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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Had a really good experience with my neighbours dogs just now :thumbsup: she owns 2 very calm, very obedient kelpies. She invited us over so Hank could sit and watch them play in the yard. He did whine and was a tad excited and wanted to run up to them in the beginning while they were playing ball, but in the end he settled down and started chewing on some sticks instead and then asked for a belly rub from me. I gave him lots of praise. My neighbour welcomed me to come over any time for training, any suggestions on "distraction games" I can play with Hank around them?

They are 100% friendly but had little interest in Hank (which is great). I didn't want him to have a play with them just yet as I'm really trying to enforce the idea that he does not get to play with every dog he sees (something I did not enforce with Odie when she was young, hence her issues).

All in all a great experience, relieved to have someone nearby who has fantastic dogs he could meet!

Good to hear you had a great experience! Much easier when you've got good neighbours!

Looks like a lovely day up your way Lisa! Wish it was like that here! We just had a big bunch of rain and hail. Another night I wont be taking Tyrion out for a walk! Can't wait for the warmer weather! Got him some new toys today so he can be a maniac inside with those :thumbsup:

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Thats great Hankodie!

Zereuloh, the storm from Vic just hit us, and Nova went and sat out in it! Was there any thunder in it? I'm going to run around and make a game out of Nova's first thunder storm.

No thunder. He hasn't spent much time outside yet cause I need to get the front fence fixed. It took him all of 10 minutes to figure out to dig under it. :laugh: so he's only outside if we are for the moment. The sun has come out for the first time today. lol maybe I will get to take him out after all!

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OK. So, basically - if we are inside, Tyrion flatly refuses to do anything I ask him. Even with his favourite food as bribery (chicken). However, if we are outside he will train. :laugh: butthead of a dog. Anyone got any suggestions on ways I can train him INSIDE? its been really really cold out here and some days is it just to wet to go outside, but I would like to be doing at least 5 minutes a day just to run through sit/drop/stay and recalls. >.<

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Question time!

I have never had a dog that has had worms before, I have given Treble some Milbemax due to him being pretty interested in his butt and he sort of sits right back on his rump and sort of rocks a little. Now what I want to know is how long does the wormer take to have an effect? as I have checked his poop since giving him his wormer and I couldn't see any (awesome owner award: Because I went out in a raincoat in the middle of a shower of rain to check poop)


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Lhok it only took a day until all of Nova's worms were all pooped out, and most came out only 6hrs after the tablet. I'd never had a dog with worms before either, but I have read that it can be up to 48 hours.

EDIT: Oh and I also have to worm him every 2 weeks for a while now to make sure I get all of them. Also if it is tape worm (looks like little grains of rice on his butt or ON the poop, or on places he sleeps) you also need to flea treat even if he doesn't have noticeable fleas as he may of eaten one from somewhere else.

Edited by LisaCC
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He is given Advantix every 2 weeks so the flea treatment won't be a problem, The other problem is that I feed him some rice at dinner time so I won't be able to tell if they are worms or not. I guess he will just have to miss out on his rice tonight poor Treble :laugh:


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Well they look a little different to rice lol, but you have to look really close! Poor Treble, hope he feels better soon. Nova had a bit of an upset tummy during worm dispelling stage.

That night he was already back to his normal self :)

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Well it turns out it isn't worms which is good, it was anal glands.. which I expressed for him much to my horror of getting it all over my pants :( I have had a shower and I still don't feel clean :laugh: and if the washing machine can't get it out of my pants I'll just have to burn them :p


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Well it turns out it isn't worms which is good, it was anal glands.. which I expressed for him much to my horror of getting it all over my pants :( I have had a shower and I still don't feel clean :laugh: and if the washing machine can't get it out of my pants I'll just have to burn them :p



I don't do anal glands. That's what the boss is for. He often asks me why I don't do them. Well, apart from the fact that with Dory it is a two person job, I tell him that it's why he gets paid the big money.

That said, I have worn my fair share of anal glands over the years...and I still have nightmares about the tooth root abcess that burst.....:vomit:

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Guest hankodie

Lhok I feel your pain! I have to regularly express my frenchie's anal glands. It's GROSS!I do it when I give her a bath though, a little less revolting that way!

Sooo I need to vent, I feel like a total failure of a dog owner today :cry: I have been working from my home and my husband's relative came over last minute to go over a few things as I'm doing some work for her. She said she'd rock up about lunch time so I had the dogs on the front deck where they were calmly chewing away on their toys and lazing in the sun. Lo and behold, she shows up with her 2 kids who are - no joke, I say this as someone who loves children - THE WORST kids I've ever encountered :eek: I had time to quickly shut Odie on the back deck as she gets super excited when visitors come over let alone little humans, but while I was doing this the kids spotted Hank and of course made a beeline for him. I picked him up and I asked them to pat him GENTLY which they started to do, so I put Hank on the floor, and the youngest boy proceeded to start running excitedly which got Hank excited and he started chasing after him which got the 2 boys screaming. I put an end to it quick and put Hank in his play pen and told them no more play time as puppy is too excited but then the boys kept going over to the glass door and teasing poor Odie, tapping on the glass etc so she was barking like crazy :cry:

On top of that her kids spent the entire time at my place screaming, crying, throwing tantrums, punching each other, screaming some more and then their mum was screaming at them to shut up (umm...) she sent them outside where they proceeded to slam the gate open and closed and of course the older one slammed the gate on the younger ones fingers which resulted in even more screaming/crying.

It was SO stressful, I nearly had an anxiety attack. The entire time Hank stayed in his puppy pen and didn't bark or make a single peep, he wasn't frightened at all but I wish I had better control of the situation :cry: I feel like a terrible owner! I don't want Hank to expose Hank to any stressful situations when he's this age and especially don't want to expose him to Odie's reactivity which we are working on but it's so excruciatingly difficult as she's a sick little doggie and thus we can't give her very many food rewards (especially if she's going through vomiting episodes). I know I'm worrying too much over it and it was just one incident but I wish I had handled it differently.

Anyways so that's my story for the day!!! I'm ready for a glass of wine I think :drink:

ETA: A photo earlier today of calmer times... Hank stealing a stick off Odie


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Hankodie, it sounds like you did great. I would have been stressing out too! I have been in similar situations and I wonder why the parent doesn't seem to have any control or even try sometimes?

Sounds like you handled it the best way you could and don't worry - I think Hank will be fine. I'd still be having a drink or two after that though! But I am not a kid person.

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Guest hankodie

Thanks Lollipup, I appreciate the reassurance! And tell me about it, they were out of control! I had met them previously at a Christmas party which is why I had come to be familiar with their ahem, questionable manners. My husband jokingly said to one of them "hey, aren't you going to finish your veggies before you run off with those lollies?" to which the kid replied "I'll TAKE YOU TO A KNIFE". Ummmmm... :bolt:

Dory tell me about it, we are the same! :laugh: I would've put them in their crates but they were both out in the living area, so Odie would've just been going even crazier. They are angels when nobody is around though. Here's a short video of one of our little training sessions yesterday:


I took this for my trainer as I was proud I got them both to pay attention at the same time, too bad Hank can't keep his butt on the ground for very long :laugh: he'll get there!

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You haven't failed at all! Sounds very stressful situation though, and I think your guest needs to have better control of her children.

I have 3 kids fairly close together. My oldest turns 5 next month. There is no way that sort of behaviour would fly with me. If they kept up their behaviour after being told to stop, I would have taken them home. Screaming, just doesn't get through to kids (much like it doesn't get through to dogs).

Shame the kids were so ratty it could have been a great learning experience for both the kids and Hank had Mum actually dealt with the situation properly. :(

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OMG...That sounds like a real nightmare!

This is why I love crates, I can put them in any room in the house and shut the door.

I don't get a lot of visitors anyway, my home is my castle and fortress of solitude....I'm antisocial like that. :o

We're a bit the same, not many kiddies around here, thank the heavens.

Sounds like you did really well! You should have offered to crate the kids hahaha.

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OMG...That sounds like a real nightmare!

This is why I love crates, I can put them in any room in the house and shut the door.

I don't get a lot of visitors anyway, my home is my castle and fortress of solitude....I'm antisocial like that. :o

We're a bit the same, not many kiddies around here, thank the heavens.

Sounds like you did really well! You should have offered to crate the kids hahaha.

Yup, my kids are great with the Tyrion. They generally leave him alone, unless they/he wants to play then they just get his toys for him, and play with those with him. Some of their friends though... lol I have to crate him after a while so they give him space, otherwise they smother him. He'll be trying to walk away and they'll try grab/play etc. Crates are awesome.

Edited by Zereuloh
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Guest hankodie

Zerelouh you sound like the best type of parent to encounter! Dog savvy and sensible with your kids.

Steph M :laugh: exactly what was running through my head!

Dory don't be shamed, I wish I could get Odie to do work on a training field, that's awesome! She can't even work outside under low distractions that's how horrible her focus is on me... we will get there though... hoping Hank will be easier :o

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