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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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That's not good Lisa. I really hope those drops give him some relief soon. Must be awful for him :( Did the vet offer pain killers at all?

I know what you mean about food Hankodie - there are way too many choices, and everyone has an opinion! I'm feeding Royal Canin because they have a lab specific food ( so I figure it should be suitable?!), and Nixon actually likes it (even I quite like the smell of it - compared to eukanuba anyway).

I still think we're getting too much poo though, and it bothers me how often Nix still needs extra probiotics. Gave him more this morning cos his poo has bee super stinky, and doesn't look too firm. He laid this one bizarre little nugget at the park yesterday that looked terrible, and everyone was asking what I've been feeding him (not in a good way!). Things are already looking better today though.

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I have to try and get more pictures of Willow, she really doesn't sit still for very long...(read: at all). I've got lots of very blurry shots, or lots of shots of her nose. :laugh: Depsite doing some training she's still naughty and sometimes a bit rude. :o She just loves people waaaay too much.

She self stacked the other day, go I wish I had had my phone with me...she looked very, very nice. If I do say so myself.

Nova is looking gorgeous!

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The vet said that the pain relief they would give can prevent the ear from healing properly, hence why we have to wait till monday for the steroids, but the drops should help soon, and the anti-inflammatories also help with pain relief.

Hankodie: Nova is on Pro Plan Sensitive Puppy, When I switch him to adult at around 9 months I think I'll look at Black Hawk Fish and Sweet Potato. Similar ingredients but a lot cheaper.

I'm happy with the amount of poos he has: 1 per meal. With the new sensitive food and his yogurt they are looking great too. (Yay poo talk laugh.gif)

Thank Dory :)

Oooh I'd love to see a pic on Willow stacking! Are you entered in any more shows?

We missed the two I wanted to enter frown.gif I don't think there are anymore now in the area until next year. So we will be going straight from baby puppy to puppy I think? Bit off putting.

When Nova is feeling a bit better we will have another practice of stacking and I'll try and get a photo. He is pretty good when we practice, his stack is almost natural, but he's not so good at holding it, he brings his leg forward into a 3 point GSD stack.

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Poor Nova with his sore ear, I hope it heals soon :( Ear infections are the worst, one of the joys of drop-eared breeds unfortunately :(

Hankodie I feed Royal Canin. Sumo loves it, and his poos are always solid. I wish I could say they were small too but have you seen the size of him? :laugh:

Sumo is 8.5 months now and still the most darling puppy :) It's ridiculous how much I love him! We have a couple more shows this weekend and next, then that's it for the year. He has improved (behavior-wise) so much and gaits beautifully for me now, nine times out of ten. His sister is a ratbag and prefers to gallop or bunny hop, but despite that she is doing more winning than Sumo as she is the nicer looking and more balanced Saint at the moment. In their lines though, the boys develop more slowly than the girls so there's hope for us yet! :)

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Treb has hit a new low. All my dogs have loved rolling in things but seriously Treb loves rolling in his own wee and it makes him stink :mad then he likes to come over to smooch, gross dog that he is. It is a sign that he is feeling better but man I had to change my pants twice today as he got me and I had a bad case of the stink arms. :eek:


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Oh Treb! Is it a boy thing, rolling in his wee? Or just random?

And in 3 days I can "officially" join this thread :)

I think it is a Treb thing lucky me.. and OOOOH yay for new puppy! I told Bea that you were getting a spotty pup like Potts her Dalmatian soft toy (named after bottomley potts all covered in spots from hairy maclary) and she asked if we could go to the fish shop today to see Potts.

This is going to be like the birdy and the kitten all over again. :laugh:


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Oh Treb! Is it a boy thing, rolling in his wee? Or just random?

And in 3 days I can "officially" join this thread :)

I think it is a Treb thing lucky me.. and OOOOH yay for new puppy! I told Bea that you were getting a spotty pup like Potts her Dalmatian soft toy (named after bottomley potts all covered in spots from hairy maclary) and she asked if we could go to the fish shop today to see Potts.

This is going to be like the birdy and the kitten all over again. :laugh:


Oh yes...I hope I'm not that lucky lol. Oh she's gorgeous, I honestly hope my kids are like her! Only 6 more sleeps until she can come in and see her :) And yes I forsee a lot of Potts talk in your future.......

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Guest hankodie

I'm going to join in! Hank on the first day we brought him home:


HE WAS SO TINY! I can't believe that was only in August!

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