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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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So after a week of Yogurt in every meal to firm up his poops. Nova has decided he would prefer to not eat than to eat plain yogurt-less dog food from his bowl. Out of the Kong Wobbler, fine. Out of the bowl? Nah.

So strange having a dog that is picky and doesn't hoover everything laugh.gif

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Thank you :)

Almost, if you see the dark patch on his side behind this buckle of his harness, thats still a bit puppy fluffy, and he still has some on his head, ears and back of neck.

His butt, stomach and chest have taken off though! I didn't think his ruff would come in until he was older but you can see in that picture how much the front of his harness cuts in, so it has grown quite long very fast!

I think he will end up with a very full coat. You can tell the difference comparing his coat length with JackCs Koda.

His stomach and chest fur is just so silky and lovely to touch. biggrin.gif

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Texas is a gorgeous boy, I wish I could of met him in real life! I did meet a lady at the show we were in that said she had handled him and was naughtier than what Nova was being laugh.gif

There are a few people here that own some related adult Aussies through that dogs sire, so Novas grandsire. They all have a very similar look to them. I kind of like it, a lot of shown Aussies have much more white on them, but I like that Nova has Tan there instead :)

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Guest hankodie

Wow Nova is looking very handsome! And he's looks just like his dad, absolutely gorgeous :love:

Hank's sire is the reason we really wanted a puppy from my breeder's litter - he's SO darling, I fell in love with him immediately. I spent about an hour giving him pats and cuddles when we went to visit, he was so happy and gentle :love:

Here he is - I reckon Hank's starting to look like him too!

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Treb and I are still at loggerheads about his food. Seems like he can only really stomach bland foods such as cooked chicken and rice at the moment. He still likes his fruit though weird dog that he is.

I went with Treb's breeder because I had heard good things about her and the one dog show I went to that actually had akitas there I met Treb's dad when he was a puppy (well around 6months old at the time) and he licked my face and tried to sit in my lap knocking me over in the process, I was smitten from that day on :laugh:

Nova is looking amazing. Lisa you must be so proud.

Hankodie: Hank's sire looks so cuddly, no wonder you wanted a pup from him.


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Thanks Hankodie and Lhok, I'm very proud smile.gif

Hanks sire is lovely looking! I'm sure you'll be very happy if Hank ends up anywhere near close to that!

Lhok, have you talked to a vet about starting an elimination diet with Treble? They are a pain in the butt, but they can help get to the bottom of things.

Also just because we have had success with it and it's brand new, Pro Plan has a new sensitive stomach formula, puppy and Adult versions. Nova is on the puppy one.

Talking about weird. I discovered Nova will do tricks for lettuce laugh.gif

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We tried the new fish Proplan after you mentioned it earlier, He seemed to like it for a week then just out of no where started refusing it. Much like his Blackhawk, he was happy to scoff it for 2 months then Bam! flat out refusal. His hernia op recovery hasn't helped either, He loves fish but will turn it down too. Seems to only like chicken and rice for now. I tried the VAN stuff and he sat there and pawed all the oats and stuff off his chicken then ate the chicken but now won't eat raw chicken and is highly suspicious of any in his bowl. He is odd, My Missy dog was a fussy eater but Treble just takes it to the next extreme.

The vets want to put him on A/D tinned food because he ate it while he was there but I have tried to explain to them just because he ate it twice doesn't mean that he will always eat it. I've started a food diary to show them just how much of a pain in the butt he is being. As they don't believe me (or at least it feels that way) they have scolded me for giving in to him and giving him yummy treat things like raw chicken and bones instead of hard lining and putting down dry food for 10 mins then throwing it away. The thing is I have done that too and it just doesn't make any difference to him eating.

Sorry this post kinda turned into a rant.. I am keen to learn about the elimination diet though, can't be any worse then what is happening now :laugh:


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How is he if you coat his dry food in something? Seeing as now my idiot won't eat unless there is yogurt on his food laugh.gif

Basically with an elimination diet you start on very basics such as rice or potato with a protein source that they have never had before (roo, goat, venison etc), and very slowly add more stuff. If there is an allergy or something sometimes you can't give more than that so everything else has to be through supplements. If he is being picky as well though that does make it hard frown.gif

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What about yoghurt? Ours like certain dry foods more if there's sardines and a little oil mixed through. Perhaps pureed fruit if he loves it so much?

It is a massive pain when they won't eat. Sure a dog won't let itself starve but they will let themselves get damn hungry! Haha.

Rosie isn't big on the VAN either, and I have to admit mixing and weighing it all out and leaving it 24 hours is arduous as anything. I'm considering full raw but need a bigger freezer first. She will have days where she hoes in and days where she looks, sniffs and walks off looking sad.

ETA a woman on here uses the sardines in tomato sauce and I've been known to mix shredded cheese in. Meals at our place are the total opposite of an elimination diet. HAHA. It's all about variety for us!

Edited by Steph M
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Yoghurt would be a good thing to try - it tastes yummy and it's good for them! Any natural yoghurt would be fine, and the probiotics will be a big help if his tummy is still feeling a bit uncertain...

Treble's food dramas really seem to be quite extreme! I'm not sure an elimination diet will help you much if he's just straight out being fussy, rather than having allergies to different foods.

Maybe he will be the kind of dog you'll just always have to have 3 or 4 different types of food on hand, and rotate day to day to keep him interested :)

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Hmm I've never tried yoghurt with him, I have given him sardines on his food before and he liked that up until a week ago when he left them untouched. What type of yoghurt or can it be any of them?

I don't mind giving variety if it means he will eat his food, I used to mix up two different types of dry food for Missy dog and then give her tinned food, sardines, raw meat, off cuts and fruit and vegies.


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