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Dog Attack In My Street Just Happened


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gaahh! I have reported the roaming dogs 2 doors up from us FOUR TIMES to Council. Nothing was done and on one occasion the animal control officer actually said to me "good luck getting anything done in that area". Not only do these dogs roam but they go for other dogs, including mine when I have walked them past the property the dogs belong to. The owners leave the gate wide open and sit on their front verandah just watching their dogs bother people and do nothing.

Sure enough, tonight I heard a dog screaming, ran out and one of the large roaming dogs had attacked a small dog in our street. I ran over to help, the dog ran off towards the second small dog, I tried to grab the big dog by the collar and it was only a flea collar so it snapped, meanwhile he was going for the second dog. 2 teenage girls from the house that the large dog belongs to were out holding the little attacked dog (Charlie) who was in shock. Then a friend of theirs arrives and asks what happened. They told him their dog had attacked this dog and you know what he said? He asked who the owners were, I told him which house and then he said - "Ok well we will just keep it quiet, we will just tell them we found the dog like this" I said NO, I have reported this dog 4 times and now I will also be reporting this. At this point another neighbour came out and I told him what the guy had said about keeping it quiet and he said he wants the dog killed. Then the guy starts going off at him threatening to kill him if he finds the dog dead. The owners of the dog are away helping flood victims, this is the last thing they need. Their relatives also live in our street so we took the dogs to them. Then I and her took Charlie to the vet. He has a big gash, multiple puncture wounds and is in shock. The owners of the attacker said they will pay the bill, and they had better. The woman who is related to the dog's owner went off at the owner of the attacker dog saying that her dogs are ALWAYS out (true) and that she needs to contain her dogs or get rid of them.

The owner said she has tried everything but he keeps getting out. Yeah well you might want to try addressing the big gaping whole in the front of your yard first - its called SHUTTING THE GATE. She says she has tried everything but her gate is always open while the dogs are always out being menaces. Not good enough. Hope little Charlie pulls through and that the owners of the aggressive dog pay the bill. The vet has put him on fluids for the shock and antibiotics and will assess the wounds further and treat them tomorrow.

Unfortunately Charlie and his sister Lola were also out of their yard but they had dug out as a one off to try to get to their owners kids who were at the relatives house. Whereas the large dogs are out ALL the time and all the neighbours have an issue with it. However, all the dogs were out so I'm not sure how the law works there but I sure will be reporting it in writing. I am one of only 3 houses in our street who keeps their dogs in their yard and on a leash when out the front.

Edited by Lollipup
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I've been through this, people who have no fence and aggressive kelpie, apparently there's no point putting up a fence because she jumps! Council will only issue a fine if the dogs out when they check up but since the advent of mobile phones if you take a picture of the dog out and include a recognizable street marker. mailbox etc they can issue a warning. Unless the dog attacks, an attack for our council includes a dog rushing at you off leash. You have to fill out reports etc and you do get named to the owner and then council issues a $1000 fine. However given the class of these folks I haven't done it because they know where I live but someone else did and yes it's been very unpleasant. I do believe each council is different though. Good on you for looking after Charlie.

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Some people are such morons.:mad

We walk past a house with a SWF who is the devil incarnate.

It rushes the fence going NUTS whenever we walk past and last week it escaped through a hole in the guys fence and charged across the road at us. It was absolutely going for it, trying to bite my dogs, I tried to scare it away but I couldn't get near it with its little teeth nashing away :eek: and I wasn't putting my hands anywhere near the thing. The owner just stood there at his gate calling it as we tried to get it away , OH ended up having to kick it out of the way (not hard of course) and it backed off, still yapping and snarling though! Unbelievable.

Our dogs just stood there going WTF? :confused:

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Unfortunately Charlie's injuries and shock were worse than we thought and he passed away through the night. The vet worked very hard to save him but it was too much for his little body. The owners are coming back from flood relief work tomorrow and they haven't been told yet.

I am just so mad at all the irresponsible owners. None of the dogs should be out

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so four roaming dogs got into a fight ?

Four dogs were out on the street in total. :mad

Two were little dogs - Charlie and Lola, from one house, they are small fluffy mixed breeds. Two were big dogs from another house - Snoop and Nam. Snoop is a GSD x rotti mix and Nam is a cattle dog. Snoop attacked Charlie, both are entire males. I am not sure if Nam was involved but she often joins in with Snoop when he harrasses people and dogs. Both these dogs pinned my dog when I walked him past one day. Both are dogs I would not trust and have had several close calls. After he attacked Charlie he went after Lola but she got away and I was there by that time grabbing Snoop, which distracted him.

After all this, their dogs were still out roaming last night. :mad

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The owner mentioned she would get the dog put to sleep. Which would be totally unecessary if they just kept their dogs in and were responsible. Another life to be lost because of irreponsible idiots!

A couple of months back this dog rushed at a young girl who was walking her little dog past and she was yelling out for help. My husband and I had to chase the dog off away from her. I reported it to Council and still nothing was done. Imagine if a young child had been there trying to break up this fight :(

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RIP Charlie. How devastating for the owners. I hope this makes the neighbours wake up as to what their dogs are capable of and ensure they can't get out anymore.

You would think so. Their gate was shut this morning which is rare. The only other times I have seen it shut is when the dog has caused close calls in the past that they were made aware of, but only for a couple of days. Hopefully the large vet bill and a fine will get the message through.

I also hope that other dog owners in the street with smaller dogs will now keep their dogs in too.

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Poor Charlie and his family who will come home to that terrible news. :(

We had a similar problem around my area of a Stumpy Tailed Cattle Dog roaming the street and attacking dogs. It is also aggressive with people. I reported it to the council in writing and said that it required urgent attention in case it attacked and killed another animal or a child, like other dogs in the news. The council were pretty prompt and I haven't had any trouble since.

I wonder if because if the issue was quickly resolved because I put it in writing and commented about the other attacks?

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Read again where it says the little dogs dug out of their yard ..they were not habitual,roamers or aggressive likenthenattacking dogs. if any pair of dogs should be put down its these two large dogs...too late for any rehabilitation..their idiot owners won't be any good there. And they rushed a child who was yelling for help for Gods sake....My Lord I'd make it my special task to get these dogs off the street and headed for euthanasia.mid it was my dog who suffered like Charlie.

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The owners got home this afternoon and I met them for the first time. They were all muddy from being out at the flood clean up and obviously very tired. Then they were about to go inside and break the news to their little girls who didn't know yet that Charlie didn't make it.

Sounds like the dog that attacked him will be put to sleep. Two lives lost because of the owner's irresponsibility. :mad

ETA: but the other dog who is just as bad will be kept and will continue to get out. And this afternoon we walked our dogs past - on the way out just the cattle dog was out and the gate was shut and we couldn't see the GSDx. After we got home we came outside again and they had opened the gate and left it open and both dogs were out roaming again. The day after Charlie was attacked! I've been taking photos every time I see them out and putting my complaint in writing with the dog attack form.

The neighbours are saying they will talk to them, give them the vet bill and then ask them to have the dog destroyed and if they do they won't go to Council. But I feel that a report should be put to Council regardless. At least so that they know what happened because they ignored reports and also so that maybe something can also be done about the cattle dog too.

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The owners got home this afternoon and I met them for the first time. They were all muddy from being out at the flood clean up and obviously very tired. Then they were about to go inside and break the news to their little girls who didn't know yet that Charlie didn't make it.

Sounds like the dog that attacked him will be put to sleep. Two lives lost because of the owner's irresponsibility. :mad

God people make me sick, poor little dog. I've had to change my walking route and can no longer go down the next street due to two staffies with really stupid owners have access to the street through open gate/no gate on driveway and a 2 ft fence at the front. They don't like other dogs, the stupid owners take them off lead (no collars either) to the park opposite.

Now in another street nr mine, my other walking route, a stupid young girl has a large bull breed cross in another house with no front fence or gate, off lead OF COURSE. Last night I had to turn back - i could see she was calling him, God knows where he was but I was terrified he'd appear and see me and my little dogs.

Why should good dog owners be the ones to suffer?

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