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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Lollipup, Hunter is incredible gentle. I was impressed that Envy was quite subdued too. I love Envy's colouring - will she stay with the dark face and tail and the lighter body?

Yes it was some nice calm play. Hunter is 8 months old :) Envy's face has gotten lighter on the top part of the black and could get a bit lighter still. I like it how it is. The rest of her could go lighter or darker but going from her parents I'd say she'll be a red mahogany colour with darker chest, face and tail.

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Guest hankodie

Well.................................. I may have found the cause to Hank's tummy troubles. I found a big worm in his poo just now :vomit: OK I know that's TMI but I'm so grossed out right now I needed to tell somebody :cry: do I need to be worried? I called the vet and the nurse said just keep an eye on him, I gave him a worming tablet yesterday afternoon but she said to worm him again in 1 or 2 weeks. I think it's a roundworm from google images but I am too grossed out to investigate further, it was definitely big which is confusing since he's been wormed regularly since before we picked him up from the breeders. Anyone else had this with their puppies? I know Lisa did a couple of weeks ago but if I recall it was tapeworms and this didn't look like that to me.

ew ew ew ew. So sorry for my gross updates as of late but I had to tell someone!!!!

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Oh no!!!!

That is exactly why we kept up fortnightly worming until recently...

Apparently there isn't a negative to extra worming apart from the extra expense (according to my vet), so go to town if you feel like it :)

I'd worm again in a week I think!

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Guest hankodie

When we went for his vacc the vet gave us an all in one tablet because Hank is due to start his heartworm prevention, so it was obviously more effective than the brand I have been giving him!!! Poor Hankie panks :( Should I be worried or is this completely normal? I've never found any worms in Odie's poo so I've been blissfully unaware of their existence until just now :cry:

I will definitely worm him again in a week aliwake. omg. I'm scarred for life. I hope my neighbour didn't see the little "grossed out" dance I did in my yard!

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Ahh Hanky, let us know how the re-worming goes, the tablets will only kill off new lavie so he might have picked this one before you wormed him, maybe consult your vet about what tablets to give him from now to find a good balance of worming, heart worm and flee etc, my boy is on sentinel spectrum as he is MDR1 affected and its working great, don't over stress, as long as he is vibrant and happy.

Love the photo lolipop, one serious happy dog.

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Beckybecbec, your pups are adorable!

Lhok, you must be so proud of Treble, I wonder how he knew something was up and not just a person coming to the door/walking by.

Hankodie: Yay! Dog owning: when perfect poops become my happiest moments :D

:( to the worms, I hope they all come out soon.

Lollipup: What a great video, I'm surprised how calm Envy is too, she seems to be such a great dog. The black and tan shepherd at the end of the last video is hilarious, he plays like a puppy!!. Love the last photo too, happy in pink :)

Aliwake: Oh no! But at least you got a hint of how perfect he will turn out after the puppy stage smile.gif

Rangermad: Griffin is adorable, I want to rub all his wrinkles!

JackC: have you already gotten Koda MDR1 tested or are you going off the possibility of his parents? I'm extra glad his desexing went well if thats the case smile.gif

Nova is possibly a carrier at max, I need to get him tested to make sure before we have any major ops.

Rangermad the whole trip was great, Nova was fine during the driving. He played up a bit at Mums house but settled quickly enough, loved her back yard with all the hidden pathways and hidey holes!

Obedience school was good, we already have everything down pat, so for us it was more doing it all around other dogs and distractions. Once he realised I have the best food he has ever seen I found it hard to get his attention off me laugh.gif. I kind of need it to be for whiplash turns lol.

I'm really surprised how much Nova has grown and how much a Border Collie there hasn't. We met them when Nova was just 9 wks and the BC was 14? The BC doesn't look like he's grown much at all and Nova is already bigger than him at 17weeks. I also weighed him again at a hefty 12.1 kg. Still putting on about 1kg a week.

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Beckybecbec, your pups are adorable!

Lhok, you must be so proud of Treble, I wonder how he knew something was up and not just a person coming to the door/walking by.

Hankodie: Yay! Dog owning: when perfect poops become my happiest moments :D

:( to the worms, I hope they all come out soon.

Lollipup: What a great video, I'm surprised how calm Envy is too, she seems to be such a great dog. The black and tan shepherd at the end of the last video is hilarious, he plays like a puppy!!. Love the last photo too, happy in pink :)

Aliwake: Oh no! But at least you got a hint of how perfect he will turn out after the puppy stage smile.gif

Rangermad: Griffin is adorable, I want to rub all his wrinkles!

JackC: have you already gotten Koda MDR1 tested or are you going off the possibility of his parents? I'm extra glad his desexing went well if thats the case smile.gif

Nova is possibly a carrier at max, I need to get him tested to make sure before we have any major ops.

Rangermad the whole trip was great, Nova was fine during the driving. He played up a bit at Mums house but settled quickly enough, loved her back yard with all the hidden pathways and hidey holes!

Obedience school was good, we already have everything down pat, so for us it was more doing it all around other dogs and distractions. Once he realised I have the best food he has ever seen I found it hard to get his attention off me laugh.gif. I kind of need it to be for whiplash turns lol.

I'm really surprised how much Nova has grown and how much a Border Collie there hasn't. We met them when Nova was just 9 wks and the BC was 14? The BC doesn't look like he's grown much at all and Nova is already bigger than him at 17weeks. I also weighed him again at a hefty 12.1 kg. Still putting on about 1kg a week.

Hi Lisa,

Koda's mum is MDR1 affected and father is carrier so best he could be is carrier but there is a 80% chance he is affected so for safety sake I have deemed him affected for vet purposes and make sure my vet knows every time I go in.

I may have him DNA tested when he is older for interest sake but for now I'm playing it safe

Nova is growing well Lisa, my boy is sitting at 13kg now at 21 weeks, a bit smaller than yours

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Lhok, you must be so proud of Treble, I wonder how he knew something was up and not just a person coming to the door/walking by.

I'm not entirely sure myself as not more then an hour later there were drunk people walking up the road singing swing low sweet chariot and he didn't even care about it I however did it as the singing was awful.


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It's strange how dogs just seem to sense evil intent... We had someone try to break through our side gate when I was younger, and I'd never ever heard our dog bark like she did then - it was immediately clear something was very wrong.

It clearly scared the intruder too, who then spent the next half hour hiding in bushes in our front yard. Unfortunately they were gone before the police got there though.

Did you report what happened Lhok?

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yup Aliwake, we did, although the guy who came around wasn't at all interested which was kinda annoying. My dad who is a mechanic fixed the lock too which is awesome as I thought we might have had to wait but he sourced the part from a wrecker in about an hour.

:laugh: Lisa maybe, he seems to howl and grumble at me if I start up the harmonica. He head tilts if I start to sing and he wacks my husband with his paw if he starts to sing :laugh:


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It's annoying when they don't seem to care! that's great your dad was able to fix the lock so easily though. Might be worth putting on a steering lock as a deterrent? Though with any luck a taste of Treble means they won't be back in a hurry.

I was singing while I made dinner the other night and Nixon was trying to have a nap - he just looked at me and groaned :)

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:laugh: :laugh: Lhok you have a real character on your hands, I'm so glad you have that joy in your life

There have been many cases of where dogs (unseeing) can sense danger close by, sometimes its the quiet tones of an intruder with their voice (might be a tense or anger voice), sometimes its a small noise made by the intruders, a noise which to a dogs ears is like "this is wrong". and sometimes its just bizarre but we have to remember dogs auditory and smell receptive senses are in the region of 1000 stronger than humans.

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