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Introducing Tori, Teddy, Tango, Toby And Tiger


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I only met one adult keeshond and thought that as well but had never seen them as a puppy. Often fluffies can look very different as pups and adults. It will be interesting to see what she looks like as she gets older.

It still amazes me how many different looks of dog you can get out of one litter!

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Has Epic got a Tibbie look about him/her? I still reckon Tango is going to be the naughiest out of the lot!

I think she has a very Keeshond look about her. :)

I was thinking the same about Teddy, Plan B.

Some pics from today and yesterday.


"Hey Jack, wait for us" :laugh:







Off to play... :)




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Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that we had to rush little Zinc to the vets yesterday morning, after administering fluids to her the previous night when she started becoming very weak. She had severe diarrhoea (it was like red wine) and there was a clot. We got the tests done and it appears to be Giardia, though may not be the only cause (still waiting on some results). She's staying with the vets for another night as she's still not eating properly on her own but we're hoping we caught it early.

Anyway, keep an eye out, because of how contagious it is. I can't wait for Zinc to come home so I can tell her off for scaring the crap outta me. :(

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Rachel, I just wanted to let you know that we had to rush little Zinc to the vets yesterday morning, after administering fluids to her the previous night when she started becoming very weak. She had severe diarrhoea (it was like red wine) and there was a clot. We got the tests done and it appears to be Giardia, though may not be the only cause (still waiting on some results). She's staying with the vets for another night as she's still not eating properly on her own but we're hoping we caught it early.

Anyway, keep an eye out, because of how contagious it is. I can't wait for Zinc to come home so I can tell her off for scaring the crap outta me. :(

Sorry to hear that plan. :( Keeping everything crossed for her. :crossfingers: And thankyou for letting me know.

That's how my little one's poo's were when they first come home. Runny and a reddy brown colour. :( Their poo's are ok now though.

However they do have KC. I noticed Tori coughing a little bit the night before last. At first I thought she must of picked up a rolled oat on the floor (I accidently spilled) but then yesterday I heard Tiger doing it too. Seems to be only mild at this stage and they are still in really good spirits, eating and playing, I just hope it stays that way and passes quickly. :crossfingers: You might want to keep an eye out for it with your bubs too.

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An update on the 5 T's. :)

They are doing really well and are growing by the day!

The KC has almost gone. Teddy was the last to get it and I have hardly heard him cough today. Seemed to be only a very mild strain of it.

I am feeding them beef mince, lamb offcuts (cut up small with no bones), chicken necks (again cut up into bite size peices) and Supercoat puppy. They also have homemade treats at training time which they just love! Oh and they love their puppy milk. :)

Speaking of training, they are coming along so well. I am very pleased and very proud of them. They have been sitting for about a week and a half now and also know to stay at their own dinner bowls come dinner time. :thumbsup: They picked that up very quickly and were doing it within the first week of being here.

I handle them a fair bit at dinner time while they are eating and have done so, from day 1 when they arrived. I pat around their faces and put my hand into their bowls. It doesn't bother them the least. They just keep on eating, tails wagging. :)

They know they have to sit for a treat and take it gently from my hand (or else I don't release it). It is so cute, they'll be off playing and all I have to do is call out the word "Sit" and they come running from all directions and sit at my feet waiting for a treat. lol. I took some video last week and will upload it tommorow.

They know when it's bedtime at night and go into the crate by themselves. It's adorable watching them all march in.

And each night before bed, they each get some one on one time with the kids in the bedroom (under supervision). They love it. They adore the kids and think the world of them and vice versa. It's so sweet watching them play and interact together. :heart:

Taken 13.2.13 eating their first cooked meal. (boiled mince with rice) I usually feed them their dinner raw but because it was cooler that night, I treated them to a warm meal which they loved! they even stayed at their own bowls when I left the room to get the camera. :thumbsup:


Some pics taken in the last week

Tiger - ears up :)




They find their first stick




3 on a stick. lol. At one stage there were the 5 of them, running along attached to it. :laugh:




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