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Something I Noticed When I Was In The Usa


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Eastern Europe when I travelled there was fairly dog friendly all over. Dogs in hotels, under chairs in restaurants (or owned by the restaurant and sleeping by the bar), in parks, at concerts and in shops. I'd love to take Sully to Germany with me one day, met so many lovely dogs in dog-friendly places there.

Germany is generally 'tier-leib' (animal loving). But I doubt dog ownership numbers are above 1 family in 4. It's very expensive keeping a dog in Germany, and people take the responsibility about as seriously as they take raising children. (I lived in Leipzig for almost three years . .. with a dog).

Also, we have a dog tax in Germany, hence why I do not understand why Berlin would be covered in dog shit. That is what people over there pay these exorbitant taxes on their dogs for, so that the street cleaners can be paid to clean up whatever owners leave behind. I remember living in Munich and those of my friends with dogs would refuse to pick up their dogs' business because they were paying several hundred Euros a year for the priviledge of owning one dog. They figured the money should be used for its intended purpose. I thought that was pretty reasonable, would be different if they were not paying this huge amount each year and had to clean up after themselves instead lol

All in all I found Munich to be extremely dog friendly, dogs are allowed pretty much everywhere including restaurants, large shopping malls, subways, trains, pretty much anywhere except supermarkets

I don't find Australia very dog friendly at all in that regard and where I live, there is still dog shit all over the place because nobody cleans up after their dogs

ETA: To be fair I have to say that Foxy is very popular here in town and since she is well behaved, she is allowed in some of the shops, including the bank and news agent's.

Edited by BlackJaq
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