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Please Help Me Save My Dog


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Then after work I crated Roo while I went to the shops. 35 minutes. She did paw and bite a lot at the crate, but not in a frenzied way.

Interestings things I learned today:

"distress" signals (lip licking etc) are completely absent when Roo is alone. She doesn't do any of the trembly stuff. Not once!

The 'panic' ie biting doors and crate, does not appear to be driven by distress. She didn't seem distressed at all. Nek said to me, she's learned "scrabbling at her confined state is just something she's learned to do when you're gone" (not those exact words but you get the idea). Well I think that is definitely true. But, how to unlearn it? I don't really know.....crate, or backyard, seems to be the same, she just does it.


The good thing about what you're doing along with Nek, is looking precisely at what Roo does... and working from there to come up with strategies that fit her. Not from some pre-packaged 'recipe'. Nor from slavishly following what might have worked with another dog.

Each dog is different. Our 2 dogs with SA, were not alike. One did well after low dose valium was added, the other did well with just the behavior modification strategies.

And I know damn well that I could get another dog tomorrow with a separation anxiety problem that could really baffle & challenge me.

Same if you were working with a behavioral problem with a child. You have to work with exactly who that child is & exactly what that child does & how they respond to anything you do. If every child (& every dog) were the same, then pre-packaged recipes would be all we'd need.

I think you've gone miles ahead in the last week or so. Roo's being comfortable in a crate .... & actually choosing to go in there...is so interesting. And who'd have thought it! Tells so much about her that wasn't known before.

Edited by mita
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Nobody said stop did they????


Jelly you and Nek are doing great things, I have a huge amount of respect for you as you have done so much for this girl.

Tralee, stop smoking joints or whatever it is you are doing

Edited by OSoSwift
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I think I might love you

I can live with that :rofl:

Hey nothing wrong with listening to other people, even if they are very very wrong. You say good day, have a nice life and move on with your own.

It's like when a 'trainer' gave me a dressing down in a vet clinic about how a dog I took on should be euthanised, is a lost cause, unpredictable, dangerous blah blah blah and who do I think I am to take it on, what qualifications did I have to think I knew better... in front of clinic clients ... so I told her politely what I have done, it took a little while and said thank you for your time :)

Oh yeah, best bit was when she vipered at me 'oh you're one of those trainers who uses a choke chain ... we don't believe in using force or choking dogs'

No but killing it was high on your agenda instead :thumbsup: awesome logic

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Roo is beautiful, but then I'm a confirmed bull breed lover. I do love her colouring looks like she had eyeliner. My experience is similar Nekhbet, both trainers who told me PTS were positive only. I'm ok with someone saying my method will not fix your dog so I won't waste your money, however presenting that there is no other way to help a dog isn't really fair.

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Gorgeous Roo :thumbsup:

Few years ago I started showing a dog who was nervy. There is a big break in the showing calender from about October to March up this way. Phoned an obedience club to ask if I could just bring him for socialisation. Fine until I mentioned I use a check chain - horror!!! Anyway talked them into letting me attend. My boy was the only one there going around on a loose lead by my side, the rest in the beginner class (where some had been for ages) were hopeless. Couple asked me how I got my dog going so well. Use a check chain BUT make sure you know how to use it. Next time I went was told not to fill peoples heads with cruelty lol. Makes you wonder if all this 'stuff' is contributing to the dog temperament problems.

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Still not enough pics of the gorgeous Roo... I think we need very regular insertions of photos actually... she is absolutely stunning!

Those big dark eyes just look right into your soul, don't they?

I think I'm in luuurve... *sigh*

As for check chains - I love them - they work very well when used correctly. I've had arguments with training groups about using one with my dogs over the years, but I usually get my own way once I've demonstrated that I DO know how to use one.

The only one of my dogs I haven't used a check chain with is Pickles, and that's because she's disabled and has super sensitive spots on her neck that preclude the use of any type of collar. She has done some obedience training on a harness with positive effect - but she's a completely stubborn little turd regardless most of the time. I'm just happy if she heels nicely - I don't care if she will or won't sit or drop on command - it's difficult for her to do so due to her disability.

Harper hasn't had any formal type of training yet, but she will soon (once we fix my current spinal injury issues), and I will be using a check chain for her too.


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I have one dog who will actually destroy a cage crate if she's confined - I have photos to prove it too! My other 3 dogs are quite content in a crate, in fact the horse puppy jumps into hers and won't come out if I open the door... crazy dog!

I have 4 dogs, and they are paired up for company when I'm not at home. 2 of my dogs can't be together at all, but are fine with the other 2, so pairing works for us well. They have company at all times with our routine, so I'm lucky that none have manifested any form of separation anxiety.

Nekh - how does Roo react if she has doggy company when Jelly is out of sight? Do you think that maybe sometime down the track she might do reasonably well with a companion doggy friend?


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No but killing it was high on your agenda instead :thumbsup: awesome logic


I'm ok with someone saying my method will not fix your dog so I won't waste your money, however presenting that there is no other way to help a dog isn't really fair.

To be fair, I've been told there are two methods. Medicate, or pts ;)

Still not enough pics of the gorgeous Roo... I think we need very regular insertions of photos actually... she is absolutely stunning!

Those big dark eyes just look right into your soul, don't they?

I think I'm in luuurve... *sigh*

Oh, okay then. If I must ... :laugh:

Puppy Roo



Bit bigger Roo


Three a day is probably enough!! But she is pretty....

Edited by Jellyblush
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