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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Nixon sleeps through, but sometimes needs a pee at 5- 5.30 now. He went through a phase of not settling after that, which sucked, but he'll now go back to bed until 6-6.30ish... I refuse to feed him until 7, in the hope that he might eventually get the hint and start sleeping until I decide we're getting up. sigh. hasn't happened yet, and he's 5 months old now. I would just ignore him, but he jumps up (front legs) on the bed and starts digging in the mattress until he gets me. and if I move far enough away that he can't get me - he'll bark at me instead. bossy boy.

I've had some nasty scratches from the bed digging :(

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normally koda will sleep through (10-11pm) the night till our alarm goes off at 6am, occasionally, specially if he has drunk too much before bed or has a bad stomach he moans around 4-4:30am for a toilet break.

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On average, I get till 7.30am regardless of what time we went to bed. Occasionally I get 8am, but it's been earlier than that for so long that I'm long awake by then. Some mornings I'm waking her up at 6am as I start early at work. She used to be up before I finished my bathroom time, but lately I get bleary eyed pup who thinks it's insane to be up that early. Watching her walk around the yard half asleep as she toilets makes me smile evilly to myself for some reason. (bwa ha ha ha).

The other day I was just so tired from a hectic few weeks that I decided I was going back to bed no matter what she thought. I was quietly (and snoozily) impressed that she settled and then I woke her up at 9.30am. (the decadence!!!).

Training mornings we are both up half asleep wondering at the insanity of early mornings in winter and the prospect of wet feet. :laugh:

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Boxbright thats great news for you :) Hope he turns out to be the right boy for the ring for you.

Dory I laughed so hard about poor little Willow stumbling around half asleep. Pay back for all the early mornings she gave you but yay to a 9.30 sleep in.

Best of luck at the vets today Nova, you will be fine.

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Arnold sleeps until I make him get up most days. He sleeps in my bed (so do our other dogs, including his mother) and they would all stay in bed most of the day if I'd let them :)

We go to be anywhere from 9:30-11pm and he sleeps right through!

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He weighed 6.1kg today so I'm not looking forward to carrying him around for another month! He's not going to like it either. But beginners puppy obedience starts in about 2 weeks so at least we will be able to train somewhere new.

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Nice Lisa, I was talking to our breeder and the variety of weight between the pups in one litter was interesting, there is one auzzie there who only just reached 4kg at 12 weeks, she is in perfect shape though and healthy as larry so she just has a smaller build than the rest, I'm thinking she will only be 13-15kg fully grown, my boy was about 7kg at 12 weeks, and there was a good mix between 6-8kg

Was your 12 week a C3 or C5 vac? if you got the C5 I would be confident taking nova on the lead around your home, would be good for both of you :D but like you said in the other thread, parvo is the fear and if your vet has locally reported cases recently then its probably not worth the risk just in case your boys maternal antibodies killed off the week 12 vac.

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Gus had a vet visit today, after a week of being in everything he has a mucky red eye, so we dashed in to get it looked at and he misbehaved SO MUCH.

She was very tolerant and said a warm salty eye bath for a few days and see how it goes, she wanted to pop some dye in and have a look but he was so excited at new people and stuff it took 3 people to hold him down to get a decent look, one on the waggly bum, one on the middle and one on the front, though the one at the front got such a tongue bath!

The (slightly snooty) vet nurse even asked if I had even HAD a large dog before, as he was trying to clean the clinic cat and whining when asked to sit still, then there was the attempted acrobatics on the table, lucky I had hold of him because he really loved the work experience girl with the liver treats and would have followed her to the end of the earth by the looks.

I was slightly horrified, lots of 'normally he's very good!' and 'I'm so sorry, I'll wear him out before his next visit'

One of us walked away with their head down, and it wasn't Gus. He even put on a protest and tried to refuse to leave, planted his butt at the gate and looked back longingly.

Needless to say he's fine now, having a nap because being a brat wears you out!

He weighs 12.7kg and he's growing well, she said his skeletal soundness is great, he's happy and lovely, but not great at the sitting still...

In terms of toilet times, he usually comes to bed with me about 10-11, OH will take him for a wee at 1 and he'll get up about 7-7:30? It works well for us, he really resents the 1am one sometimes though.

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haha Steph, sounds like he had a blast at the vets, how is the eye now, still red?

maybe start weaning off the 1am toilet runs, your boy is older than mine I think and Koda is fine holding on from 10pm till 6am most nights, wouldn't want it to be a habit that he expects :D

I'm out of hospital end of next week, maybe catch up some time after that, I'm sure Gus would get one great with Koda, they sound allot alike :laugh:

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Well it's our schedule really, so doesn't phase us too much. I go to bed early and get up early, Brooke goes to bed late and gets up late-ish. The 1am is more enforced than needed, he goes fine without but just figure while Brooke is up he may as well take him out for a last one, means I can sleep in a little if I need it. Score!

Sounds good to me! We're always about. He'd love a play!

A little, less so about to give it a lunch time bathe, I just wanted to make sure he hadn't done any damage but could be anything and she didn't seem worried, if it's not all good in a few days we'll just duck back.

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Jack Nova is only 10 weeks, but he had his first vac at 6 so he needed it today. So 6.1kg at 10 weeks not 12, he's going to be a big boy!

He had a C3 and 14wk vac will only be a C3 as well, the higher up ones don't do anything more for Parvo. If he needs kennel cough in the future he will get the nose shot. I was thinking this in the first place (did it for my last dog too) and breeder and vet both recommended the same.

He is already gong for walks on my street, we are out in a suburb away from town so he said sticking to around here should be fine. I've also taken him around the uni campus.

We went for another Greyhound play date this afternoon but at their house this time. New smells, and even got to meet some cats and kittens.

A doggy stroller might help but It might be hard to keep him in it!

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