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Hottest Day In Sydney Today On Record 45.8 Degrees!


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Wow the heat in Sydney today is mind boggling :( with hottest day in Sydney on record 45.8 I live in North West Sydney and it got to 44 here and 46 in Penrith :eek: . Due to the extreme heat today I decided to work from home today so I could be home with my Lab boys in the aircon as my black lab boys would have struggled with the heat today, particularly my 14½ year old boy. Also my aircon in my car is not working and have booked it in for a service next week, so no way was I going to be driving my car in this heat today, I would have probably melted on the drive home :laugh:

One of my staff just contacted me to ask if she could leave early today (4.30pm) as her husband was going to pick her up on his way home, otherwise she would have to walk to the station (about a 10min walk) in the extreme heat along with some of the other workers who went home earlier as apparently the office aircon struggled to work in the heat today. Even my home aircon is not functioning as good as it would nromally and I would say a lot of office/home aircons struggled to cope with this extreme heat.

How did you and your poor dogs fare today in this extreme heat. It must have been extremely hard on outside dogs today :( When I let my boys out to the toilet a couple of times, it was like a furnace out there, when I opened the door the blast of heat was unbelievable and they were out and in very quickly. Even when I am not home, they have access to both inside and outside, but without aircon today, they would have really struggled.

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Around midday I drove the pugs to mums house as she has air-con and we don't! We've been hanging out here all afternoon, I've taken them out to the bathroom once (mums is an apartment) and it was disgustingly hot, so I'm going to wait and see if it rains before I decide when to go home!

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North west here too, it was nearly 30 at 9am this morning :eek:

I didn't book any clients today so the dogs are in my salon with the air on.

I kept spraying the budgie's outside, they are under cover, but i went to put ice in their water bowls and the water was boiling!

Next time i will do it sooner, had no idea it would heat up so quick. :(

I took the dogs out early for their morning walk, but my dally is already looking at me through the back door waiting to go for his evening walk! Think it will be a drive to the lake at the end of the road for a quick swim and back again to keep him happy, at 13 you would think he would give up on days like today! :laugh:

Starting to look like a storm is comming, windy and overcast, wish it would hurry up.

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44 here at around midday. Phew ! I have lived in the Port Stephens area for 20 years & I think it is one of the hottest days I can remember. Maybe just getting old LOL.

I took both my BC's down to the beach for 3 hours this morning & they have been indoors in 22 degree's of air con ever since , sound asleep ATM :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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Just got the storm here (northern beaches) approximately 4 1/2 minutes after hubby watered the garden :banghead: We've had the aircon on since 8 and hibernated! The dogs didn't seem to bothered when they went outside as they wanted to through the day (we have a dog door) so they are clearly insane

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Inside in the air conditioning all day - and it is struggling :( :( and dogs have access to house and yard at all times. I have water bowls inside which I check on through the day.

If the dogs want a walk, they'll have to take themselves :eek: Myrtie is looking longingly through the sliding doors, but no way are we going out unless there is a change.

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I called my Mum today to complain that the temp where she lives in North East NSW was only 26 degrees, and we were sweltering here in Sydney - but we were all OK and the lovely Katdogs has been checking my furkids while I was at work.

Mum said that the last ime it peaked over 45 degrees in Sydney was when her mother was pregnant with her... 73 years ago! And they didn't have air con back then in suburbia... errr!

Well - we've now officially had the hottest day in recorded history in Sydney... and I hope it's at least another 73 bloody years before we see another like it!

There's something nasty brewing though... poor Zeddy is doing the thunderstorm freak out show already and refused to have her dinner. Just what I need in this heat, a velcro Rottie cross!


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Had to go out early this morning but was back home by 10.30am - already felt hot then. The dogs & I have spent the day in the aircon - happy dance for ducted air. There is some grumbling going on so hopefully the predicted storm isn't too far away and will cool things down.

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"Only" 39 here in Canberra... And no air con at my house :(

The dogs have been lying around all day moving from spot to spot. I have ice packs and frozen water bottles wrapped in towels around for them to lean against, but they don't seem to want to :shrug: Riley keeps coming and lying against my legs until I push him off too, he's crazy!

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I called my Mum today to complain that the temp where she lives in North East NSW was only 26 degrees, and we were sweltering here in Sydney - but we were all OK and the lovely Katdogs has been checking my furkids while I was at work.

Mum said that the last ime it peaked over 45 degrees in Sydney was when her mother was pregnant with her... 73 years ago! And they didn't have air con back then in suburbia... errr!

Well - we've now officially had the hottest day in recorded history in Sydney... and I hope it's at least another 73 bloody years before we see another like it!

There's something nasty brewing though... poor Zeddy is doing the thunderstorm freak out show already and refused to have her dinner. Just what I need in this heat, a velcro Rottie cross!



does look like storms on its way

I know how we felt week or so ago when it reached 45 in metro area

it was horrible going outside , stifeling air

yesterday here wasnt much better

going back few summers ago I whent to take Sam and Tara outside and Sam just stood at the door and looked at me as if to say " You must be jokeing " and then walked back inside lol

weather like mentioned in this thread is hard for air cons to keep going , if dont have power failures to top it off

wet towels on dogs and wet cool neck ties for humans at least helps

stay cool and safe everyone

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I can see the clouds, but they are just teasing me right now... and the BOM radar isn't exactly showing anything on the horizon either...

C'mon Huey! Send me some cooling rain goddammit!

Zeddy is still playing velcro dog, but I'm not seeing anything coming yet when I go outside - it all seems to be missing us as bloody usual!


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That kind of temperature is just ridonculous! I'm actually suprised so many of you have air con down that way - it is a must up here but I really feel for people in unit blocks that might only have fans or something equally useless in that kind of heat. Before I got air con I remember one night falling asleep with a bowl of ice perched on my belly (overhead fan on) and I was eating the ice to cool my innards as well as my outards. Another day when it was in the low 40s I bundled the parents and all the dogs into my car and we drove around all day with the air con on high. Now of course - bliss!!!!

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Feel for the train commuters as an hour's delay on most lines as heat has caused havoc with tracks and overhead lines - imagine being packed in like sardines in this heat today and the aircon on those trains would probably not cope very well in this extreme heat. I would not want to have to travel on a train today in Sydney/NSW, it would be unbearable.

Can't wait for the change to blow through, they reckon around 8pm, so hopefully this change will happen as forecasted :)

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