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Not Happy Jan :(


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So Simi had X-rays almost 2 weeks ago and they were mailed to Lavelles in VIC for evaluation and I called today as I still don't have the results and was told that they have not received them yet. I called the vet and was told I'd get a call back ASAP and over 7 hours later had not heard back from them so I went in there and was basically fobbed off and told that they had mailed them and basically wiped their hands of it from that point.

My husband was furious and called them and asked for the tracking number so we could at least find out where they were and he is told that they were sent by regular post, not express like we were told. So he asks them to send another copy by express post and we will pay for it if necessary, BUT they didn't get any copies of the X-rays. So now it looks like Simi has to have yet another GA so more X-rays can be taken.

I'm so frustrated by all this. Is it normal that there wouldn't be at least 1 copy of the X-rays or at least shouldn't they scan them or something? I don't understand why they wouldn't send them by registered post?

Sigh......rant over

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That's what I thought too but the owner rang us back tonight and said that this is the first he has heard of any, of it and that they don't have a copy. Apparently he was away when she went in and he said they should have scanned them but didn't.

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Guest donatella

What a load of rubbish! I'd be screaming out some higher authorities names (are there even any that regulate this sort of thing?) and put the pressure on them that way and see if they bend.

I would be VERY VERY VERY unhappy to put my dog unnecessarily under GA for someone elses incompetence as GA carries risks and you should not be expected to impose your dog under additional risks.

Man i'd be fuming too!

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They can put the X-ray scans on a disc.

Specialists usually do but that is what you would expect.

I would be telling them that they are responsible for the X-rays until they are received.

You should insist on having new X-rays at no cost.

If they don't oblige, then its time for a new Vet.

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before you do anything else you should go into your local post office and check there in case you missed a collection card.

I'd be doing this too. Beforehand, ask the Vet's from where it was sent what time of the day was it sent and to which posting receptacle or post office it was delivered/sent via.

I'd be more than peeved too and it would be nice if the Vet would at the very least do some leg-work to help track it down.

Dobesrock - is a GA absolutely necessary for the xrays you had done?

Edited by Erny
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before you do anything else you should go into your local post office and check there in case you missed a collection card.

I'd be doing this too. Beforehand, ask the Vet's from where it was sent what time of the day was it sent and to which posting receptacle or post office it was delivered/sent via.

I'd be more than peeved too and it would be nice if the Vet would at the very least do some leg-work to help track it down.

Dobesrock - is a GA absolutely necessary for the xrays you had done?

Don't you think the Vet should be going to find the lost X-rays.

I draw the line at having to do their job for them, or giving them the education they haven't got.

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The X-rays are for hip and elbow scores. I called the specialist that they were sent to today and he has not yet received them.

Simi's breeder had 2 of her young dogs done 2 weeks before I took Simi in and she had the results within 3 business days so almost 2 weeks is ridiculous.

They have offered to redo the X-rays for free but they shouldn't have to if they had done the right thing to begin with and now my dog has to have another GA.

I will not be using this vet again :(

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Not good that the Vet who did the X-rays didn't hold a copy/back-up, but is it possible Lavelle's have received them but not recorded them properly? Has it been explained to them that the x-rays are missing and asking them if there is more of a 'check' they could do to make sure they're not sitting somewhere they shouldn't be?

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The X-rays are for hip and elbow scores. I called the specialist that they were sent to today and he has not yet received them.

Simi's breeder had 2 of her young dogs done 2 weeks before I took Simi in and she had the results within 3 business days so almost 2 weeks is ridiculous.

They have offered to redo the X-rays for free but they shouldn't have to if they had done the right thing to begin with and now my dog has to have another GA.

I will not be using this vet again :(

If you get the scoring done by Rawlinson in SA, he does not insist on a GA. Of course the dog has to be able to be positioned properly without the GA but most are fine. I have had one that didn't co-operate but know of plenty of dogs that have been scored without a GA.

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Unfortunately I have to have them scored by Lavelles.

I have called Lavelles twice now so he is aware that they were supposed be there and he has been checking for them since last Thursday. If he doesn't get them by tomorrow we are assuming they have been lost and will have to re do X-rays. I will ask if they can try and do them without a GA.

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Unfortunately I have to have them scored by Lavelles.

I have called Lavelles twice now so he is aware that they were supposed be there and he has been checking for them since last Thursday. If he doesn't get them by tomorrow we are assuming they have been lost and will have to re do X-rays. I will ask if they can try and do them without a GA.

It seems reasonable that they have offered to do the X-rays again at no cost.

There could be any number of reasons why they've been lost.

Its up to you then whether you continue with that Vet.

My issues with an incompetent Vet. were more about the inepitude in the clinic and then asking for payment forhaving done a botched job. :mad

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They should be able to email them surely? My vet has them digitally and she's emailed xrays for our rescue dogs before.

They didn't get a digital copy :(

The owner and head vet was apparently away when she was in there and he doesn't know why they didn't either. I'm still the one making all the calls trying to chase everything up, they don't seem to have any interest in helping me.

Simi has just come into season so looks like we won't be breeding her this season now. So disappointed.

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