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People With Offlead Dogs In The Park

Guest Roka

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Hi, I'm new here.

I hope it's ok to post here as I don't have a pure-bred dog. I joined the forum because I need some general help about dogs as I have only owned two so far in my lifetime. I got my old dog (now pushing 13) as part of the sale of a rural property we used to own. The people we bought our old home from had a Mini foxy x JRT which was roughly 6 months old. They asked me if I wanted him as they did not want to take him with them when they moved (they also told me that they were going to SHOOT HIM! :eek: ) so I said yes I'd take him. That was how I got my first dog. Up until then I had always been into horses but had never owned a dog (I have had cats and birds before though) I didn't really understand the whole "Dog Thing" up until I got "Benji".

Recently (as in a few months ago) I acquired a new puppy. It's another long story how I got him so I won't go into it with this post. He is also a JRT x Mini Foxy and looks very much like a "Tenterfield Terrier" but isn't (BTW, I like Tenterfield Terriers). "Roka" is past the little puppy stage and has gone into what feels to me like the human equivalent of the "Terrible Twos". He is of course a very high energy dog and needs to be walked every day.

I now live in a small regional rural country town called "Boorowa" with a population of about 1070 people. Many people out here let their dogs wander around town and through the street. They also take their dogs to the local park (which is very beautiful BTW and a lovely place to go walkies!) off lead and let them run around loose. This can be a problem because loose dogs have run up to Benji and I whilst out walking and are on top of us before I know what's happening. I get upset when this happens and ask the people to call back their dogs but I always get the same answer "Oh, He won't hurt you!" or "He won't hurt your dog!". I especially worry about this now that I have just started taking my 5 month old puppy "Roka" out for walks with Benji and I.

Yesterday evening an acquaintance (I've only met her a few times before) was very close to the car park with her two dogs off lead as I arrived. I did not see her at first as I was preoccupied trying to get a VERY EXCITED Roka out of the car. He was acting more excited then usual running around me in circles when I noticed that the woman was crouched down clutching her two dogs by their collars and yelling at me from across the road "My dogs are off lead!" she then said "They won't hurt you!". Well, I just lost it (I've been under a lot of stress lately with a sick husband who's been in and out of hospital as well) and on seeing her two dogs straining to run across the street at me and my dogs said "I'll go somewhere else!".

Well, I drove home swearing to myself that there was nowhere safe to walk my dogs in Boorowa. When I got home and got out of my car I noticed that this woman had FOLLOWED ME and pulled her car up in my driveway. She tried to explain why her dogs were off lead to me. By this time I'd had it and said to her in a very stern and angry voice "You should always have your dog on lead in a public park!"

This isn't the only incidence I've had with dogs off lead in the local park but this time I was very nervous because I had my 5 month old pup with me who was I admit very excited and a bit out of control but ON LEAD WITH HIS HARNESS ON.

Because this is a very small town and because gossip runs like a catastrophic level bush fire here I am now too afraid and embarrassed to walk my dogs in the local park. I do have RSPCA pet insurance but am a retired mature age lady and still need to try and avoid huge vet bills not to mention that I don't want my 5 month old puppy beat up or injured. I really don't think people can guarantee that their dogs won't hurt me or my dogs as a dog off lead and out of control could do anything.

Sorry this first post has gotten so long. If you are still reading it by now I would like to know how to handle this situation in future. Of course I know I should not have lost my cool but what do you say to people who are so inconsiderate and IMHO STUPID?! :shrug:

Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.



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You should consider yourself fortunate to be living in a small town that does have some great public areas..... I also live in a town this size and we don't have off leash areas, instead the council is happy to leave things alone and as long as people seem ok they don't get upset about dogs off lead unless near the playgounds or courts...

It was terrific that the lady followed you to explain- this shows that she is genuine and a considerate dog owner who wants to do the right thing - this could be taken as a great opportunity to get to know someone new who perhaps you could start meeting up with at the park to let your dogs have fun social time....

Next time you see her, go up and explain that you are a bit nervous about the pup and stressed about hubby but you would love the chance to get to know her - perhaps she could help you and your new pup out by walking the dogs in the park together on-lead and let them get comfortable with each other and if this goes well then she would be a good candidate to invite over for her dogs to play with yours.... even if they are large dogs does not mean they can't learn to get on great with small dogs.

You might just find you make a new friend.... at the very least you won't have the gossip working against you.

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You should consider yourself fortunate to be living in a small town that does have some great public areas..... I also live in a town this size and we don't have off leash areas, instead the council is happy to leave things alone and as long as people seem ok they don't get upset about dogs off lead unless near the playgounds or courts...

It was terrific that the lady followed you to explain- this shows that she is genuine and a considerate dog owner who wants to do the right thing - this could be taken as a great opportunity to get to know someone new who perhaps you could start meeting up with at the park to let your dogs have fun social time....

Next time you see her, go up and explain that you are a bit nervous about the pup and stressed about hubby but you would love the chance to get to know her - perhaps she could help you and your new pup out by walking the dogs in the park together on-lead and let them get comfortable with each other and if this goes well then she would be a good candidate to invite over for her dogs to play with yours.... even if they are large dogs does not mean they can't learn to get on great with small dogs.

You might just find you make a new friend.... at the very least you won't have the gossip working against you.

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thanks re relationships. Point taken and good advice. However, my question is...

1. Is it good etiquette for people to let their dogs run up to and on top of you uncontrolled in a public place?

2. Is it even safe for them to do so?

There are certain things you wouldn't do with horses (like let yours run up right behind another's bum while out trail riding, or gallop past another rider at full speed) simply because it is dangerous and one could get hurt or even killed (on a horse).

Living in a small town isn't for everybody. I grew up, went to school then worked for half of my life in a big city. I used to think that all I ever wanted was to live in the country where I could have my horses but I have changed my viewpoint and feelings on this.

I am a very reserved person and it takes me a long time to get to know people and to trust them. Gossip can be very damaging and malicious. It gets distorted like a game of "telephone" with each person it travels through. I have found that it isn't in my nature to fit easily into a small town because of this and I've lived here for 4 years now. I'm really ready for a "city change" as well as needing to be closer to better hospitals, (because my husband has been very ill)shopping and transport (there is not even a bus that goes through here).


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No it's never good manners to let your dogs run up to others unknown to them in a public place...specially in an area which is designated on leash. Unfortunately these owners exist everywhere and you'll see them back in the Big Smoke if you go back.

Small town gossip can be a pain to deal with..but the points given above by Alpa Bet could help. If it was me I'd continue going to the places you enjoy..if uncontrolled dogs approach you just calmly explain your situation ...hopefully it won't fall on uneducated ears..Even in an off leash area all dogs should be in effective control by their owners. It is not your job to control others dogs if they approach you. I don't do to my local off leash much at all as the owners there mostly stand in a group and talk while their dogs mooch around and some of them can be annoying. Theybare very set in their ways so I don't bother with them.

Sre there any another places you can walk your dogs where you'd be not bothered with others?

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Hey Roka :)

No it is not at all good etiquette for people to let their dogs run up to other people and other dogs. Having other dogs running up to your dog while it's on lead also one of the most sure-fire ways to make your dog reactive; after all your dog has no control over the encounter and cannot get away.

I would avoid the park and try to find alternative place where there aren't so many offload dogs.

Also teach both your dogs a command that tell them to get behind you (will take some practice to be reliable) and that will help in an offload dog encounter as it will free you to frighten off the other dog.

I can understand where you are coming from as many people leave their dogs off lead here too :(

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I thought about that and will try that next time. Thanks! Funnily enough the safest place I've found to walk them is right through the centre of town! That's because most people keep their dogs on lead when they are in town but tend to take them off when they are at the park.

I wish there were stricter rules here regarding dogs. I.E. letting loose UN-nutered dogs run free on the streets and also as far as leash laws in the park. An "off lead" area or creating a dog park would be great too. That way there would be a place where you could let them go off lead in the park if you wanted to without imposing on and being inconsiderate to others.

This (off lead dogs running up to me) has happened to me many times and this lady was not a one off thing. It's become a pet peeve of mine. On a couple of occasions I got the very strong feeling that the owners were letting their dogs do this (run up to me and my dogs) as an indirect way of introducing themselves! Since this is one of the things that really presses my buttons it is not a good method of introduction for me. LOL!


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thanks re relationships. Point taken and good advice. However, my question is...

1. Is it good etiquette for people to let their dogs run up to and on top of you uncontrolled in a public place?

2. Is it even safe for them to do so?


No and No and it doesn't matter where you live.

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Are there no rangers or council people that you can contact to try and encourage them to start enforcing the on-leash restrictions? I know it might seem harsh, but off-leash dogs are annoying and dangerous, but they are also in danger themselves of being harmed so it's also for their own benefit.

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>Small town gossip can be a pain to deal with..but the points given above by Alpa Bet could help. If it was me I'd continue going to the places you enjoy..if uncontrolled dogs approach you just calmly explain your situation ...hopefully it won't fall on uneducated ears..

Yes, but what if it's just the loose dog? Will he understand ROTFL!!!!

(I can see it now.... Me talking to dog: "No, please try to understand... you shouldn't be in a public place off lead!"


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The other problem with loose dogs is unwanted pregnancies. Thousands of dogs are put to sleep every year in Australia at pounds due to being unwanted. I've been followed by dogs running loose a number of times out here. Once I picked up a foxy terrier named "Lucky" who followed us for quite a while. He was an entire male. I rang the owners who came to pick him up latter on. The man was very angry at me and said "Couldn't you just have let him find his way home?" Yes, I suppose I could if I had fully realized he was a local dog.

Still he was not de-sexed and letting him run loose is not a good thing imho. Just a few days ago "Lucky" ran right in front of me as I was driving down the street pulling my horse float! I could not have stopped quickly because of that. Fortunately "Lucky" was lucky and he made it across the street safely in front of me. It was a close call.

I get very sick of seeing how irresponsible owners are allowed to keep dogs out here but they seem to think it's their right and that they are entitled to do what ever they want because they live in the country.

>You should consider yourself fortunate to be living in a small town that does have some great public areas..... I also live in a town this size and we don't have off leash areas, instead the council is happy to leave things alone and as long as people seem ok they don't get upset about dogs off lead unless near the playgounds or courts...

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If you are concerned about particular dogs running loose, then call the council ranger. The spread of the population in a rural area can make things more difficult, but in my experience if people let them know about particular problems, they will generally act. They can't be everywhere all the time, so rely on the public to inform them of issues.

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I agree with the posts that those things are unacceptable any where.

But things change slower in rural areas where people tend to accomodate each other and their situation as a community.

Possibly,these people are trying to reach out to you in the only common ground you have left them.

Small town gossip can be vicious and destroying,but the best way to counter that is not making yourself a mystery.Some comunities I've lived in,I fit in easily,others took time,and some were just not for me.I only knew for sure after taking part.

The gossip just has to be lived with,but its easier to ignore if you let yourself meet some good,genuine people who prefer to worry about other things.There will be some of them too.

Things aren't easy for you now,but I get the feeling the last thing this woman wanted was to add to you troubles.I'd talk to her,she may be able to come with solutions.

Edited by moosmum
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ugh...off-lead dogs in on-lead areas annoy me big time. For me it comes under the banner of a total lack of respect for others in shared spaces. I don't care if someone's dog is friendly or not; when a dog is off-lead and approaches me with my on-lead dog it's totally unacceptable and i'm not happy about it. If the owner doesn't call their dog back after being asked, they can expect their dog to be booted away. Sadly it's not the dogs fault and the dog will reap the punishment, but at the end of the day i'm not willing to put my dog at risk over someone else's lack of common respect.

There is a distinct lack of dog etiquette (including on-lead dogs) in public areas and we've been subjected to some very unsafe behaviours by some ignorant owners.

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Can you carry a stick with you? Like horses dogs also understand if you stomp your foot hard against the ground it means 'get back' especially if you have your dog trained ot stay behind you and you are growling at the uncontrolled dog. Apparently another thing to try and command them to sit - never tried it myself but have seen it somewhere (obviously the non threatening ones that are just rushing up uncontrolled)

If you are not surefooted enough to land a kick on the shoulder if one gets too close and appears threatening or your dog gets distressed at the approached if you find a decent but manageable stick (tree branch) to carry with you. You can use it to threaten and many dogs will back off at a stick when they wont at just voice and foot stomping.

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I'm confused. You said: "You should always have your dog on lead in a public park!" but nowhere do you state that the park is on lead only. I would modify that statement to "You should always have your dog on lead in a public park THAT HAS ON LEAD ONLY RESTRICTIONS!" If it doesn't have restrictions then it's her right to walk her dogs off lead.

She sounds like a sensible and lovely person. She held her dogs back and warned you that she had her dogs off-lead, but that they were friendly, so that you could make the decision as to whether you wanted to let your dog mingle with hers. When you acted irrationally, she went out of her way to smooth things over and you were extremely rude to her.

Is there a reason you don't want you dog mingling with known friendly dogs? It could be a good opportunity for socialisation.

I would be embarassed too, if I had acted that way and I would definitely be giving her a call and apologising.

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An on leash dog saying hello to an unknown off leas dog is never good socialization. Your dog can't choose whether to say hello or not and their flight defense is taken away from them. People with dogs who don't like other dogs in their face have the right to go for a walk without being mobbed by " he's friendly" dogs. Most people don't have a clue about dog body language so have no real idea about whether their dog is friendly or not.

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