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I know this is a normal day to day experience for most dog owners, but when we went round to Tibbie_tabbie's over the weekend, Louis actually played with Chewbacca!

Louis has fear aggression, so mixing with dogs at parks or the beach only happens when I know the people and dogs we're going with, and as Daisy doesn't play (another screwed up background) Louis just doesn't play much with other dogs. So when he did a play bow and started charging around with Chewbacca after he initiated play, I had a little tear in my eye from the joy of seeing him actually play with another dog :thumbsup:

Crap photos, but here is the proof! :D He was pooped when we got home :laugh:









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Definitely wall mounting material there. :thumbsup:

As to the tear in the eye, I don't have the photographic proof, but yesterday I heard Bunter making the noises he usually makes when he is rolling around on a mat probably with a bone underneath him :D, looked around the doorway and there was Tamar egging him on to play, and he was responding. Yep, tear in DD's eye as well.

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