so perfect) and her name is Rosie.

I'll put some photos up later for some Breed ID fun, so far we have definately whippet x, the rest is a mystery!

Our house is all go at the moment, the two of them are either playing or napping together or doing zoomies. It's certainly a happy house! We're thrilled!

:thumbsup: Can't wait for some piccies. :D

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My baby Sumo is at the vet having X-rays :( Sunday evening he started limping, so I took him to the vet Monday morning. (My usual vet is out of the country so I went to my local and they were bloody useless and had no idea! Anyway that's another story! :mad ) We got some pain killers and anti-inflamatories which was the reason for going, but he's still no better so back to a different vet this morning. She was great and recommended X-rays so we could see what we're dealing with and avoid anymore stuffing around. It's his carpal joint (wrist) that he's injured, no idea how. I'm worried sick :( Obviously it's not life threatening or anything like that but if he's stuffed a joint while in the middle of his main growth it could be disastrous. I'm really upset and just waiting for the vet to call me back so I can go get him. My poor boy it kills me to see him limping :(

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My baby Sumo is at the vet having X-rays :( Sunday evening he started limping, so I took him to the vet Monday morning. (My usual vet is out of the country so I went to my local and they were bloody useless and had no idea! Anyway that's another story! :mad ) We got some pain killers and anti-inflamatories which was the reason for going, but he's still no better so back to a different vet this morning. She was great and recommended X-rays so we could see what we're dealing with and avoid anymore stuffing around. It's his carpal joint (wrist) that he's injured, no idea how. I'm worried sick :( Obviously it's not life threatening or anything like that but if he's stuffed a joint while in the middle of his main growth it could be disastrous. I'm really upset and just waiting for the vet to call me back so I can go get him. My poor boy it kills me to see him limping :(


I sooo know how you feel Cassie, every time I see Willow so much as falter I freak out. It's the down side to large breeds, the first couple of years you just worry that everything goes right. Because the long term consequences can be so hard to deal with, well aside from any aspirations you had re: Showing, trialling etc.

I hope it's nothing serious. Let's hope it's just a bit of inflammation from growing so darn fast and nothing more serious. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

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My baby Sumo is at the vet having X-rays :( Sunday evening he started limping, so I took him to the vet Monday morning. (My usual vet is out of the country so I went to my local and they were bloody useless and had no idea! Anyway that's another story! :mad ) We got some pain killers and anti-inflamatories which was the reason for going, but he's still no better so back to a different vet this morning. She was great and recommended X-rays so we could see what we're dealing with and avoid anymore stuffing around. It's his carpal joint (wrist) that he's injured, no idea how. I'm worried sick :( Obviously it's not life threatening or anything like that but if he's stuffed a joint while in the middle of his main growth it could be disastrous. I'm really upset and just waiting for the vet to call me back so I can go get him. My poor boy it kills me to see him limping :(

Oh dear ..... hope he hasn't done anything too serious! Darn doggies .... do they realise how much worry they put us through :confused:

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Thanks guys. I have him home now. It's good news and bad news. The good news is the X-rays didn't show up any bone or joint damage, phew that's a relief. Also he managed to lay still for the process so he didn't need a general anaesthetic which I'm very happy about, as I hate putting my dogs under. The bad news is it's tendon/ligament damage, which may take 6-8 weeks to heal :cry: He's likely to keep limping for a few more WEEKS! (I was thinking days.) He's on strict rest and meds for at least ten days. I'm grateful he's not very active or we'd both go insane! Poor boy though I can't believe he may not be right for up to two months :( The vet actually said broken bones are easier to heal than soft tissue, although I'm still thankful it's not that while he's growing.

Oh and my bank balance is looking a bit sorrowful now :o

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