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If I Didn't Have A Dog...Or Cat......

I could walk barefoot around the yard in safety.

My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and


All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would

be hair-free.

When the doorbell rings, my home wouldn't sound

like a kennel. When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without

wading through all the fuzzy bodies who beat me there.

could sit on the couch and my bed any way I wanted,

without having to take into consideration how much

space several fur bodies need to get comfortable.

I would have enough money, and no guilt, to go on

a real vacation.

I would not be on a first-name basis with 6 veterinarians,

as I put their yet unborn grandkids through college.

The most used words in my vocabulary would not be:

"out," "sit," "down", "come," "no," "stay,"

and "leave it ALONE.

My house would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates and makeshift barriers.

I would not talk 'baby talk'. 'Eat your din din'. 'Yummy

yummy for the tummy'..

My house would not look like a day care center, with toys everywhere.

My pockets would not contain things like poop bags, treats

and an extra leash.

I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L,

S-U-P-P-E-R, W-A-L-K, T-R-E-A-T, G-O R-I-D-E,

And C-O-O-K-I-E.

I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as


I would not look strangely at people who think having

ONE dog/cat ties them down too much.

Edited by redangel
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OMG soooooo true! That's my life!

I'll add:

I'd have matching pairs of hole-free socks

I'd be able to enter my house without starting to call out "quiet" and "down" before I even reach the front door

I'd be able to watch tv without having to jump up to call in barking dogs at least twice an evening

I'd have so much more cupboard space coz I wouldn't have to accommodate giant bags of dog food, treats, medicines, brushes, clippers, scissors, leashes, harnesses, towels, blankets and toys...

AND I'd be bored, lonely and miserable!

Edited by Simply Grand
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OMG soooooo true! That's my life!

I'll add:

I'd have matching pairs of hole-free socks

I'd be able to enter my house without starting to call out "quiet" and "down" before I even reach the front door

I'd be able to watch tv without having to jump up to call in barking dogs at least twice an evening

I'd have so much more cupboard space coz I wouldn't have to accommodate giant bags of dog food, treats, medicines, brushes, clippers, scissors, leashes, harnesses, towels, blankets and toys...

AND I'd be bored, lonely and miserable!

Also wouldn't have to replace couches, mattresses, doonas & pillows on a regular basis.

Edited by mantis
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Our house would be very big, empty and boring. And cleaner - no dog slobber to wipe off, no black tumbleweeds, no nose marks on the fridge, kitchen doors or bedroom door and the front door wouldn't need to be painted every six months to cover the scratch marks.

Dogs make a home. :)

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I had no pets for a three-year stint when I was living abroad - not even a goldfish in a bowl.

I could travel to my heart's content (and did so at every opportunity), my home was always spotless, I could wear black clothes, I didn't have to rush home from work to feed anyone - could go straight out and party until the wee smalll hours. I had a lot more disposal income, didn't have to stand out in the rain waiting for a poo or a wee, didn't have to clean up afterwards. Oh, so many benefits.

Now my home is filled to the brim with animals of all different shapes and sizes and the single only thing I miss from those three years is the ability to travel - or for that matter, even to have a holiday. Hell, even to stay out overnight. We're going to attempt to have a week's holiday next year, if we can find a house-sitter mad enough to cope with all our critters.

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It would be nice to be able to have a stress-free holiday, not having to worry that the dogs have gotten out, hurt themselves, broken stuff, broken themselves, destroyed the house... then having to take extra time off work when I get back to set the place in order again.

I would be able to open my front door without a wall of furry bodies standing directly behind it. But why would I want to come home if my dogs weren't here to greet me?

I would be able to walk barefoot through my yard. But I also wouldn't be able to stand at the kitchen window and watch the dogs kicking the crap out of each other and having a blast.

I'd have a lot more time, money, freedom. But what would I do with them if I didn't have my dogs???

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I couldn't think of anything worse than not being able to have my dogs.


That's me too

The only time I haven't had a dog was a 6 month period after I finished school and moved in with my ex in an inner city unit.

Around 3 days later I bought a rabbit. I don't particularly like rabbits, but I needed something with fur to live with me! :laugh:

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I have to add that I'd be able to stay at BBQs or dinners out without looking at the time and having to leave long before everyone else because the dogs need to be fed, or the dogs have been alone too long!

I'm the same. I had an appointment in Sydney yesterday and was gone all day and I couldn't wait to get home to them. I always leave barbies and parties early, I just say " sorry gotta go, Stan just rang and he's starving" :laugh:

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I have to add that I'd be able to stay at BBQs or dinners out without looking at the time and having to leave long before everyone else because the dogs need to be fed, or the dogs have been alone too long!

I'm the same. I had an appointment in Sydney yesterday and was gone all day and I couldn't wait to get home to them. I always leave barbies and parties early, I just say " sorry gotta go, Stan just rang and he's starving" :laugh:

I have broken 2 fingers, one of them is crooked & the plastic surgeon said I needed surgery to have a pin put in, otherwise my finger will always be crooked & I won't have full use of it., because I have also damaged the tendon. I would have to spend 2 days in hospital, told him that is impossible, so I am going to have a crooked finger now, but at least I am home looking after Cougar. :laugh:

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