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Hypo-allergenic Dog Foods


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Hi all,

I posted a while ago about my Ridgeback who has a constant upset stomach. Anyway, long story short, the vet recommended we try him on a 'hypo-allergenic' dog food. After researching all the different foods out there I am now stuck between feeding a kibble such as Royal Canin Hypo-allergenic or going for the R.A.W barf patties?

If I choose to feed the barf patties, is that a complete diet or do I need to add other things? Likewise with the kibble?

Ahh this is so hard, I just want to feed him the best thing for him!

Thank you :)

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Ahh this is so hard, I just want to feed him the best thing for him!
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I suggest you read

THIS THREAD before you buy anything :)

About the ONLY way you can find out what foods are upsetting your dog is to do a properly carried out elimination diet ...one or two foods , gradually adding others and noting reactions .

It is better to have a good idea what food your dog does well on , and then buy that :)

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What where you feeding originally & what treats did you also give?

Often its a case at looking what you where feeding & looking at some of the stand out culprits .

BARF could be fine but he may for example get the runs due to chicken or beef issues .

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I'm under the firm belief that there is no 'Best' food. If you've read some of my previous posts you would of heard about my Lab. Major stomach problems went through every commercial food, prescription and special raw diets. Ended up doing best on Pedigree! He is now on Wellness which is fairly new to Australia and is wheat free and has other benefits I can't remember.

I say to try what you can and see what he does well on.

I can't say about BARF, but with the kibbles, at least while you are introducing it and making sure he can handle it, I wouldn't feed anything else on top, they are made to be complete diets. How do you know if it is the dog food or the extra things you are adding if it goes badly? Once you find a food he goes well on then slowly introduce some meaty bones etc.

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