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A Follow On Thread For Those Who Now Have Their Puppy


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Growing already! Sumo today at 11.5 weeks.


The No-Puppy-On-The-Lounge rule somehow got forgotten :o He never gets up there himself, but we can't resist bringing him up for a cuddle sometimes :)

My No Puppy rule didn't even last past the first afternoon. LOL

We now have a Pirhana Puppy. And boy is she quick! Nearly had a nose pierce, ear pierce, gobs of hair almost ripped out and my hands and forearms are shredded.

Training is going to start tomorrow. I was going to give a little more time to settle, but I think we can assume she's settled. LOL

Edited by Dory the Doted One
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Oh My Cassie - Sumo looks like a big cuddle bear - and look at those eyes! Even though the eyes aren't straight on to the photo I can see how I wouldn't be able to resist them! 11.5 weeks - how much does she weigh? Banjo is 13 weeks and hasn't reached 2kg yet aa- LOL!

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Our first toy casualty and it wasn't Willow who destroyed it. :laugh:

Dory has never been particularly interested in toys. At best you could get a quick 5 minute frenzied tug game from her before she'd walk off leaving you to you're own devices. Since we have had Willow this has changed a little bit. She likes to steal Willow's toys, especially when Willow wants them, then sneaks off and does this.

Monkey Tug was the guranteed toy to get Willow to stop biting, and now he has gone to toy heaven. :cry:

Off to buy another one....or a dozen. :laugh:

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Oh My Cassie - Sumo looks like a big cuddle bear - and look at those eyes! Even though the eyes aren't straight on to the photo I can see how I wouldn't be able to resist them! 11.5 weeks - how much does she weigh? Banjo is 13 weeks and hasn't reached 2kg yet aa- LOL!

It's true he has very soulful eyes that are near impossible to resist! Or stay mad at :laugh:

I haven't actually weighed him since he came home but judging on what he was putting on each week, and using his litter brother's weight as a guide (the owner told me how heavy he is) I'm guesstimating about 14-15kg.

He is such a cuddle bunny! I've never met a pup like him, most want to bite your hands or squirm away but he is so content to just lay with us - or on us - and have pats. He's definitely the most chilled out pup I've ever raised. We're predicting a very placid adult :)

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You are probably right Aliwake ... it's Friday afternoon and my brain is in slow down mode for the end of the working week .... it probably is Advocate. I seem to recall something about the Advocate not covering tapeworm now too!

Thanks for the link to the table ... will go take a look.

What about ticks? I don't think ticks are a real concern in my area, but still, if I take Banjo to dog parks there's often some bushland etc around so possibly still a risk.

If you want tick cover, use advantix every two weeks and a seperate wormer, as it doesn't cover worms.

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I can't work out how to add photos from my phone. But I'll get there. In the meantime is it right that I'm not worried that Atticus probably ate his lunch worth of cat litter. It's environmentally friendly...

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I can't work out how to add photos from my phone. But I'll get there. In the meantime is it right that I'm not worried that Atticus probably ate his lunch worth of cat litter. It's environmentally friendly...

As long as it's not the clay, clumping kind.

The puppies are all oh, so cute. Looks like Sumo matches your couch cassie so no need to worry about him on it. :D And the close-up of Tank on the desk is adorable smashtank.

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Banjo had a big weekend this weekend - third session at puppy preschool yesterday and his first official doggy visitor with my mums dog Monty - which seemed to go really well while Banjo was the ever ready bunny and chasing Monty but once Monty found his confidence and chased Banjo around he didn't was to know about it and sought refuge on my lap with his back to the entire room! Perhaps after a couple more visits Banjo won't be such a scaredy cat!

Is there anything that really scares your puppies?? The one thing that I have really noticed that seems to spook Banjo and send him off to his crate my our bedroom and not come out is if I am cooking using the cooktop - you know something like schnitzel or rissoles - something that there is a bit of sizzle sound with - he seems to really hate it - and it makes me feel really bad and find I am avoiding cooking using the cooktop ..... or is Banjo was hyper sensitive ... we had the water spray bottle thing last weekend too (see thread re petrified puppy). I really want to bring up a confident and well adjusted pup - so I am hoping that these are just minor hiccups along the way!

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You must be a tidy chef. Whenever I'm chopping or cooking anything, my dogs are at my feet staring at the floor, they know I'm likely to drop something!

Tango is a very cautious puppy, he likes to sit back and observe, and think serious doggy thoughts. I wouldn't say that he's scared of much though, other than unknown dogs getting into his space too quickly.

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Oh Banjo is also known as "Hoover" from time to time as a result of his tendency to sit very close by in the kitchen in a hope for escaping food particles which he hoovers up quite nicely - it's just the sizzling that seems to get to him - tonight I cooked a piece of pork in the oven and when I took it out it was still sizzling and spattering - he took off and wasn't seem for at least an hour or so - despite the fact that his usual place at the human's dinner time is quietly beside our chairs hoping to be rewarded for good manners - but not tonight!

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Banjo had a big weekend this weekend - third session at puppy preschool yesterday and his first official doggy visitor with my mums dog Monty - which seemed to go really well while Banjo was the ever ready bunny and chasing Monty but once Monty found his confidence and chased Banjo around he didn't was to know about it and sought refuge on my lap with his back to the entire room! Perhaps after a couple more visits Banjo won't be such a scaredy cat!

Is there anything that really scares your puppies?? The one thing that I have really noticed that seems to spook Banjo and send him off to his crate my our bedroom and not come out is if I am cooking using the cooktop - you know something like schnitzel or rissoles - something that there is a bit of sizzle sound with - he seems to really hate it - and it makes me feel really bad and find I am avoiding cooking using the cooktop ..... or is Banjo was hyper sensitive ... we had the water spray bottle thing last weekend too (see thread re petrified puppy). I really want to bring up a confident and well adjusted pup - so I am hoping that these are just minor hiccups along the way!

Not really. Tyrion is a very bold little guy, it was one of the reasons I chose him in the first place.

He met some horses for the first time the other day and fist off he freaked, ran away and peeked around the tree but a moment later he can zooming back over and sat at my feet watching them.

I expect my dogs to get freaked out by things, it's normal. It's how quickly they bounce back which is what's important IMO

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Willow is pretty brave. She's not fond of the neighbours dogs barking or when Dory goes off. She will hide in her safe spot inside, outside she drops her tail holds ground and plays wait and see.

Original she was very wary of the cats, this is changing. So far she's still sensible with them.

Haven't tried the vacuum yet. I'd be surprised if she didn't do a runner.

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The vacuum cleaner didn't bother Banjo - I had hubby play with him in our family room while I used the vacuum in the furtherest room and he came running to see what all the noise was! I thought that was a sure thing to scare him. I guess I should start using the cooktop more often to he gets used to it.

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You are probably right Aliwake ... it's Friday afternoon and my brain is in slow down mode for the end of the working week .... it probably is Advocate. I seem to recall something about the Advocate not covering tapeworm now too!

Thanks for the link to the table ... will go take a look.

What about ticks? I don't think ticks are a real concern in my area, but still, if I take Banjo to dog parks there's often some bushland etc around so possibly still a risk.

We've been using the scalibor tick collar, which lasts for 3 months. We haven't seen any ticks yet, but it's not really the season I guess. I'm planning on switching to panoramis rather than advocate once he stops growing - it's a tablet rather than a spot-on. I know they say it's ok for dogs to get wet after using a spot-on, but it makes me nervous! panoramis is a tablet, so at least I know he'll be getting the protection he needs. Only problem is it only comes in packs of 6, so I can't get it till he's in a consistent weight range.

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