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Kenz's On-going Saga


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Certainly not an easy decision and one made worse not only by the fact she is my baby girl but also the fact that my oldie is 13 shortly and while she is going well for the moment I could see myself going from 2 dogs to no dogs in the blink of an eye and thats a scary potential reality to bring my head around :cry:.

Kenz still has good days and thats when I just get frustrated at what the situation is :mad. Its not just me though I think part of Kenz is frustrated at what she can't do and isn't really coming to accept limitations. She still tries and still wants to do things :(. She could probably get by if she was a mellow couch potato who liked to take life easy and just do nothing.

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It's just so sad, that a young dog has to go through all this. I really feel for you both, having a BC a few months older than Kenzie. I couldn't bear it if the same things were happening to Tilba.

I truly hope you make the right decisions for Kenzie & if you go down the surgery path I will be praying that it works. :hug:

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  On 15/07/2013 at 11:22 AM, Rebanne said:
  On 15/07/2013 at 9:16 AM, persephone said:
  On 15/07/2013 at 8:51 AM, ness said:

What do you do with a mind that is so very willing but a body that can't cope with anything :cry:.

For me, it would be time to think about that power we have to give our furred family the wings to soar away from pain and frustration ..to leave broken bodies behind ...

I have been hesitating to say something similar as I couldn't find the words. I to have been there and done that. One of the hardest things ever. Take care, you are not alone

I concur too crying.gif

I have been thinking about you Ness and your gorgeous girl over the last fews weeks and been thinking about "what if it was me"..............

We may have to let that beautiful free spirited mind free of her broken body crying.gifcrying.gif and let her soar free......................

Just know that though you may feel very alone atm, there is a whole community right behind you and will support you.

Love light and peace

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Its just a really hard call to make - especially when she does still have some good days/weeks. Its a thought that is in my mind but I am just not sure its at that point yet. I am still running a million different scenarios through my head and trying to work through it as best I can.

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  On 18/07/2013 at 1:19 AM, ness said:

Its just a really hard call to make - especially when she does still have some good days/weeks. Its a thought that is in my mind but I am just not sure its at that point yet. I am still running a million different scenarios through my head and trying to work through it as best I can.



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I stopped walking one of my border collies at 3yo due to injuries. She still went out places and had free exercise (ie no ball throwing, she just did what she wanted). I also had to retire her from sports.

Fern lived a healthy, happy life until she was 15.5yo.

The vet assured me that she was not in pain. If you can keep Kenzie pain free I am sure she will adapt to a slower pace of life.

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Kenz's problem JulesP is more that also if left to her own devices she will still get obsessive over things and therefore end up having repeated collapse episodes. A fine balance with her. She still also gets obsessed about finding things which could be thrown and even if I don't throw them she has now developed a game of throwing them at me and then racing off. If it was one or the other it might be easier to manage.

I haven't found she has adapted to a slower life yet - despite repeated restrictions/crating/enforced rest for the last 3 years. All I find is that she gets aggressive towards Ness and starts hassling and venting what seems to be frustration and taking it out on everything. She will come racing at me and throw herself at me, grab clothing to try and tug, steal things, obsessive over the neighbours cat, fence run at home etc etc.

A much bigger picture to consider when a dog won't adapt. Kenz use to settle nicely at home but with such a prolonged stint of inactivity she just hasn't mellowed.

If I decide to completely rule out the surgery pathway then she may go back to doing some underwater treadmill regularly. That seemed to help the most out of things we have tried recently but its certainly not a cheap exercise.

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Perhaps some time with a trainer/behaviorist might be a good idea. You need to find other games she likes. For instance a friend's border collie knew the names of an amazing amount of soft toys. He would have them in a basket and say go get 'pink pig' etc etc. One happy border collie. Not sure he even walked his dogs much.

Has she ever had a collapse episode whilst in the garden with nothing out of the ordinary taking place?

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She has had collapse episodes while I have been out but no they have been triggered eg kids playing in the street, blue tongue lizard in the garden, kids over the back fence. I am lucky she isn't normally left much so mostly comes in the car but I am fully aware that will have to change.

We have done the names of soft toys.

Her life has definitely improved now she seems to have less issues with the stairs - presuming the UWTM helped because thats the only thing we have done differently. She is back to being able to come up and down as she pleases which has removed some frustration she was experiencing.

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  On 18/07/2013 at 3:09 AM, ness said:

Her life has definitely improved now she seems to have less issues with the stairs - presuming the UWTM helped because thats the only thing we have done differently. She is back to being able to come up and down as she pleases which has removed some frustration she was experiencing.


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Well with much trepidation she has an appointment with the chiro vet tomorrow. Been agonizing over it because I really don't want to know what his opinion is on how bad things have got but fingers crossed its not all bad news. :o

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The updated situation isn't great - the right forelimb lameness looks to be associated with a medial shoulder instability (MSI) and while she does still obviously have MPLs in both hind legs given everything else that is going on in her body the view seemed to be that there was probably nothing much to be gained through putting her through two further MPL surgeries and the associated rehab. They also aren't fully convinced we totally know what is going on yet either.

So basically its pain management as necessary and taking things a day at a time. He didn't feel she was in a great deal of pain for the moment though which I guess is something.

Has anybody had any experience with MSI I can't decide whether its worth following up on a confirmed diagnosis of the front end (if we can get one).

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  • 3 months later...

Kenz was assessed by yet another orthospecialist on Monday last week. Her shoulder has gone bad again and she keeps coming up lame in the front end. The same front shoulder where the mess started. Given Kenz's ortho has left we were seen by the other ortho at the centre.

Now I am seriously confused because her RH MPL has gone from probably needing surgery and being worse then her LH was at the time we elected to operate last year to nothing much to worry about.

Have some expensive options to consider over the shoulder but not sure if we are going to go down that path.

So over this she has spent 3 years of her 5.5 years on and off restricted exercise and really we are no closer to resolution over any of it and I am left wondering if she ever needed surgery on the other patella to begin with. :mad

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Ness you were here for me on dol while i was going through that very tough painful time with Joey. So im here if you need me too... i wish i knew what to advice you. I know you have giving it all your heart and soul to help Kenz get better. I feel for you, I really do hun *gentle hugs* x

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Thanks Jules - its just hard Kenz is still youngish and still so much dog and it breaks my heart to see her struggle. Not to say she doesn't have good and even brilliant days but whenever I try and put it behind us we get bought back to reality with a crash and she runs into problems again.

Definitely a gold plated BC :(. I am really second guessing the first surgery call now after everything that has transpired and feel like I shouldn't have put her through it especially since there was no real improved outcome for her :(.

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