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Mama Cat And Kittens In Pet Shop Window


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ANIMAL welfare groups have blasted a CBD pet shop for placing a nursing cat and her kittens on display in a front glass case.

Pets Paradise in Melbourne Central placed the animals in the front window around Christmas time, when thousands of holiday shoppers would have passed by.

Melbourne Animal Rescue has lodged complaints with the shop and centre management and is using social media to urge its supporters to do the same.

The rescue group said placing the animals on public display would be stressful for the mother and put the kittens in ''grave danger''.

Advertisement The three kittens were aged between six and seven weeks at the time.

Under the Department of Primary Industry's code of practice for the operation of pet shops, it states ''all animals offered for sale must be weaned and fully self-sufficient''. The minimum age for cats is eight weeks. According to the Domestic Animal Act, a business caught breaching the code can face a fine of up to $85,504.

Debra Tranter, president of anti-puppy-farming group Oscar's Law, said it was ''completely wrong'' to put a nursing mother under the public's glare while she bonded with and nourished her newborns.

''I've never seen this before. A mother needs privacy; they actually crave privacy, which is why they often give birth in secluded areas,'' she said.

Shop manager Sammi Gao defended her decision, saying a friend of a friend asked her to have the cat and her kittens adopted because they were moving overseas.

She said she could not care for them in her apartment and she didn't want to separate the animals.

''I took them in and I looked after them,'' she said.

Ms Gao said she and her staff had received several complaints, some of which had upset her staff.

''I know what I'm doing because I love animals; I'm not using the animals to make dirty money,'' she said.

The mother cat has recently been adopted and one kitten has been sold. The kittens are now nine weeks old.

''The RSPCA believes displaying a nursing mother and her kittens in a public window is highly inappropriate,'' said Allie Jalbert, the RSPCA's Victoria manager of animal shelters.

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Off Topic:

Gary Diamond, the guy who used to own Pets Paradise*, also owns Global Pet Products - the distributors of Innova Pet Foods in Australia.

Just thought you might want to know.


*Pets Paradise is now in receivership...


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ANIMAL welfare groups have blasted a CBD pet shop for placing a nursing cat and her kittens on display in a front glass case.

Pets Paradise in Melbourne Central placed the animals in the front window around Christmas time, when thousands of holiday shoppers would have passed by.

Melbourne Animal Rescue has lodged complaints with the shop and centre management and is using social media to urge its supporters to do the same.

The rescue group said placing the animals on public display would be stressful for the mother and put the kittens in ''grave danger''.

Advertisement The three kittens were aged between six and seven weeks at the time.

Under the Department of Primary Industry's code of practice for the operation of pet shops, it states ''all animals offered for sale must be weaned and fully self-sufficient''. The minimum age for cats is eight weeks. According to the Domestic Animal Act, a business caught breaching the code can face a fine of up to $85,504.

Debra Tranter, president of anti-puppy-farming group Oscar's Law, said it was ''completely wrong'' to put a nursing mother under the public's glare while she bonded with and nourished her newborns.

''I've never seen this before. A mother needs privacy; they actually crave privacy, which is why they often give birth in secluded areas,'' she said.

Shop manager Sammi Gao defended her decision, saying a friend of a friend asked her to have the cat and her kittens adopted because they were moving overseas.

She said she could not care for them in her apartment and she didn't want to separate the animals.

''I took them in and I looked after them,'' she said.

Ms Gao said she and her staff had received several complaints, some of which had upset her staff.

''I know what I'm doing because I love animals; I'm not using the animals to make dirty money,'' she said.

The mother cat has recently been adopted and one kitten has been sold. The kittens are now nine weeks old.

''The RSPCA believes displaying a nursing mother and her kittens in a public window is highly inappropriate,'' said Allie Jalbert, the RSPCA's Victoria manager of animal shelters.

Sure lovey - you didn't have anywhere in the shop you could have put the cat and kittens away from the public?

As for the staff being upset - shows how clueless they are that they didn't think it was inappropriate.

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Guest Wildthing

"I love animals" roles off the tongue so easily these days and in my opinion, means absolutely b----- all. I have no need to say it as my actions speak for themselves.

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"I love animals" roles off the tongue so easily these days and in my opinion, means absolutely b----- all. I have no need to say it as my actions speak for themselves.

Couldn't agree more. Sick of hearing people telling me how much they love their dogs but could I come and get them NOW. When I turn up I'm usually looking at a flea ridden, matted and neglected mess with bad teeth. Love? Really?

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