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Poppy Got Out Early This Morning

Guest Maeby Fünke

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Poppy got out at about 4am this morning…

She got out because she was sleeping on my bed and I had forgotten to lock the front flyscreen door. The sound of it banging closed woke me up.

I don't have a front fence.

By the time I went outside to look for her she was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed a torch, and had a look around for about 15 minutes, but thought it best to wait for her at home. She came back about 30 minutes later.

She is 8 months old and she hasn't shown any obvious signs of being in season, but I'm still worried.

I was planning to have her desexed after her first season.

Could anyone please tell me - how soon can she have a pregnancy test, and is there anything the vet can give her to prevent a pregnancy? I thought I would ask here first because my usual vet is away, and the other vet is really bossy and I like to be prepared before speaking with him.

I have trained Poppy out of opening drawers, cupboards and the fridge, but I didn't think of the front door – she has never tried to open it before (as far as I'm aware).

Thanks in advance :)


Maeby xx

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Why do a pregnancy test if she isn't in season?

just check to see if there is any swelling etc ..cos if the vulva hasn't 'grown' and isn't ready ..there is no way she can be mated. When she came home ..was there any noticeable extra licking of rear end?

Was there any wet patch on her neck/shoulders where a male may have slobbered...?

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If she's not been in season .. she would still have 'little girl' bits - check out photos/other bitches, for comparison :)

It would also be unusual , if she had somehow managed to find a stray entire male ..for him and others not to follow her home!!!

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She unlocked and opened a front door or are you sleeping with the front door open and fly screen unlocked?

Mine are a little thick and have been known to go through fly screen, I don't know if I could cope with a dog that is as clever as yours :laugh:

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Why do a pregnancy test if she isn't in season?

just check to see if there is any swelling etc ..cos if the vulva hasn't 'grown' and isn't ready ..there is no way she can be mated. When she came home ..was there any noticeable extra licking of rear end?

Was there any wet patch on her neck/shoulders where a male may have slobbered...?

Everything looks pretty normal. She has no signs of being in season (and there was no slobber on her coat)... But I was worried that they could still be in season without showing obvious signs.

Sorry, I must sound really dumb. I think I'm just beating myself up because I didn't think of the front door!

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Yeah what perse said. You would know if she was in season so if not I wouldn't worry :) Glad she came back so quickly!

Yeah, me too! Phew!

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Guest Maeby Fünke

If she's not been in season .. she would still have 'little girl' bits - check out photos/other bitches, for comparison :)

It would also be unusual , if she had somehow managed to find a stray entire male ..for him and others not to follow her home!!!

Yeah, you're right. Thanks :)

It just scared me!

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Guest Maeby Fünke

She unlocked and opened a front door or are you sleeping with the front door open and fly screen unlocked?

Mine are a little thick and have been known to go through fly screen, I don't know if I could cope with a dog that is as clever as yours :laugh:

The front door was open and the flyscreen door was closed and unlocked. It's usually locked, but I forgot. She probably pulled down the handle. When she was 8 weeks old she used to try to work out how to open the lock on her crate. She is a smart little cookie :laugh:

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Random and not really related, but why were you waiting until her first season to have her desexed?

I was going to wait until she was 18-24 months old (once her growth plates had closed)... But I'm now thinking of having her desexed after her first season to prevent the possibility of Urinary Tract Infections and/or Pyometra.

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I don't think desexing prevents UTIs? My entire girls have never had a UTI between the lot of them, except for one as a baby puppy years ago, well before she would have been desexed even if I had planned to. As others have said, you would have to be extremely unlucky for her to be having a completely silent season in the first place,get out, and find an entire male, mate and be back home in 30 minutes without a male escort and no licking or slobber, so I don't think pregnancy is a likely worry.

I have a door opener, she mostly works on the fridge but it does make you more vigilant!

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Thanks very much for your advice :)

I will wait until Poppy is 18-24 months (that's what I most feel comfortable with)... It was a vet's suggestion that I have her desexed after her first season. And it wasn't my usual vet who suggested it... She owns black Labradors, and she is wonderful, but she is semi-retired and there is only one other vet I like.

Looks like I might have to drive further out to find another good vet.

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