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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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We had a Frenchie on our puppy class Smash, and boy was he a handful ????. All he wanted to do was play play play but OMG was he cute ????. We had a huuge very dominant GSD who was a bit of a bully but Henry the Frenchie had no issues putting him in his place, and he only came up to his ankles!

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We had a Frenchie on our puppy class Smash, and boy was he a handful ????. All he wanted to do was play play play but OMG was he cute ????. We had a huuge very dominant GSD who was a bit of a bully but Henry the Frenchie had no issues putting him in his place, and he only came up to his ankles!

Oh Lordy that sounds like Tank. Lots of owners let our dogs meet on the street and Tank just wants to play with them all. And when he meets another Frenchie.... The excitement is too much haha! This will be an interesting evening...!

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A bit ot, but moosepup I just love your Zoe. That side on shot of her on the couch with the others, apart from her drop ears, she looks like Panda. I did some research on getting a tibbie but would have loved a black one, before getting Panda of course :D .

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Thought I'll come to this thread. My Belgian Shepherd - Shiloh - is now 9 months old and is very close to being an Australian Champion :) Once we have got that I am going to focus on Obedience as I want to trial her and eventually get to compete in agility as well. Here are some photos taken a few weeks ago by Cynthia Armstrong Photography

A stacked pic of Shiloh


and with my other dog Akasha (Australian White Swiss Shepherd)


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Little master got his (cheap and disposable, and way way too big) first tag in the mail today. He's an official pooch!

Spent the day with 'daddy' as I'm back at work and apparently got the cheekies and has worn both of them out. Both better sleep well!





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Wait till you go to a park and strangers think they can give your pup treats "because it's so cute" !

OMG just try and feed my puppy... Just try... I dare them...!

Who would do that :doh:

I've had an old lady open a pack of biscuits and try to shove one in my toddler's mouth without asking when she was having a tanty in the checkout line at target so I feel confident people will try to feed your puppy!!!

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It's not just a puppy thing, people would try to feed my lab as an adult (who was a very sick boy). Ended up getting a big 'medi alert' type tag studded into his collar with a big WARNING DO NOT FEED 'Allergies' on it.

Actually worked, but doubt it would work as much for a cute little puppy that people just can not resist *rolls eyes*

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Testing out tapatalk image upload and thought id show you all were my boy sleeps at night, the crate is a bono fido large crate, bought it so its big enough for him when he is full size for car travel, attached is two compost fences in a v shape, two layers of old towels and a section of for grass on top, so if he needed to pee in the middle of the night he understands to do it on the grass and not in his bed, been working well so far



Regards Jack

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It's not just a puppy thing, people would try to feed my lab as an adult (who was a very sick boy). Ended up getting a big 'medi alert' type tag studded into his collar with a big WARNING DO NOT FEED 'Allergies' on it.

Actually worked, but doubt it would work as much for a cute little puppy that people just can not resist *rolls eyes*

Yep, at the dog park on the weekend there was a dog, looked like a lab x beagle and completely food obsessed. Diving into peoples pockets, bags, and jumping up onto tables to try and get to plates. When he did it to one table THEY GAVE HIM SOME FOOD! If it was my dog I would have been furious, not only for feeding him but for encouraging the behaviour.

Although the owner wasn't watching, so partly their fault too, but still. Moronic people out there. And partly the reason I can't get my pugs to stop jumping up on people when we are out, because people encourage it like that :banghead:

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Yep, at the dog park on the weekend there was a dog, looked like a lab x beagle and completely food obsessed. Diving into peoples pockets, bags, and jumping up onto tables to try and get to plates. When he did it to one table THEY GAVE HIM SOME FOOD! If it was my dog I would have been furious, not only for feeding him but for encouraging the behaviour.

Although the owner wasn't watching, so partly their fault too, but still. Moronic people out there. And partly the reason I can't get my pugs to stop jumping up on people when we are out, because people encourage it like that :banghead:

Mum's Shih Tzu is like that. We call her The Seagull. If you have chips, she will be there. She also has one eye so she does very very well out of it.

Regards Jack

How very formal! Haha.

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Our Cavaliers are like seagulls especially Renae and Miah embarrass.gif I would never feed anyone elses dog, and I get very upset when we have been out and people have tried to feed them without our permission doggy treats/their last bit of icecream etc icon_smile_mad.gif

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Puppy school was good! I learnt a few new things about training which I wasn't doing (like getting him to learn his name doing the sit and then treat quickly up to your eye when you say his name). A few other things like not repeating commands and only using his name when I actually have a purpose (guess I'll revert back to Mr Frenchie / Squishy / Mr Squishyface during play time :laugh: ). I always forget Tank will never understand me (yes, I chat to him quite a bit!).

There were only two other dogs there though. One lady was sick so she didn't show up. Another puppy (another Frenchie!) was sick so he didn't come but the owner did. There was a very, very timid Japanese Spitz who didn't get to play because she was scared (although she was doing the play drop towards the end). There was one nightmare puppy - she was either 16 or 18 weeks. Jumping everywhere and up to her owner and the trainers. Pulling on her harness. On a retractable lead... Barking at Tank and the Spitz. She was actually scared of Tank when it came to play time, but eventually calmed down and let Tank chase her around. I don't know what breed - she looked like a cattle dog but was coloured and a bit fluffy like a St Bernard. The owner said she was a rescue. She was very poorly socialised I think - the owner said this was the first time she'd every really met / played with another dog :eek: .

My boy was AMAZING. He basically just sat around on his mat ignoring the commotion of the other puppy and chewed on a pig ear the trainer gave him while she was going through the theory the whole time. Tank already does a pretty much perfect sit (especially if he has any inkling there is food/treats around - he will litterly just drop into a sit :rofl: ). He played well - he wasn't scared of the other two puppies or the people. No barking. No jumping... The trainers used him for a few of the examples. I think I'm doing a pretty good job with him - I'm not SUPER fussed on teaching him a bunch of tricks, but I am happy that he seems relatively relaxed, obedient and knows who is boss. Early days still, but I think he's doing well.

Honestly - given how Tank has been with people / other dogs since day one, I am SO glad that I really got him out and about safely to socialise and see the world... :thumbsup:

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Pulling on her harness. On a retractable lead... Barking at Tank and the Spitz.

How naughty! I don't think ours allows retractable leads. We were told a flat collar and a short lead. I hate those things.

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