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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Guest hankodie

Oh Lhok, so sorry to hear :( that's great that Hills have been so co-operative. Don't worry about being put in the crazy basket. Vets see lots of owners and trust me they're probably very grateful that you're upfront and on top of Treble's health issues. The vet is pretty much my 2nd home, I'm there so much! I've been there 2 times this week already for Odie. I'm sure they probably think I'm a little neurotic but I don't care because it's my dog's health on the line.

You sound like an amazing owner. I hope Treble feels better soon <3

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Oh Lhok, this just isn't fair. I would have messaged you sooner but was with my sister all day yesterday and then work. You are such a lovely person, and I hate that such shitty things can happen to such nice people. Are PVC taking care of him now or still Moonee? If it's Adam, or Julia there is no way they'll think you're crazy (nor anyone else for that matter). You're such a caring owner, and I'm sure that's a nice change from all some other people from around here.

Thinking of you.

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  On 15/11/2013 at 12:38 AM, Lhok said:

Gah.. I just got off the phone from Hills pet food after calling the vets to see if giving him the AD food will cause problems. As it is suspected he has addisons his phosphate levels are high ( not neccessary an indicator for addisons in akitas as he is a pacific rim dog and if the blood doesn't get spun down straight away the phosphate levels can actually increase for some reason) any way after doing my own research on the AD food i.e reading the can after I had fed it (I know I am stupid) I noticed that it has a increased level of phosphous in it.

So I rang my vet and they basically stated that I should only feed it if I think it is not going to cause more harm..

I had a slight panic over that information so I called Hills to see if they had any more info for me and they are going to get a vet tech to call my vet and see what they can do as he needs to eat and the AD seems to be the only thing he will wolf down straight away.

I just feel stupid, and worried and now I think the vets I go to will put me into the crazy basket.


Have always found the vet helpline to be excellent at Hills/RC so try not to worry too much until you hear from them. :)

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I heard a pitiful moaning noise, looked out the window to see Nova with his head under the ramp. (I have a car ramp set up on the back steps so he doesn't bound off them).

I actually thought that Nova was hurt as earlier he was chasing the magpies and I thought one may of finally got him back. Run outside to discover a little brown dove hiding under the ramp. He's obviously been grabbed out of mid-air, somehow the lucky thing managed to put it self in the exact spot Nova couldn't reach (it's plastic and movable, he obviously didn't think that hard). WIRES lady just came and picked it up. Hopefully it will be ok, she seems to think it will.

Edited by LisaCC
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Guest hankodie

Oh no, that's no good about the grass seed Lisa (and the bird). Hope he gets it sorted in the morning. I sometimes wonder if Hank would ever commit a birdur. He's definitely interested in birds and sometimes chases them but he's too slow to ever catch one (I think). Worst "murder" I've ever seen him commit was pawing an earthworm to death trying to get it to play.

2 very hyper dogs here tonight as it's been raining all day. I did a couple of training sessions but have been largely out of action with a big headache.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend :)

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  On 16/11/2013 at 11:26 PM, Lhok said:
  On 16/11/2013 at 11:20 PM, LisaCC said:

Attempted Birdur frown.gif

Oh dear.. I think we need to hear the story about that.


Tis the season, we lost a sparrow this week too. Rosie is a beast with birds. Lucky the parakeets just hang out in the trees out of harms way.

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Nova is not very happy. He's not shaking his head heaps, Vet said if constant we might need to come in, but he is not happy at all. I hope he manages to sleep tonight.

He wont let me check it again so I'm pretty sure he's going to have to be sedated in the morning frown.gif

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Poor Nova. "birdur's" are sad things, I can still remeber how shocked I was when Tip presented his first soggy birsd at my feet, I was not happy with him at all that day! I hope the little dove recovers.

Poor Nova, I hope he feels better as soon as the grass seed is removed. Funny how these things never happen in normal opening hours.


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  On 18/11/2013 at 12:41 AM, LisaCC said:

Nova is being sedated at the vets. Waiting for a call to pick him up.

Lhok have you found out about Trebles results?

No word on the results as of yet, they are thinking they will be here tomorrow as we have had a bit of a problem. As Treb is an Akita, if the bloods don't get spun down straight away the phosphate levels go up in the blood which can give a false positive to Addisons. The vet I spoke to day and the one who is doing the test again to make sure does believe it is Addisons but we won't know for sure until the results come back.

The worst thing is going to the vets and getting him weighed, since his hernia op he has lost a lot of weight he started at 44kg and is now 38.8kg. We just can't get him to eat enough to put on weight so he is staying at the vets for monitoring.

Thank you for thinking about us. I hope everything when smooth for Nova it is so worrying when they are at the vets.


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