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Sudden Grass Allergy ?


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Fergs developed some little bumps on his legs last night, and one pimple type bump on this tummy (one one there, lots of little bumps on front legs, at the top). He has been itchy and I checked tonight and one spot is red raw - very angry looking and almost bleeding.

I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow, but does this sound like a grass allergy? It is very localised. He is 5 and has never had anything like this. He walked in some wandering Jew weed on Sunday, could that be the culprit?

Is there anything I can do to make it better tonight? I have cortisone tablets here, but nothing else. I hate seeing him suffer....

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Give a good soaking wet down/wash with Calendula Tea. You might even find you don't need to rush to the Vets if the redness/angriness of the skin recedes. Keep repeating the washes or at least "wash spots" until the skin has healed. And then watch to see if the problem recurs.

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Thanks everyone. I had none of these things last night! Even though I know cortisone works, I didn't give him any because I have no idea about dosage.

Erny - as soon as I saw it I thought of calendula tea!

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I rush for the Calendula, first step, rather than cortisone. I always keep Calendula in supply in my cupboard for the "just in case I need it" times, and it's there for me to treat something as soon as I spot it.

How is Fergs today?

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I'll definitely try it first. However, if he doesn't clear up very quickly we'll go to meds because it must really be hurting him (there is one 10cm section that is red, red raw and he's chewed at it). He didn't lick that much this morning so hopefully it is coming down. I really just hope he doesn't have a grass allergy because he does agility etc.

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The quicker you apply, the quicker it will have effect and the better effect it will be.

You should notice improvement inside 12 - 24 hours (from my experience) and quite often immediately in terms of dog not paying as much attention to it.

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