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When Should I Worry About A Constipated Dog?


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My 6.5 month old pup seems to be quite stopped up :(

She's never had this problem before, but I noticed her straining this morning and then couldn't poop and then gave up. Then tonight on our walk she didn't even try (first time on a walk EVER she hasn't pooped), then tonight again she tried twice, straining hard but no success.

She ate her dinner with her usual enthusiasm and played as normal this arvo but seems a bit flat tonight (though it's possible I'm being paranoid).

She's recently (1 week or so ago) been switched from Taste of the Wild grain-free dry to Artemis dry (contains grain). I also feed a bit of 'big dog' BARF because she likes it with each meal. I did the gradual change over between food and she didn't have any GIT problems I noticed, however, now she's not doing so well!

She's also on a 3 week course of oral antibiotics for a UTI (but in my experience this would be more likely to cause diarrhoea than constipation?)

When would you guys say enough is enough and take her to a vet?

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NO food in the morning.. even if she does poo ..just drink ... stock. lactose free milk, water , red meat soaked in water to make a 'tea' Give her gut a rest ..

If nothing happens tomorrow morning - time for the vet , as impactions are painful, and messy to resolve

It may not be the brand of food - she may have eaten something which is not food ..... and which is not travelling thru easily ...

Edited by persephone
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My girl gets constipated if she eats too many bones, her poo is literally like concrete and very difficult for her to pass if she gets constipated.

She is a rescue and when I first got her she ate anything she could get or find. She was so blocked up when I first got her she was trying so hard to do a poo that fell down and was yelping badly- it was literally like she was trying to pass a brick or concrete that was stuck. I I always keep a very close eye own her and making sure her poos are OK. Sorry for the detail.

I found adding a bit of extra water to her food helps or liquid parrafin really helps. Parrafin has worked every time for my girl- I find it great.

If it's really bad a can of dog food can works wonders- the sloppier the can of food the better to help poo. Again sorry for gross detail.

Edited by MelissaS
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NO food in the morning.. even if she does poo ..just drink ... stock. lactose free milk, water , red meat soaked in water to make a 'tea' Give her gut a rest ..

If nothing happens tomorrow morning - time for the vet , as impactions are painful, and messy to resolve

It may not be the brand of food - she may have eaten something which is not food ..... and which is not travelling thru easily ...

I would take her to the vet this morning, don't wait any longer. She probably needs an enema and if that doesn't work she'll need to be flushed out under anaesthetic.

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I rang the vet and got her an appointment for early this afternoon, then took her on a super long walk and made a point of going from one poop to another on the way (no one picks up their dog's business here in the northeastern suburbs apparently) which eventually encouraged her to have another go. SUCCESS! Then when we got home she went again. I couldn't see any reason for the problem..... Cancelled the vet under the understanding I'll be keeping a close eye on her for a while and will bring her in if I'm worried again.

This dog will be the death of me....!

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