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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Yes I have a feeling he may end up on the large side of the breed.

They are too clever aren't they! I tried to lure him with a treat yesterday and he just sat there like nope, pick me up.

Edited by LisaCC
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Makes me laugh reading about the pups not jumping into the car, Quinn, my Aussie Shepherd, who is now almost 2, fully grown and regularly demonstrates her ability to jump to adult human face height, still stands at the car seat with her front paws up on the seat and waits for me to lift her butt in like I had to when she was a puppy and couldn't reach :laugh:

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Guest hankodie

Makes me laugh reading about the pups not jumping into the car, Quinn, my Aussie Shepherd, who is now almost 2, fully grown and regularly demonstrates her ability to jump to adult human face height, still stands at the car seat with her front paws up on the seat and waits for me to lift her butt in like I had to when she was a puppy and couldn't reach :laugh:

:rofl: adorable!

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Makes me laugh reading about the pups not jumping into the car, Quinn, my Aussie Shepherd, who is now almost 2, fully grown and regularly demonstrates her ability to jump to adult human face height, still stands at the car seat with her front paws up on the seat and waits for me to lift her butt in like I had to when she was a puppy and couldn't reach :laugh:

OMG, that is hilarious, but gives me so little hope for the future!

Nixon is too heavy already, and it's only going to get worse!!! Maybe I need a car ramp :)

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Aliwake maybe try and upload to youtube and then copy + paste the embed code in a post? Edit: never mind the link you posted works. Nixon is such a cutie!

I just gave Hank a huge bone..... I have not heard a peep out of him in about 2 hours. Are the raw bones OK to give him? I'm new to feeding raw anything and it freaks me out a little :o he's attacking it like a savage!

It is not advisable to give dogs weight bearing bones especially from cattle. Believe me I know when 2 previous dogs broke the tip off a k9 tooth. I give my little JS chicken legs, lamb shanks & turkey wings. He loves them & does a happy dance at meal times. The 1st time he had a chicken leg, over a year ago now, it took him 3.5 hours to eat it. :laugh:

Ailwake loved your photos of Nixon at the water. Reminded me of the time we took Tilba to a river for her 1st & only swim.

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I trawl this thread regularly to see how your pups are going.

Zereuloh, Tyrion's ears gave me a laugh in the 1st pic. I didn't think they were ever going to stand up. Tilba my BC has one of each. :laugh:

Edited by luvsdogs
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Guest hankodie

Aliwake maybe try and upload to youtube and then copy + paste the embed code in a post? Edit: never mind the link you posted works. Nixon is such a cutie!

I just gave Hank a huge bone..... I have not heard a peep out of him in about 2 hours. Are the raw bones OK to give him? I'm new to feeding raw anything and it freaks me out a little :o he's attacking it like a savage!

It is not advisable to give dogs weight bearing bones especially from cattle. Believe me I know when 2 previous dogs broke the tip off a k9 tooth. I give my little JS chicken legs, lamb shanks & turkey wings. He loves them & does a happy dance at meal times. The 1st time he had a chicken leg, over a year ago now, it took him 3.5 hours to eat it. :laugh:

Ailwake loved your photos of Nixon at the water. Reminded me of the time we took Tilba to a river for her 1st & only swim.

Oh wow I didn't know that luvsdogs, thanks for letting me know!! I took it off him after a while because I was a bit freaked he would devour the whole thing, he hasn't had one since. I bought a bag of bones from the butcher which cost me $3, there are (what I think are) lamb flaps in there as well as big meaty marrow bone things, would these be OK to give him? I want to try to find him frozen chicken frames but when I asked the butcher he said these were special order only :confused: I also stopped giving him chicken necks because I have to smash them up so that he doesn't inhale it whole :laugh:

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I must be lucky, my Aussie boy jumps up into his cage inside the back of my 4x4 as soon as I open the door :laugh:

Although i must admit he doesn't do it when he is knackered (like after a good day out walking) and gives me the "pweeese life me daddy" eyes

on the bone question I also steer away from tough bones like beef or other cattle, my boy gets a Soft Veal Marrow bone daily, the bone is soft enough for him to consume it all, any hard bits left over at the end of the day I throw away

I get them from tuckertub and they come in 1.5kg bags and are cut in half to expose the marrow. he adores them

Edited by JackC
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My lab had beef bones his entire life (until his exclusion diets) and never broke a tooth confused.gif He also never had any tartar on them his 11 years.

Hankodie, try Turkey Necks, they are giant, no need to mash them up as hank won't be chocking on them. I find them great at the moment frozen for Nova's teething. They are so big he only gets half of one.

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Today was a little frightening.

There is a house with new renters (been in the place for a month) in it down the road from where I live and it has a very snarly in your face border collie living there. Each time we walk past it the collie goes off it's tree at Treble, I don't know why it is only large dogs (a cav walked past and it did nothing) but Treb was really reactive to the point that he flattened his ears and lunged forward (The only other time I saw him do that was with the teenage boys) I managed to get him out of there but it really stuffed up our walk and he was looking out the entire walk home. Not only was I worried about Treble but I was also worried that the collie was going to jump the fence as it got really close to doing it before the owner came out and grabbed it's collar.

So now I am really concerned about how the incident has effected Treble.


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I hope that hasn't affected Treble too much Lhok. The only thing I could suggest is to perhaps if you haven't already start training 'Look at that'. If it does effect him in anyway, this might help a bit?

Play date yesterday that got interrupted by more dogs (don't get me started on that part).

Lesson learnt: Don't get them wet, and don't feed them after midnight.


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sounds like there's a lot more to that story Lisa! Nova is super adorable when he's wet though :)

I have a sneaking suspicion that Nixon might have kennel cough again.... Either that or there's something else that makes him sound like he's trying to vomit all night :( Lucky we still have some cough medicine, and even luckier that he doesn't seem to mind taking it much! He is going to miss going to the park again so much if it is KC.

ETA I'm starting to think his desire to play with absolutely everybody might be his downfall. There is no dog at the park that he does not share spit with on a regular basis. Maybe we need another puppy so he can just play at home :rofl:

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We were the only one with any recall, I was using the play date as part of training. The puppies we were playing with on purpose where 2 husky x's. But then about 6? BCs turned up on a planned play date as we were walking back to the car (we were already all on lead), half jumped out of their cars without leads on, no chance of a recall in any of them, the ones already out on leash, waved at us said 'They are friendly' then let theirs loose too.

The huskies enjoyed themselves but Nova was already buggered frown.gif\

Urgh and as I was helping my friend with her husky pups, ones of them said 'yea they've all come down with something, had heaps of vomiting and diarrhoea last night'. Then why are you taking them to public places and letting them rush other dogs????

Edited by LisaCC
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Guest hankodie

Made a short silly movie of Hank & Odie playing yesterday in the yard, thought I'd share! I posted this in the photo forum but couldn't get it working properly, hopefully that link works now.

aliwake sorry to hear about Nixon's coughing :( poor thing. When Odie contracted KC the vet said that puppies often have a longer recovery time than adults do but the good news is they always eventually bounce back from it.

Cute photo Lisa, Nova looks very cheeky there! I feel your pain with the offlead dogs - had another one rush us yesterday when we were training (on lead). Also had a woman with a terrier on a retractable lead, it was snarling at us and obviously very unhappy, yet she kept trying to drag it over to us and kept smiling at me and going "puppy puppy say hello to the puppy!" she then looked very offended when I picked Hank up and turned around. Lady, the world is not going to fall apart if your dog does not meet mine :shrug: Edited by hankodie
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That sux Lisa - I can't believe they were taking sick dogs out and about!! That's disgusting!!

Nixon has probably been retching for a couple of days now, but once again I was a bit slow off the mark to realise it was 'coughing'. Last night and this morning he was doing it a lot. He's also been quite unsettled during the night which is usually a sign he's not too well - otherwise he's usually out to it til morning.

We probably had about a month without coughing I think? So I assume what he's got is another strain again - surely he'd already have immunity if it was the same one?!

Any ideas for boosting the immune system?

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