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Can Anyone Edit A Pic For Me?


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Having camera troubles.. I really like this pic, but the quality isn't there- could anyone improve it so that it doesn't appear grainy and dark- and also remove the white triangular shape from the lounge? (I had a go- but couldn't get it) Much appreciated!


(if it helps, the lounge is dark chocolate coloured)

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You probably can't really save it. Part of the reason it's grainy is because it's underexposed - lightening will increase the grain. You could try and run it through a noise reducing program, but honestly, most of them just make everything look plastic.

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Quick and dirty and I'm sure someone else can do better, but yeah, it's too far gone for me to improve.

I do hear all the time 'Can't you just photoshop it?' :laugh: It's not the magician that it's made out to be.


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ahh- okay :) I do have another one where you can change lenses- but I can't work that one very well...lol

Yeah, my camera is funny- it will sometimes work perfectly and then (for what it seems) suddenly wash out the colours, so that you have to diminish the light in order for the colours to be displayed correctly- it's a pita.. especially if you want to capture moments that you can't re-create. Must really go through it's manual again- it does take beautiful pics- but you have to take a zillion to get them! lol

Edited by WExtremeG
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My editing software experience is mainly from a graphical content background but I think a bit of blur and playing with the colours and contrast makes your pretty pup stand out a bit.


Ooh! I like it- will look even better as a smaller size too- thanks! :)

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