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I am super proud of Treb, it appears he doesn't care about thunderstorms :) he actually wanted to stay out in the rain so I put him in the roofed area of his kennel run that way he wouldn't get wet but he could still watch the rain.

We also get started with the new trainer on Friday :)


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I am super proud of Treb, it appears he doesn't care about thunderstorms :) he actually wanted to stay out in the rain so I put him in the roofed area of his kennel run that way he wouldn't get wet but he could still watch the rain.

We also get started with the new trainer on Friday :)


Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want).

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I am super proud of Treb, it appears he doesn't care about thunderstorms :) he actually wanted to stay out in the rain so I put him in the roofed area of his kennel run that way he wouldn't get wet but he could still watch the rain.

We also get started with the new trainer on Friday :)


Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want).

The new trainer is Kyra :) She wasn't available until friday so I have had to wait :) I'm looking forward to working with her.


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I am super proud of Treb, it appears he doesn't care about thunderstorms :) he actually wanted to stay out in the rain so I put him in the roofed area of his kennel run that way he wouldn't get wet but he could still watch the rain.

We also get started with the new trainer on Friday :)


Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want).

The new trainer is Kyra :) She wasn't available until friday so I have had to wait :) I'm looking forward to working with her.


Awesome! I look forward to hearing how you go! And seeing you tomorrow if you're still coming in? Warning - we have chickens at the moment! (so if Treb's prey drive is strong he may be VERY interested!)

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I am super proud of Treb, it appears he doesn't care about thunderstorms :) he actually wanted to stay out in the rain so I put him in the roofed area of his kennel run that way he wouldn't get wet but he could still watch the rain.

We also get started with the new trainer on Friday :)


Sounds great! Can I ask who the new trainer is? (Pm if you want).

The new trainer is Kyra :) She wasn't available until friday so I have had to wait :) I'm looking forward to working with her.


Awesome! I look forward to hearing how you go! And seeing you tomorrow if you're still coming in? Warning - we have chickens at the moment! (so if Treb's prey drive is strong he may be VERY interested!)

I will still be coming into the store but I am not sure about Treble, If you have chickens will they be roaming the store or locked up because Treb's prey drive is super strong (it will be one of the things we will be working on as I can't have a service dog that wants to commit birdurs every chance he gets)


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The chickens are contained in a roofless run + roofed coop, but some dogs still get excited by seeing them. If you want to bring him in, you can pop in to the store while he's in the car and i'll lock them in the roofed, contained area?

I think Cleo committed a birdur the other day...I don't trust her with my pet birds for that reason, her drive is so strong!

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We haven't had one since! We even met some chooks (from behind wire) at the farmers market, and he was keen but not overly. He did give one little silkie such a groom through the wire while I was talking to the lady who ran it (asking if it was ok) and I looked down and he'd drenched a chicken with love, I pitied the next kid to pat that one...

Still wouldn't trust him terribly, but perhaps one day we can have chickens yet...sigh

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Nixon was getting taunted by a magpie on sunday - he was trying to run up the fence to get it (literally), and he'd get 3/4 of the way up then thump back to earth, and the magpie would just rotate between fence posts and the top of the clothes line to egg him on.

He's also managing to keep our yard fairly clear of brush turkeys which is great! Though a turkey still managed to destroy my veggie garden when Nixon was inside one weekend. That's one birdur I'd be pretty ok with I reckon!

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Guest hankodie

hahaha we have a bunch of birds that love to taunt Odie too! They sit on the fence and wait for her to do a flying leap at them, then they fly away and come back and she does it again. Happens at least 20 times a day, watching her is a little sad but also hilarious because she gets so angry that she can't fly. She's a bit speshul :laugh:

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I ate a bee! Thanks to the Lort Smith Animal Hospital for the antihistamines and fun game of 'how naughty can a puppy be in the waiting room' I think I won!

I couldn't have cared less, I just wanted to get to the damn park!



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Guest hankodie

Oh no poor gus!!! I can't believe he ate a bee, that's probably the most adorable reason for a vet visit I've ever heard of (though I'm sure it was very worrying for you Steph)! Hope he feels better soon

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Oh no poor Gus!!

Apart from the swollen mouth he is looking very handsome though! Growing up very nicely!

I'm actually quite afraid Nova is going to do that, he often eats ants just to get bitten and doesn't learn his lesson, he also chases flies, but now the bees are out!!

Edited by LisaCC
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He didn't seem to notice in the first place, he hopped up on the bed with his teddy and I practically had a heart attack at the golf ball sized lump on his face, I assumed bee but thought if it were a wasp and he'd swallowed it, or had an allergic reaction he might have trouble breathing, or it could be an infection from a broken tooth... of course, the more you think about it the more panicked you become...

I had his leash on and in the car in a flap and he was bounding about like 'HEY YES. WALK TIME, GOOD THINKING!'

The vet said 'bring him back if he stops eating' I had to laugh, if Gus turned down food I would assume the apocalypse is coming...

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Oh no poor Gus!!

Apart from the swollen mouth he is looking very handsome though! Growing up very nicely!

I'm actually quite afraid Nova is going to do that, he often eats ants just to get bitten and doesn't learn his lesson, he also chases flies, but now the bees are out!!

He is quite lovely, started to slow down a lot gaining weight, but is growing taller, so perhaps it's just a big spurt. Can't hurt to up the food a little anyway.

Perhaps ants are like doggy pop rocks? At least bees only have one sting in them, here's hoping they both learn a swift and drama free lesson ;)

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Treb had a huge day out today. He went off to the groomers to help blow his coat, the groomers loved him and they told me they got 3 large bags of fur off him :laugh: We then went off to Petstock and I am happy to say he actually ignored the hens but they were in the coop as Dotdashdot put them away. However the rooster decided he would fluff up at Treb to protect his ladies :laugh: After that it was off to the vet to pick up the paperwork I forgot then home. He is at the moment snoring in his kennel run in the cool breeze.

I am super impressed how he took it all in his stride. He was a little wary of the store to begin with but after about 5mins or so he was pretty calm in there. He even sat when I asked him too :laugh:


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