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Raw Chicken Wings - Staffy


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Just wondering if anyone can tell me how many raw chicken wings they would feed their 2 year old female staffy in a meal.

Im asking this as ive been away and my husband has been in charge of feeding and i think has overfed her on chicken wings for a few days, her last meal of wings was last night and had roast chicken this morning, on average he tells me he'd give her 2 or 3 wings at a meal over 3 days! so tonight she has vomited twice (no dinner as yet) behaviour was pretty normal today chasing a ball this arvo etc but is pretty quiet tonight, do u think its possible its 'backed up' in her and making her feel ill? i feel so stupid asking but i wouldnt let them have that many in a row so never been here before... :confused:

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If it was all she was being fed for a day, I'd say about 4 wings depending on the size of them would do for a day.

If you are feeding dry and raw, then a meausured cup of dry and 2 wings would be enough. It all depends on how much enegery the dog burns off and it's metabolism.

Try mixing up your meats , red one day and chicken the next.

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