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My Poor Boys! Rant And After Some Advice :(

Guest Panzer Attack!

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Guest Panzer Attack!

Hi guys,

Feeling a but down today, both my dogs are in the wars.

Rudy, my rescued Cav, has had weepy eyes ever since I bought him home from the LDH, but today I took him to work because he's cut his foot on something and the vet said, while checking him over, that he has entropy in both eyes. Rad. I'm going to call Animal Eye Care tomorrow. I'm livid at myself for not realising earlier, he rubs his face on me a fair bit, but he's been checked by a prior vet as well as being out up for adoption so not really sure what happened there. Durrrrr Emma.

Scooter, my beloved Papillon, had patella surgery last year by a very experienced vet and was doing really well until yesterday... Then he started limping again... And now his knee is clicking again :( Beside myself. I rested him properly, have him on anti-inflams, have been careful with his exercise... WHY.

Has anyone had their dogs eyes operated on? How did it go?

And does anyone know where I can go from here re Scooter's knee?

I will talk to specialists tomorrow, but I'm so upset. I'm so worried for them both. I don't have a lot of money, I guess I should get Ru sorted first? Or what if Scootie's other leg goes? ARRRGGGHHHH.

Rudy is 1 and Scooter is 2 so it's a real bummer, I mean you don't expect this kind of thing but they're so young and life is unfair I guess.

Thanks for reading :(

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Joey often has weepy eyes and rubs them a fair bit on the sofa, but i cleanse them fairly regularly because of it (just around his eyes) our vet has never said its any serious issue. He has had a tiny growth removed of his eyelid in the past without any problems. But they do come back, and hes got another one, but unless it gets much bigger, I won't be getting it removed just yet..

Sometimes it seems like you in the wars with pets, cars, us.. life. *sigh*.

Sorry to hear they both need stuff done soon. Its never easy emotionally or on our pockets :(

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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Don't stress ok? :) Animal eye care are the bestest. I'm sure Rudy will do fine. The worst case scenario is (I believe) that you may have to do a second round of surgery down the track.

I'm pretty sure your Vets will say NSAID's and Cartrophen first for Scootie and see how it goes.

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Hugs PA - I have just sent you a PM but my heart goes out to you. It sucks when you put so much time and effort into surgery and then post-surgery rehab to find it doesn't all go according to plan. Even harder when they are only a young dog.

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I have seen heaps of entropion surgeries ... not really a big op .. but aftercare needs to be diligent to stop them rubbing/scratching .. you will need one of those funky looking helmet thingies , or a plain old cone for a while :) It will make such a difference, if that is the correct diagnosis :)

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Agree with Staff - Animal Eye Care are fantastic. Cannot speak more highly of them. They were itching to try a new surgery on Dizzy's half eye but weren't willing to put him through it because he was coping so well with 1/4 of normal cat vision. I know it's a tough situation but you are capable of dealing with it. One day at a time :) x

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Oh no, just when it was all going so well. I agree if I was prioritizing I would get Rudy's eye surgery first. My vet has let me pay the big bills off over a few months so you could ask for that. Good luck, keep us updated.

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Guest Panzer Attack!

Thanks everyone :) Ru is booked in to see someone at AEC on Wednesday for a second opinion and a discussion about the surgery. The boy will have to take him in since I have work ffffffff

Speaking of work, I'm going to take Scootie in today to have him checked and discuss my options. He's already on NSAIDs SnT! But they are not really working. I never thought this would happen! His quality of life is my main concern and I'm more than happy to stretchy budget as much as possible to keep him comfortable. His mental health really suffers when his knee plays up which is my main concern :(


Edited by Panzer Attack!
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For the eyes, get onto Mediherb eyebright / Euphrasia as soon as you can. It can do amazing things for dogs eyes (and humans, too). I know of a dog that was close to losing an eye due to injury (something about the insides of the eye coming out) and it healed completely with eyebright (in conjunction with traditional medicines as well, but the use of traditional medicines alone hadn't been helping, adding the eyebright gave it a boost that started healing). So now we use it for all eye injuries, it comes in tablet form but you can crush them or dissolve them in water.

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where do you get it from Minimax??

Some pharmacies have it in store, it requires a natropath or clinician details to order, but usually if you put your vets name and phone number in it's fine.

My aunts a pharmacists so I get it from her, but if she hasn't got it in stock I order from http://www.fourbody.com.au/mediherb-eyebright.html and put my vets name and phone number for the practitioner's details. I think you can get it direct from Mediherb too.

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Entropion surgery is usually very successful and the dogs often have almost instant relief. :) He will have disolving sutures and have to wear an e-collar for a week or two, but eyelids heal very quickly so he'll be back to normal very quickly.

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Guest Panzer Attack!

Thanks for that Kirty! And minimax too xx

Scootie's next step is X-rays so once Ru has had his consult and I find out how much I'm up for (urk) I'll get cracking. I had him at work for obs today and he wasn't limping but his knee is still crappy. We are not going to up his drugs at the moment due to potential kidney damage (I would cut back if I could!) so I guess I'll have to sit on my hands for now and play the waiting game. He's the one I'm worried about. He's been moping about which is unusual and got very upset when we were looking at his leg. SIGH.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi HD :) Good news is that Ru's eyes are fine!

Bad news is that Scooter's OTHER back leg is luxating AND he's hurt his back somehow. Berk. Now I'm in between jobs I'm applying like mad for a new one and praying things don't get any worse before I'm in a better financial position!

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