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Sick Doggie


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Hi all,

I thought I would ask the question here before I take my boy to the vets once again.

He is a 2year old ridgeback who we love to death, he is a big softie who unfortunately has a constant case of upset stomach. On and off for the last year he has a bouts of loud gurgling stomach noises, eating grass and vomiting it back up and not wanting to play or eat anything. After a couple of days he feels better and all is good again for a couple of weeks until It happens again. He is feed advantage dry and a small amount of advantage canned food and has a shiny coat. The only thing is.....he eats chicken poop! I'm just wondering if this might be the thing upsetting his stomach or if you think it might be something else?

Thanks in advance!

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Isn't bird poop toxic to dogs?

I don't imagine it would be very good for him.

I hope you find out what is wrong with him but I think he really needs to see a vet and maybe get a stool sample to take up (full blood work up as well might help).

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Yep get him checked for coccidia perhaps.Next time he has an episode, take a stool sample for testing.

You might want to add a probiotic to his diet. Get one in capsule form from the chemist or health food store rather than giving yoghurt though as it is stronger. You will find them in the fridge section.

Edited by espinay2
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Thanks for the replys :)

When he was 9 weeks old he got very very sick with what the emergency vets thought was coccidiosis... He was treated and made a full recovery. Do you think this may have just been dormant in his body until now?

I think it's time to go back to the vets and request a blood test :(

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If he has had it, it is possible. It can be hard to get rid of if you have it on your property.

Try to limit access to the chook poo if you can (hard I know if you have free ranging birds. You may need to rethink how you manage the dog and birds though).

Definitely back to the vet :thumbsup: .

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Yep definately needs stool sampling and blood samples done possibly salmonella http://www.dog-world.com.au/salmonellosis-in-dogs.htm which you can contract from dog as well as anyone else handling excreations, also Giardia is another bad little parasitic infection. Dog would need complete course of appropriate antibiotic medication + keep all water boiled to prevent reinfection with giardia, hard I know but lives in water in lakes/creeks/dams/tanks/ bowls that are not frequently washed and cleaned properly, some humans and animals develop a natural tolerance others don't and become very unwell.


Also you will need to keep dog away from any fowl droppings if you don't want a very expensive vet bill over and over. :(

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Yeah I have booked him in for Saturday morning to go and see the vets. I'm thinking it must be some sort of parasite from the bird poop...so now I have to keep him away from it...harder than it sounds...lol.

Yeah , we will try the blood tests etc and then if nothing comes up then we will have a look at his food. So complicated to try and figure out what makes him sick when he eats so many different things...most things that shouldn't be consumed anyway! Ahhh the stomach and mind of a ridgeback will never cease to amaze me :)

Thanks for the help DOLers!

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