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Edible Desexing Food?


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I don't believe their statement or research that says this is safe for the animal.

Thinking about it all this has to be one extremely potent drug. I am thinking some kind of radiation therapy/bio genetic drug type. Once it is in the system too late if there is an adverse reaction or side effect.

It will make the animal sterile but what else may it do ?

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I saw that 600milliondogs thing (I'm sure it has a PETA guy running it) ages ago, the site didn't have much info at the time but I got the impression that it was going to be used for feral populations and street dogs that are rounded up and culled as a means of population control. Not as something freely available to anyone who wants to desex random dogs.

eta: apparently if it works by triggering the animal's own immune system response it's a possibility. I'm sure someone on DOL told me that.

Edited by Powerlegs
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And while it sounds good, just wait till 'nice' people start giving treats to dogs at dog shows..... So many underhand things that could happen with this....

That is where my mind went to.

Although I wish they could develop one for kanagaroos, to avoid the need for culling of 'trapped' populations.

Edited by Diva
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Assuming they do figure it out, I have no doubt that something like this would require a vet visit and for the treat to be eaten in the clinic, with the vet present, rather than taken home to be fed to god-only-knows-who.

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My impression is that PETA would happily eliminate most, if not all, pet dogs. If such a drug can be developed it needs to be highly regulated. Show dogs aren't the only concern. I could imagine the stuff being used as a 'humane' alternative to 1080. Say goodbye to wolves in the wild.

And I wonder why they chose dogs rather than cats. Feral cats are an ecological disaster. See, eg, http://www.npr.org/2013/01/29/170588511/killer-kitties-cats-kill-billions-every-year?ft=3&f=122101520&sc=nl&cc=sh-20130202

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Assuming they do figure it out, I have no doubt that something like this would require a vet visit and for the treat to be eaten in the clinic, with the vet present, rather than taken home to be fed to god-only-knows-who.

That's what I assumed. I can't see them making it available at the supermarket if it ever did come about.

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Assuming they do figure it out, I have no doubt that something like this would require a vet visit and for the treat to be eaten in the clinic, with the vet present, rather than taken home to be fed to god-only-knows-who.

That's what I assumed. I can't see them making it available at the supermarket if it ever did come about.

No, but those who want to use something like this for nefarious means will still get hold of it somehow.

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Taken from the original link.

Tragically, Carnation's birth control dog food appears to have been torpedoed. It mysteriously and quite literally disappeared and has never been made available. (The New York Times article about Carnation's announcement can be seen at www.600MillionDogs.org).

Maybe in the back of our minds we have an inkling why it was shelved.

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