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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Ok here's a question:

Does anyone else's pups do loud and/or stinky farts?

All my dogs have a really good diet.

Chester does little cute trumpet farts that don't usually stink

Lola does silent but violent ninja farts that make you clear the room.

Envy can do both. She has been doing loud farts all the time and its so cute but I've never had a dog do audible farts so often. She will often fart as she sits when you tell her to sit :laugh:

But right now she was laying at my feet and doing stinky ones without sound. Grossss!

Gus does both, though I would rather a loud than a stinker, cause his stinkers are VIOLENT.

The loud ones are fab though because if he's asleep he scares himself awake and stares at his behind for a minute like 'did you do that...'

Cracks us up. He's certainly a farter though.

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Ok here's a question:

Does anyone else's pups do loud and/or stinky farts?

All my dogs have a really good diet.

Chester does little cute trumpet farts that don't usually stink

Lola does silent but violent ninja farts that make you clear the room.

Envy can do both. She has been doing loud farts all the time and its so cute but I've never had a dog do audible farts so often. She will often fart as she sits when you tell her to sit :laugh:

But right now she was laying at my feet and doing stinky ones without sound. Grossss!

Gus does both, though I would rather a loud than a stinker, cause his stinkers are VIOLENT.

The loud ones are fab though because if he's asleep he also scares himself awake and stares at his behind for a minute like 'did you do that...'

Cracks us up. He's certainly a farter though.

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Guest hankodie

Gorgeous photos Lisa!

I have just spent about 30 minutes trying to coax Hank into the clam shell pool... he hates it! I only filled it up a little bit but he won't come near it. Even Odie kept jumping in and out to show him how fun it was. Tried lots of treats + praise but he was not having it :laugh: seriously the frenchie is more of a water dog than he is at this point. Oh well. He'll get there.

Hope everyone has a great w/end!

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He will, Gus was so anti water (and a truly crap swimmer, might I add) up until the last few weeks when I have to pretty much wrestle him away from puddles, creeks, the beach, the hose, the tap in the bath, you name it (and heaven help you if you leave the shower door open when you're in there!)

I think what really did it was playing at the beach with other dogs, made it a positive thing. Also he's got longer legs now so that makes swimming more effectual than going in head first...haha.

He'll get there, Odie will show him the way! ;)

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Treble has been annoying the beejeebus out of me today. I have had to brush him 4 times today because he decided to go for a romp over in grass seed city down the dungeon (it is dark and some what smells of damp with heaps of onionweed) side of the house. I put up a mesh fence to stop him but he just ran through it knocking the starpickets out of the ground.

Tomorrow I will be taking to the onion weed with a shovel and maddock, and I might go and get some pavers or river stones to throw over the ground.

Hope everyones Sat has been better then mine..


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Guest hankodie

Steph M that's hilarious :laugh: not sure I want Hank to love the water that much but it must be funny to see! (though not so funny when you've got a muddy wet dog to put in the car!)

We went to the beach today, it was quite overcast and a little cold but I didn't mind much because we had the whole beach to ourselves :)






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Guest hankodie

Thanks guys! Lisa I'm positive his head has doubled in size over the last week. It's hilarious because he kind of looks like one of those bobble head toys. Gotta love the awkward puppy stage :laugh:

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Wow some really beautiful photos in here love.gif Congrats to all of you who have now got your puppies yayyyy !! cheer.gifchampagne.gifbanana.gif I hope you are having lots of fun with them.

I haven't had much of a chance to have a good catch up in this thread of late as hubby and I have had a really terrible few months, first with losing my husband's Mother to cancer, then recently having to give our Joey Cavalier his wings crying.gif I don't want to put a downer in here about him but if you want to read more then I have done a post in the rainbow bridge section, and its also in the health and grooming section of dol

Miah is now 10 months old and doing very well. Shes a very happy go lucky kind of gal, very confident, friendly and outgoing . Nothing seems to faze her *touch wood* We are hoping to start her at a dog school soon... she needs it as shes very excitable and needs lots of stimulation, physically and mentally! We did buy her a dog board game (nina ottosson) recently to help her to focus some of her energy into :)

Today we took her to the beach so we could all get out of the house a bit as our older dog Renae is fretting (Joey was her son). Miah loved it so much, and wasn't at all nervous about getting her paws wet lol There was a whale further out, luckily we didn't let her off her leash as im sure she would have wanted to swim out to it laugh.gif

Anyway heres a short 26 second video of her, my husband didn't capture the last bit on his mobile video where they were swamped by the little wave coming in lol

love and cuddles to all your puppies/young dogs x

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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