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Nilif For Puppy


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there is no reason why CMs methods wont create a dog that wont connect with you, it depends what you do. CM is not based only on punishment I think people forget that and just focus on one part.

I agree with you, Nekhbet. The general populous select particular parts of CM's manner and methods with dogs, and then prescribe them as a whole to what he is about. If they could recognise the foundation of what his attitude is towards dogs they would see that it is steeped in calmness and assertiveness, consistency and persistency, and taking a measure in what dogs need the most of in proper order (for a dog). That is not an attitude that can be branded only "CM" as it is one I amongst many other trainers had adopted before I (we) knew it of CM, but the great part of it was that CM put it up and out there via TV. FINALLY, someone (who made it to celebrity status) letting people know that the majority of behaviour problems come from how the PEOPLE are with their dogs, rather than the common and generally false recognition that it is about how the dogs are with their people. So in my books, kudos to CM for this. I don't know why people don't see that and instead continuously run him down for how he works with pretty serious dog problems (that were usually created by people, so he had a lot of undoing of the dog's 'people based beliefs' to undo to move forward in pretty quick time).

Staff, on 03 February 2013 - 09:21 PM, said: Your puppy is a clean slate, thankfully :) seek out a reward based trainer.
I'll say it for you Erny, that's a load of shite. Find a trainer with experience, balance and a smart head on their shoulders that produces a happy puppy that will work for you. There are plenty of reward based trainers who can ruin a dog out there, trust me.

Thanks Nekhbet :). Although I don't think SnT would have meant to exclude other trainers outside of the "positive only (so to speak)" realm.

Edited by Erny
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Hi Jo,

Steve's TOT program and the information on his website is a good resource so you can't go wrong with that but if you wanted more hands on assistance then I would definitely consider SnT's recommendation of Canine Behavioral School.

Its not that I am anti other training methods but that would be my recommendation for new puppy owners in the state at the moment. Especially if you want to belong to a club that focuses on producing well mannered pets. All the trainers there are extremely knowledgeable and I know the head trainer puts a lot of emphasis on ensuring the instructors are trained appropriately.

Edited by ness
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there is no reason why CMs methods wont create a dog that wont connect with you, it depends what you do. CM is not based only on punishment I think people forget that and just focus on one part.

I agree with you, Nekhbet. The general populous select particular parts of CM's manner and methods with dogs, and then prescribe them as a whole to what he is about. If they could recognise the foundation of what his attitude is towards dogs they would see that it is steeped in calmness and assertiveness, consistency and persistency, and taking a measure in what dogs need the most of in proper order (for a dog). That is not an attitude that can be branded only "CM" as it is one I amongst many other trainers had adopted before I (we) knew it of CM, but the great part of it was that CM put it up and out there via TV. FINALLY, someone (who made it to celebrity status) letting people know that the majority of behaviour problems come from how the PEOPLE are with their dogs, rather than the common and generally false recognition that it is about how the dogs are with their people. So in my books, kudos to CM for this. I don't know why people don't see that and instead continuously run him down for how he works with pretty serious dog problems (that were usually created by people, so he had a lot of undoing of the dog's 'people based beliefs' to undo to move forward in pretty quick time).

Staff, on 03 February 2013 - 09:21 PM, said: Your puppy is a clean slate, thankfully :) seek out a reward based trainer.
I'll say it for you Erny, that's a load of shite. Find a trainer with experience, balance and a smart head on their shoulders that produces a happy puppy that will work for you. There are plenty of reward based trainers who can ruin a dog out there, trust me.

Thanks Nekhbet :). Although I don't think SnT would have meant to exclude other trainers outside of the "positive only (so to speak)" realm.

IMO when people say that they use CM methods, they usually mean the obvious visual dangerous methods that he employs that DOES get him bitten - you seen him get bitten on the show - purposely putting them over threshold and then stringing them up, 'tapping' them with his foot or hand in sensitive places, alpha rolls. They do not usually mean being calm and consistent as this is certainly not restricted to CM.

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IMO when people say that they use CM methods, they usually mean the obvious visual dangerous methods that he employs that DOES get him bitten - you seen him get bitten on the show - purposely putting them over threshold and then stringing them up, 'tapping' them with his foot or hand in sensitive places, alpha rolls. They do not usually mean being calm and consistent as this is certainly not restricted to CM.

I agree, Kavik - that is what they usually mean. I think it is disappointing that they pick up on those things only yet dismiss the warnings given about 'those' sorts of methods as well as dismiss the other of what he imparts. A bit like throwing the baby out with the bath-water.

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Thanks Erny, you understand what I was getting at. :)

I'm very sure anyone could do a search in the purely positive training threads here and find me commenting that there is no such thing, I have never purported that to be true. Where you have a puppy with little wrong as far as behaviour is concerned, we can always reach for reward/motivation based techniques first. :)

I don't recommend people randomly out of an internet directory. I know Deb Millikan personally, she was one of my tutors back in 2005/06 and was well experienced then, she has done much more study since, and has bucket loads of hands on experience. I also know that Deb would be well qualified to help the OP with her adult dog and integrating children into the dog/human unit.

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Thanks, I will look into the Canine Behavioural School, but as classes are only on Monday nights, it will be difficult for me to attend :(

We are progressing well with calm management and the Behaviour Interrupter program. She really is a lovely thing and we are coaching the children to maintain calm rather than the usual excitability people use around puppies.

I really appreciate all the responses.

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MO when people say that they use CM methods, they usually mean the obvious visual dangerous methods that he employs that DOES get him bitten - you seen him get bitten on the show - purposely putting them over threshold and then stringing them up, 'tapping' them with his foot or hand in sensitive places, alpha rolls. They do not usually mean being calm and consistent as this is certainly not restricted to CM.

Yup you're right, which is quite a shame because he's a smart man with some easily understood ideas on how to treat a dog like ... A DOG. It's just a shame our action and adventure loving world just picks out the extreme bits.

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