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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Urghh, someone please tell me I'm not being unreasonable and overreacting.

My housemate wants to bring her families 10 yr old male pug to stay for 2 weeks when her parents go away in about a month. Original plan was she was just going home to look after him.

I'm saying no and trying to get her understand my reasoning which are:

We have no where to separate the dogs during the day.

Nova plays with dogs by tackling, this is an elderly pug. He could easily get hurt and through playing would be the best outcome!

Nova will be just under 7 months by then. He is staying entire at least until 18 months, I can only guess when his hormones will kick in, he could be early and they could kick in from now. He has never met the other dog before, strange dog coming into his house, hormones possibly coming in and him turning into a teenager.

If the temperatures are like they are now both will need to be in the house with aircon (Nova's puppy fluff is still around, and pugs being.. pugs). Only Nova is crate trained and not for all day!

I can only see this ending in a bad way!

I'm not letting it happen.

Rant over. Breath.

Edited by LisaCC
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I think you are being very responsible Lisa. We had this scenario only two weeks ago, older dog, young pup, different sizes and energy levels, and they did not get along- at all. We constructed "fort Knox", and when one was inside, the other was on the front verandah, or in the bedroom,or in the "super pen" etc. I literally did not let them out of my sight, Wayne slept with them in the living area,and we trained them hard and conditioned positive responses.... we had to keep them both safe. For two weeks Kira grumbled at him,or hid in the bedroom until a miracle happened and she remembered how to play and Kira has been wonderful ever since. It was so stressful, and proved that not all pups and older dogs get along at first

Even if they get along fine, Nova would probably exhaust the Pug, and we know about that too. Our nephew's dog is staying and he is 8, overweight and not in great health. We had to keep them separate most of the time too, as Jingo simply would not let him alone, and Rollie wants to play, but can't handle much.It was a full time job juggling them all.

Either way, you are right- it is too risky. You are working so hard with Nova that any incident at this time could have lasting effects...... stick to your guns, you have the experience to know the possible ramifications if things go wrong.


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Thanks guys,

You make me feel like less of a crazy hypersensitive dog lady.

Tikira thats exactly my thinking. Even if I was to get another dog permanently now (I wouldn't) I would buy runs and not let them be together unsupervised until Nova was an adult and I was sure they wouldn't fight, let alone a "strange" dog just here for two weeks.

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Urghh, someone please tell me I'm not being unreasonable and overreacting.

My housemate wants to bring her families 10 yr old male pug to stay for 2 weeks when her parents go away in about a month. Original plan was she was just going home to look after him.

I'm saying no and trying to get her understand my reasoning which are:

We have no where to separate the dogs during the day.

Nova plays with dogs by tackling, this is an elderly pug. He could easily get hurt and through playing would be the best outcome!

Nova will be just under 7 months by then. He is staying entire at least until 18 months, I can only guess when his hormones will kick in, he could be early and they could kick in from now. He has never met the other dog before, strange dog coming into his house, hormones possibly coming in and him turning into a teenager.

If the temperatures are like they are now both will need to be in the house with aircon (Nova's puppy fluff is still around, and pugs being.. pugs). Only Nova is crate trained and not for all day!

I can only see this ending in a bad way!

I'm not letting it happen.

Rant over. Breath.

FWIW, 10 years isn't elderly and pugs are tough little buggers.

But not being able to separate them is reason enough, and the heat factor. I'd leave the rest out of it and keep it simple if she's having issues understanding. Make it all about the other dog, lots of concern for the other dog, poor little dog should stay in its own home, etc ;)

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Oh I am embarrass.gif, and I am truly concerned that Nova might hurt him, even in the friendliest manner.

But go pugs! 10 and still young?

Most 10 year old pugs I know would be most offended to be called elderly as they are still really pups ;)

They are a little slower than they used to be, but def not elderly. The 15 year olds are (were) elderly, gorgeous little dottery old men though.

My pug, although only 2, loves playing with bigger dogs. Pugs don't know they are small. Her current friend at the park is an Aussie pup actually.

Edited by minimax
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Guest hankodie

We lived with my in laws for a short period before moving into our house, they have 2 chihuahuas and keeping the dogs apart was a total nightmare! All Odie wanted to do was harass them and get them to play (which they were totally not interested in at all) so much of my time was devoted to separating them. I don't blame you for wanting to avoid the situation! Especially when Nova is still young.

Speaking of the teenage phase - Hank has been driving me nuts this week! He has been a little cranky and whingy, I suspect because of the teething. I think I'm going to see if I can join another obedience class so we can go a couple times a week, I think I also need to start giving him more structured exercise/training every day.

He's also starting to "talk back" to Odie (which I expected) but she still lets him know that she's boss bitch :laugh:

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No chance of a play date before unfortunately, Pug is about 5-6 hours away.

Hankodie, Nova was an absolute little shit when he started teething, so cranky, so whiney, but he's fine now smile.gif, hopefully Hank goes back to being sweet again soon after.

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I have to admit, without sounding cocky cause I sure didn't do anything to avoid trouble or deserve it, we haven't really noticed Gus being a teenager yet. He isn't rebellious or playing deaf. I'm still waiting on it though...

Course now I've said that I'll be sorry.

The kids are doing their first day of daycare today while we have some fencing repaired and the agent in to inspect.

I hope they're ready (the staff) for a big day. It'll be so quiet at ours later!

Rosie had a catch up with her brother on the weekend, just for a bit of fun. They certainly recognised each other and bickered like siblings and ran for hours.

It was nice!




Edited by Steph M
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I agree with your reasons Lisa about the pug. Unless she can supervise them the entire time then it's not particularly safe.

You've made me feel a little bit irresponsible in that I don't separate my two during the day. They run and play together, that said Daisy is not quite two yet. And the initial weeks were supervised. And they eat separately and if I'm around and seeing Atti being a bit of a bully because his hormones have started to kick in then he gets a time out. I do think that's why Atti pulls up sore sometimes from all the running but mostly they are supervised and its controlled. He is having xrays today and Daisy is walking around looking for him. :(

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I agree with your reasons Lisa about the pug. Unless she can supervise them the entire time then it's not particularly safe.

You've made me feel a little bit irresponsible in that I don't separate my two during the day. They run and play together, that said Daisy is not quite two yet. And the initial weeks were supervised. And they eat separately and if I'm around and seeing Atti being a bit of a bully because his hormones have started to kick in then he gets a time out. I do think that's why Atti pulls up sore sometimes from all the running but mostly they are supervised and its controlled. He is having xrays today and Daisy is walking around looking for him. :(

I don't either, we've watched them play enough to trust they're pretty good together.

We can be irresponsible together!

Personally I think the drama of having them baby gated apart would be just too much, one can clear a baby gate without a run up and I wouldn't dare crate them all day... I often come home at night to both snoozing on the couch.

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Guest hankodie

Hankodie, Nova was an absolute little shit when he started teething, so cranky, so whiney, but he's fine now smile.gif, hopefully Hank goes back to being sweet again soon after.

Phew! That makes me feel heaps better Lisa :laugh: He is SO whingy at the moment. Right now I can hear quiet pathetic whining at the door because I left him out there with a bone but he wants to come inside (and bring the bone and eat it at my feet. No thank you!)

I have to admit, without sounding cocky cause I sure didn't do anything to avoid trouble or deserve it, we haven't really noticed Gus being a teenager yet. He isn't rebellious or playing deaf. I'm still waiting on it though...

haha just enjoy it Steph! Admittedly Hank's teenage phase is nowhere near as bad as Odie's was so I shouldn't complain. He's mostly being a sook and walking around chomping everything because his mouth is hurting him!

You've made me feel a little bit irresponsible in that I don't separate my two during the day. They run and play together, that said Daisy is not quite two yet. And the initial weeks were supervised. And they eat separately and if I'm around and seeing Atti being a bit of a bully because his hormones have started to kick in then he gets a time out. I do think that's why Atti pulls up sore sometimes from all the running but mostly they are supervised and its controlled. He is having xrays today and Daisy is walking around looking for him. :(

Daisy I don't think it's irresponsible, I just think it's different for different dogs. I separate my 2 at the moment for a few reasons. The main one is that Odie is a small dog and Hank is rapidly growing and will soon be much bigger than her - yet he still plays with her like they are both the same size, which is a bit of a worry if they are not supervised. Generally in the yard they are OK but they love to wrestle and I sometimes have to break it up if it gets too rough.

As they are both young dogs I am going to observe and see how it goes, once they are older I will probably leave them unsupervised together during the day but it all depends on how their relationship pans out :)

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You're right. Steph I'm the same with the baby gate even when separated with closed doors they open them to see each other. Most of the time they snooze.

It would be different if they were different sizes and dramatically different breeds with different play styles. But Aussies play like Aussies. I've noticed that they both play better with bigger dogs and are drawn to working type dogs.

I would be a lot more conscious of leaving a pug with Atticus. Knowing what he is capable of and how he tries to play with the cat. It would be entirely accidental but something I wouldn't risk.

Edited by Daisy.Tea
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Poor Gus is not having fun at daycare.

I just called to check they were being good and Rosie is having a blast but Gus has knocked the top off his wart and has been barking and stressing and not enjoying himself. Overstimulated is a good word I'd say.

The woman said being a big dog they wouldn't take him again ‘entire’

Bit annoying really but I get it, still he’s not aggressive or humpy (he's the most submissive, happy dog generally and the woman who answered my call backed me up on that and said he was a darling and so sweet and teddybear-esque, so not sure what his great crime is in that case)

I did tell them he was a big happy puppy, his weight and size is on his application form, which they'd had for over a week, as is his desex status and they'd met him before photos and we'd discussed they were in today and that Rosie was more timid etc etc, I mentioned again he was entire.

What really got me was that she was so stern with me! Like I’d done something wrong not having them off already!

I did mention he wouldn't shrink after… ahem. :o

Clearly desexing is a magic cure for stress in an unfamiliar environment, new people, new dogs and his routine being thrown out.

Lucky I don’t think we’ll bother again, if he’s not having fun. Maybe Rosie can do a day here and there to keep her busy but seems Mister would be happier with a bone in the yard and a park trip after work.

Looks like I’ll be popular tonight after I pick him up, will be taking the toll roads to get there quicker.

I thought it’d be the other way around that Rosie would be a bit quieter and Gus would be a total clown.

Feeling quite miserable he isn’t having any fun!

Might sneak off early ;)

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Oh No! Poor Gus :(

I can definitely attest to his submissiveness, he had a usually submissive Cocker trying to dominate him on the weekend - in the most playful of ways of course :p

I can't imagine Gus getting the dreaded op will make him behave any differently as he's not displaying any testosteroney behaviour :(

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Poor Gus :( At least Rosie is enjoying himself.

Ah yes, because we all know how desexing cures all bad behaviours *remembering when my desexed at 6month lab puppy started humping, leg cocking and generally going nuts 3 months after the op* laugh.gif

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