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What Do You Use To Wean Baby Puppies?


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I go through this every litter. It rarely is straight forward.

Mine are nearly 4 weeks old now and we have just started the weaning process. Some have taken to pretty much anything I put down eg. Puppy milk with raw mince, Advance canned puppy, Rehydratable puppy dry, yoghurt.....then there are the other pups that will barely touch it.

Has anyone found a food to use for weaning that all puppies love???

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Yes. My absolutely minute, tiny toy poodles will wolf down Puppy Pal at 3 weeks. Every time

You don't have to give them the crap forever but the texture & smell seems to always be right. Once they get the knack of actually eating you can add other things & then knock it out altogether. I never give milk of any kind, they only get that from mum.

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I don't start to wean my pups, I let them start the wean themselves in their mothers food bowl.Sometimes they are as young as two weeks when they find the bowl and help themselves, others are much later.

The bitch will wean the pups for you and it doesn't matter is they are still having a suckle when they leave home, providing you have introduced them to a water bowl and they eat and drink on their own, without their mother.

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Yes, I have to agree, I have got best response from Advance Canned but if Pedigree will do the job then I will try that.

I tried to get the little trays that Advance used to sell but can't seem to buy them now. Have they stopped making them?

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BIG meaty bones, with the meat scraped/scored :) Easy as .... they love the smell, instinct starts 'em sucking , which is good ...then after a day or 3 they start to learn chewing ....then I introduce mince/dry (not soaked) and water bowls .

No mess .. good strong chewing learned early ...and they don't bolt their food :)

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I think it must be easier to wean larger breeds than it is to wean small to medium breeds.

No I don't think so, my Pug litters were weaned the same way as the Staffords and currently the Whippet litter.

I think a lot of owners push to wean the pups, when really they will wean themselves given time

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BIG meaty bones, with the meat scraped/scored :) Easy as .... they love the smell, instinct starts 'em sucking , which is good ...then after a day or 3 they start to learn chewing ....then I introduce mince/dry (not soaked) and water bowls .

No mess .. good strong chewing learned early ...and they don't bolt their food :)

No big meaty bones for my tiny babes, they would be bigger than them :laugh: One of the things that you have to be aware of with smaller breeds is can you get into their mouth if something gets stuck ? Its hard enough to dislodge anything from a mouth but when they are miniscule its impossible if they start to choke. I find they are keen to start eating at an early age the difference is what you actually feed. Also have to be careful they can't drown in the water bowl & use something quite shallow.

Edited by Christina
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No big meaty bones for my tiny babes, they would be bigger than them :laugh:

Yes!! That's the whole idea :D

I use beef shins or lamb shanks or roo tails .... at least 30 cm long, so all babies can have a go !! I score all the meat - so they can suck/chew it off the bone with no danger ..or mess .

Oh, and I do not use water 'bowls' for anything baby ..fur or feathered...I much prefer a 'trough' sort of arrangement at first

I always use the narrowest container I can ... just big enough for noses/beaks - I'm not teaching swimming, I'm teaching drinking ;) For tiny critters I use a cut-down drink bottle ..larger ones, the round cake tins with a hole in the centre- that sort of thing ..

Edited by persephone
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I think there must be a BIG difference between breeds which is not understood unless you happen to have that breed when it comes to weaning.

It is either that or a combination of that and the size of the pup/dog.

My lot are totally disinterested in a meaty bone, scored or not. They will smell it but not lick it and raw mince doesn't interest them either.

They are however showing some interest in Natures Gift puppy food in the tray. They would probably consume 1/4 of one of the little trays. Not what you would call big eaters but I am settling for interest at the moment.

Of course this is NOT the kind of food that I will be feeding as they get older but it will do to get them started.

I have also found that it is better to stick to ONE variety of food. They seem to get confused if I change it. They seem to recognise that it is food better that way.

Edited by Stitch
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