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Interesting Morning Walk


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Was walking through my local off lead park this morning and came face to face with 2 dogs offlead, no owner in sight.

I knew the dogs as they are ones that bark their heads off at me from their front yard as I walk past. I was ummm slightly alarmed as my girls aren't super friendly. Luckily mine were also off lead and everyone said hello pretty nicely.

I walked them in the direction of home through the park and then managed to get one on a lead when we got to the road. Put my 2 on one lead and off we went with the other one following.

Had to walk past another dog that likes to rush the fence and I nearly pissed my pants when I saw that its gate wasn't latched, was just sitting closed. Bolted past at the speed of light! Luckily I think that one is getting a bit more used to me.

Got the 2 dogs home and in their garden. Their fence was all locked up like it normally is. Went back to fix the other fence and found a neighor and got him to do it as I can't go near with my dogs.

I am now concerned about how the other 2 got out. The gate was secure (as well as usual) and I couldn't see any way that they had got out from the front. Didn't want to go into the backyard as they might not have liked that. They seemed pleased I had got them home but I didn't want to push the friendship. The owner wasn't home.

I'll leave a note for the owners but should I be doing something else? It would be very bad for them to be out in Victoria. In hindsight it might have been better to bring them here but like I said mine aren't that great with dogs and I don't have a secure run.

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That was very nice that you took the dogs back.

I think leaving a note is the best thing you can do, other than knocking on their door, when they are home. You could leave your telephone number if they wish to contact you to discuss anything.

Hopefully they will do something to prevent it happening again.

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I am just worried that the dogs were supposed to be at home and hadn't got out from somewhere else. Or even that the owner isn't laying in the woody bit somewhere. The council are currently in there doing council stuff so hopefully they would notice someone. :eek: I have a vivid imagination.

I forgot to say how pleased I was with my girls.

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I think you did the right thing. I would maybe just leave a note saying that they were running around loose and you were worried they might get nicked or hit by a car. Could they have jumped the fence? Or could someone have let them out a gate or somethng?

We had a beautiful little Staffy girl come wiggling up to our front door one night and my OH went walking the streets to find her owner, we found some people who knew where she lived so we asked them to let the owner know what had happened (apparently its a common occurence) and left her in a secure porch area with some water. The owners didn't even come to thank us, but meh, as long as she was safe.

Oh and good on your girls :thumbsup:

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I think you did the right thing. I would maybe just leave a note saying that they were running around loose and you were worried they might get nicked or hit by a car. Could they have jumped the fence? Or could someone have let them out a gate or somethng?

We had a beautiful little Staffy girl come wiggling up to our front door one night and my OH went walking the streets to find her owner, we found some people who knew where she lived so we asked them to let the owner know what had happened (apparently its a common occurence) and left her in a secure porch area with some water. The owners didn't even come to thank us, but meh, as long as she was safe.

Oh and good on your girls :thumbsup:

It is a pretty high fence. The gate is fastened with a dog lead and was still all done up, but maybe someone let them out and did it back up.

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