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Keen Bitch In Season Or Abnormal?


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I can't post in the breeders section so thought id ask for opinions here.

Simi is in season ATM, day 10, and since yesterday she has been behaving like never before. Since about day 4-5 my desexed Dobe has shown a little bit of interest in her and has made a few half hearted attempts to mount her but yesterday she has been sniffing, licking at his penis and desperately trying to hump him. She won't leave him alone and as soon as she can get to him she's at it again! She literally chases him down to do it and he is running from her (which is very unlike him)

I have had entire bitches before but never one that has behaved like this! Anyone else's bitch do anything like this?

Just wanted to add that they are separated when we are not home and while she is doing this they are only together under supervision.

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I don't think it is uncommon for a bitch to be very keen, it only lasts a week or so here. Make sure she can't get out as she may be keen to go find a studlier stud. I only have girls, but even so a whole lot of humping goes on for a few days.

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Bitches can be tarts :laugh: . One of the bitches my dogs was mated too was mated on 2 optimum days according to progesterone tests. 10 days after the first mating (about day 20) the bitches owner and I were together and she let the bitch out for a pee (the only male present was my boy). We turned our backs for a minute and they were tied. At that stage she shouldn't have even been standing and she was quite happy. Pups were born 63 days from the first mating.

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I'm so lucky Quinn wasn't particularly horny during her one season so far. Some humpy cuddles of Sax and Riley (both desexed boys) seemed to be enough for her.

No boy bits actually got close to her swollen girl bits though, probably because no one knew what they were doing!

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