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Dry Food Product Concern


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I admit I do buy supermarket brands of dry food for the Cavs every so often. I do prefer to get the most suitable types from the vets, but in between I still pick up a pkt from the local woolies.

I mostly try to get the more well known brands, but I have picked up few times over the last year the Purina Beneful dry food (when its been on special)

A friend just sent me this link as she knows we have had problems with Renae's high liver enzymes levels recently ( all is good atm). And even tho its been reported in America, its still sold here ! :eek:


I know some of you will say that dry pkt food isn't good for them and you should give them a raw diet (Im working towards that now) but its just very scary to think there could be a link to our recent health scare !! I was putting it down to her flea treatment, but now I'm wondering if was because of this food ?

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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That's exactly the reason I won't feed a commercial diet. I want to know what my dogs are ingesting. My head tells me that dogs are born to eat raw and natural foods. I know there are many out there that will disagree with me, and those of you who do, you're perfectly entitled. Given the choice of commercial or raw, my boys will always go for the raw first and foremost. I say this because on occasions I pet sit my cousin's schnauzer and his dry food is sent over with him. I have been given the option by his owners to feed him like I do my own and he and my two will avoid the commercial and hoe straight into the raw. Must be something to it. My visitor invariably goes back with almost the same amount of dry food he came with. My two go and sniff and turn away.

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Thank you for your reply twodoggies :)

I do see where you are coming from (and others re raw food being better) I don't doubt that.

I've done various diets over the years with all my dogs, and i cant say I have noticed a huge difference with the different diets i have given them. They all been pretty healthy for the most part and lived to fairly good ages.

I was recommended dental dry food by our vets because we were having some dental issues which is because they don't really get into chewing bones, except chicken neck, which doesn't last long enough to be of great benefit for their teeth! :(

I am currently looking into going back to a raw diet, as my new puppy would have started on it by the time i get her.

But this is the first time ive had a dog with liver issues, and Im just trying to link up why she had them? as has been healthy up to this recent scare.. the vets said it was a recent toxin build up too, not one over a long time..

Processed foods are dicey i admit for dogs and us humans..

Im actually given them a lot more vegetables in their diets now:)

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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I don't know re liver issues, but I don't have a problem with feeding dry food. Although after the recalls in recent years I've become a bit more fussy about which dry foods I feed, and as far as I know the brands I feed now have never been involved with any recall (last time I checked anyway).

I see in that link there hasn't been a recall of Purina (yet). There are some very sad stories on the link through to the consumer affairs site though. :(

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I know dogs that have been reared on dry all their lives and live till ripe old ages and their sires and dams before them.

Whats more they were they were Australian Grand Champions.

To me its a choice of what the owner wishes to feed.

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Yeah thats not a major issue with me either Oakway.. :)

My only concern is that i hope its not this particular brand of dry food that caused Renae's issues.. might be just coincidental, same with the flea treatment we had previously had her on..

Its just hard to prove one way or other :confused:

Edited by Jules♥Cavs
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I don't know re liver issues, but I don't have a problem with feeding dry food. Although after the recalls in recent years I've become a bit more fussy about which dry foods I feed, and as far as I know the brands I feed now have never been involved with any recall (last time I checked anyway).

I see in that link there hasn't been a recall of Purina (yet). There are some very sad stories on the link through to the consumer affairs site though. :(

Yeah well this one hasn't ever been recalled officially, but just the info has scared me a bit, well a lot !

Ive never had problems previously with any type of dry food I've given them, or any of my dogs in the past,,

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Hi Jules :wave:

Unfortunately you have a sample of one - so you won't prove anything.

But having said that, the fact you are even suspicious and asking the question suggests to me that switching back to a raw diet where you are confident in everything Renae eats would be a good thing - even if just for a while. And then get the vet to repeat the bloods and see if there has been any improvement.

Are you ever in town? If you are, you could pop in and see Karina at Adelaide Dog and stock up on her and Bens raw formula - it's wonderful and $4.50/kg. But you do need room in the freezer. I use their food all the time and the westies do very well on it - and if you bulk it up with black and gold frozen mixed veg (not Coles or Woolies - they're yuck), or fresh veg, then you'll be surprised at how cheap it is. Would be worth the experiment even if just for a month I reckon.

Hope that helps. , :)

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Why don't you call the Purina Pet Care line and talk to them about it. The Beneful sold here is made in Blayney NSW and the vast majority of the raw ingredients are sourced from Australia.

Yeah that was my next thing i was going to do Danois :)

I think I just got a bit alarmed when i first saw the article, I'm not so worried now .

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Yeah thats not a major issue with me either Oakway.. :)

My only concern is that i hope its not this particular brand of dry food that caused Renae's issues.. might be just coincidental, same with the flea treatment we had previously had her on..

Its just hard to prove one way or other :confused:

It is never nice not knowing what the actual cause is, you have my sympathy.

I went through a similar thing (Nothing like your case) just four days of vomiting when I introduced a new food.

I'll never know if it was a bug or the food as I will not feed it again. :laugh:

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Hi Jules :wave:

Unfortunately you have a sample of one - so you won't prove anything.

But having said that, the fact you are even suspicious and asking the question suggests to me that switching back to a raw diet where you are confident in everything Renae eats would be a good thing - even if just for a while. And then get the vet to repeat the bloods and see if there has been any improvement.

Are you ever in town? If you are, you could pop in and see Karina at Adelaide Dog and stock up on her and Bens raw formula - it's wonderful and $4.50/kg. But you do need room in the freezer. I use their food all the time and the westies do very well on it - and if you bulk it up with black and gold frozen mixed veg (not Coles or Woolies - they're yuck), or fresh veg, then you'll be surprised at how cheap it is. Would be worth the experiment even if just for a month I reckon.

Hope that helps. , :)

Hi there ! :D Long time no see!

Yeah well with our new puppy coming soon, I want to do all the right things. its like your first couple kids (not that ive had any) but they say by the time you get around to having more of them, you wisen up about how to go about doing things right by then. Well thats what I've been told anyway lol

The vet is repeating the tests in a few months time, but its more to see if her special meds got her levels down with the last results, or not.. the next test will determine if she has to go back onto them or not.

Im rarely in Adelaide anymore. Im giving heaps more fresh veges to them now anyway :) they do get raw chicken necks too.

Our puppy's breeder will be giving me a lot of guidance with the her feeding routine, as shes into raw and natural for her dogs and cats :)

My husband still thinks its the flea treatment we had her on that caused her problems, we stopped it a while back...

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