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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Guest hankodie

Oh no :cry: Hank has hurt himself playing with Odie. I was making a cup of tea and turned my back for a second and he was on the ground, crying and holding his front leg up in the air. I panicked and picked him up and tried to get him to stand but he couldn't. He then got up but limped for about 4 minutes so I put him in his pen and he went to sleep, when he got up he wasn't limping any more and his leg seems to be OK, maybe a little stiff but he's putting pressure on it OK. I checked it over and gently felt around but he didn't yelp or cry.

He's sleeping again now, I'll see how he goes but if there's any more limping I'll have to take him to the vet. I'm kicking myself for not separating them sooner, I take them outside every time they start to tussle as we have floorboards inside and they are very slippery. But the moment they get outside they're fine, then they want to come inside and start wrestling again. Argh!!!! these dogs they will be the death of me I swear :mad

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Guest hankodie

Thanks aliwake :( argh, I'm super paranoid about his joints, I always try and make sure they play on the rug or bed but I wasn't paying attention today.

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Oh no, poor Hank! Crossing fingers he's ok. crossfingers.gif Have a look at his nails, he might have gotten one caught.

I took this photo just for you Jack, you can see Nova's adult coat growing right down his spine, it's the only part of him that lays somewhat flat biggrin.gif



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I've been keeping updated on everyones puppies and its good to see they're all doing so well! I haven't had a chance to post much later as life has been incredibly hectic with puppy and kids etc. Anyway, I woke up this morning to find both of Tyrions ears upright! (one is down again at the moment but I think its due to teething). Anyway he looks so ridiculous so here is some pics!




:laugh: hes so funny.

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Chester and Lola have always have beautiful shiny coats and I always get comments. So I've been puzzled that Envy's coat is dry. I've been adding fish, eggs and omega oils to their food and her coat is maybe slightly better but not a lot. Not sure what else to do. Any suggestions? They all get black hawk dry food, Envy's is the puppy version, plus raw meat, meaty bones, chicken necks and frames, eggs, whole fish, veges, sardines plus the oil.

How old is she now LP? I would be adding Puppy Gold or Super Fuel to her diet if she is closer to 6 months.

And be gone with the kibble :p LOL :)

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Guest hankodie

Awww Tyrion is adorable, looks like he's growing into those ears! :laugh:

Hank seems to have made a full recovery from his little injury, he's trying to run around like usual but I'm keeping him quiet for the next day or two just to be safe. He's currently leashed to my leg and not happy about it :laugh:

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Guest hankodie

Thanks Lisa, me too! I'll be glad when the clumsy puppy stage is over... he also got up onto the couch yesterday when I wasn't looking, thankfully I caught him just as he was getting ready to leap off the back of it :eek: of course he had a huge grin on his face the entire time too

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Cheeky Hank!!!

Nixon has only made his way all the way onto the couch twice, and both times I think he was just as surprised as we were! It doesn't stop him from getting front paws up on everything and anything that he shouldn't though - nothing is out of bounds...

Now that I think about it he's only jumped all the way into the car by himself once too - it's probably a good thing he doesn't realise what he's capable of!

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Yes aliwak this I find strange, but good as I don't actually want him doing any of it! But Nova jumps on things taller than my car seat, yet he wont get in the car by himself. I struggle to even get him to put his front paws up to help me out the fat lump lol.

In saying that he's not fat at all, I actually increased his food again this morning laugh.gif Still putting on 1kg a week though!!! He was 13.4kgs on Monday

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